
  • 网络reduced temperature
对比温度 [duì bǐ wēn dù]
  • [reduced temperature] 指物质的温度对其临界温度的比值

  1. 同时基于这些模拟值,参考CE理论和Heyes关系式,以对比温度、对比密度以及对比孔径为变量,关联出两个简单流体等摩尔混合物在微孔中扩散系数的计算模型。

    Based on the Chapman-Enskog theory and Heyes equations , two correlation models , which can describe the diffusivity of simple fluid mixtures in porous media , are proposed as functions of the reduced temperature , density and pore width .

  2. 比容平移量被普遍化为临界参数和对比温度的函数。

    The volume translation is generalized as a function of the critical parameters and reduced temperature .

  3. G~(S(1))为非简单流体热力学性质的校正系数,是对比温度Tr和偏心因子ω的函数。

    G ~ ( s ( 1 )) is a correction factor of the thermodynamic property for real saturated fluids which is a function of both reduced temperature T_r and acentric factor ω .

  4. 作为补充,又开发了一个对比温度为0.8~1.0的传导因数计算式。

    As complementary , a calculation formula with contrast of 0 . 8 ~ 1 . 0 for conductivity factors was developed .

  5. 对比温度及火焰结构还表明,研究中所采用的数值模拟方法可以正确地预测对向流扩散火焰特性。

    Contrast between flame temperature and structure also showed that the numerical method adopted in research could predict the characteristics of counterflow diffusion flame accurately .

  6. 由此得到的对比临界温度和密度分别为Tc=RTc/ε=1.27,ρc=ρcσ3=0.31,与Alder等人的分子动力学模拟结果吻合。

    The reduced critical temperature and density read 1.27 and 0 . 31 , respectively , which are in good agreement with the Molecular Dynamics simulated results of Alder et al .

  7. 测试结石体在不同龄期时的强度,对比固化温度、固化剂掺量、PS模数、PS浓度以及水灰比等因素对结石体强度的影响。

    The mechanical strength of PS-F grouting material is tested at different age and the effect of factors , such as curing temperature , amount of sodium fluosilicate , modulus of PS , concentration of PS and water-ash ratio to strength is also discussed .

  8. 包括与仿真模型的对比,温度曲线与规范要求限值的对比,以及对引起数值偏差较大的施工措施改进方法。

    Including the compared with the simulation model , comparison of temperature curve with the specification limits , as well as the improvement of construction measures numerical deviation .

  9. 具体研究结论如下:(1)通过金相显微镜对变形后的试样进行组织观察,对比不同温度、应变速率下的组织形貌。

    Specific research conclusions are reached as follows : ( 1 ) The microstructures at different temperatures and at different strain rates were compared by microstructural observation of deformed specimens by optical microscope .

  10. 粉体干压成型后,对比不同温度烧结陶瓷的性能,得到最佳烧结温度,并讨论了烧结温度与预烧温度之间的关系和对瓷体密度的影响。

    Ceramics by dry pressing were sintered at different temperatures , and the best point was obtained through the research of those properties . The relation between firing temperature and calcination temperature was discussed .

  11. 最后通过空间对比黑龙江省温度升高区域的水稻、玉米产量变化。

    Finally , the space temperature contrast region of Heilongjiang Province of rice , corn output changes .

  12. 通过对比不同实验温度下的应力-应变曲线,分别定义了上包络线和下包络线。

    By comparing the stress-strain curves at different temperatures , the lower and upper envelope curves are identified respectively .

  13. 不允许出现裂缝的混凝土框架结构温度应力计算将温度应力与荷载产生应力进行对比,分析温度应力的特点。

    Thermal stress calculation of no-crack concrete frame structuresThermal stress was compared with load stress and characteristic of thermal stress was analysized .

  14. 将枯草孢子和隐孢子虫作对比,在温度较高时(≥15℃),枯草芽孢杆菌的孢子可以作为臭氧灭活隐孢子虫的指示剂生物。

    When the temperature is high (≥ 15 ℃), the B. subtilis spores can be used as a biological indicator of Cryptosporidium in ozone inactivation .

  15. 实验研究对比了不同温度下原油-水分散体系的液滴分布及最大稳定粒径,分析了触变性对破碎过程及最大稳定粒径的影响。

    The distributions of droplet diameters in various operating conditions are measured and the influence of thixotropy on breakage process and maximum stable drop diameter is analyzed .

  16. 本文优选出甲醇作为萃取剂,与正已烷对比研究萃取温度、搅拌速率、萃取时间等工艺条件对萃取动力学的影响。

    The influences of process conditions , such as extraction temperature , stirring rate and extraction time on methanol extraction kinetics were investigated in comparison to the N-hexane extraction .

  17. 通过对比不同固化温度条件下的粘合强度,结合DSC/TG曲线确定了最佳固化工艺。

    Combined with the DSC / TG curve , we determine the best cured temperature of water glass by comparing the adhesive strength of different concentration of water glass .

  18. 由温度场的影响区域和马氏体相变层的厚度对比可知,温度不是产生马氏体相变的直接原因。

    By comparing the thickness of martensitic transformation layer with the temperature effect depth , we can conclude that the temperature is not the direct cause for the martensitic transformation .

  19. 通过对多孔玻璃微珠组分对比,分相温度、时间的对比,酸溶时间的对比,得到控制多孔玻璃微珠最佳工艺。

    Through the comparison of ingredient , the phase separation temperature and time , acid treatment time , we get the best technology of how to control the aperture of the porous glass microsphere .

  20. 并通过与翅片散热效率曲线对比表明,温度场熵不仅反映了传热过程中系统的热力性能和热效,而且揭示了翅片热效变化的内在机理,对优化此类热力系统的设计具有实际应用价值。

    Compared with the curve of fin efficiency , temperature field entropy can not only reflect system 's thermodynamics capability but also find out the change mechanism of fin efficiency . It is valuable for the actual application to optimize thermal system design .

  21. 基于不同钍浓度的温度声速系数相同的特性,本文提出采用双通道对比法消除温度对检测钍浓度的影响。

    Based on the fact that " sonic speed " coefficient of temperature is independent of thorium concentration in TBP-kerosene system , a method of " dual-way comparison " is proposed to eliminate the effect of temperature for the determination of thorium concentration .

  22. 对比结果显示温度曲线变化趋势是一致的,分析表明模拟结果与试验测试结果的温度差值呈线性关系,可用回归公式进行定量表达。

    The comparison shows that the trends of the temperature curves of simulated and recorded results are consistent . The analysis shows that there is a linear relationship of temperature difference between simulated results and experimental results , which can be expressed by regression formulae .

  23. 通过对比催化剂表面的温度振荡和产物中CO2的浓度振荡观察到各种复杂的非稳态过程,加深了对产生化学振荡的机理认识。

    Various complex unsteady states were observed by the comparison of the catalyst surface temperature oscillations with the CO_2 concentration oscillations in products .

  24. 通过正交设计和对比实验研究了温度、pH值以及Cl-和SO42-含量对321不锈钢点蚀电位的影响。

    The effects of temperature , pH , Cl ~ - and SO ~ ( 2 - ) _4 concentration on pitting potential of 321 stainless steel were investigated by using quadrature test design and contrastive test .

  25. 根据工程机械在户外作业的特点,对LCD屏的对比度进行了温度补偿,补偿后的LCD屏不会因环境温度变化而导致LCD屏对比度出现明显变化。

    According to the characteristics of construction machinery in the outdoor work , temperature compensation has been applied to the contrast of the LCD screen , thus it will not be changing obviously due to changes of the ambient temperature .

  26. 从POY原丝各细分纤维纤度与孔数的对比选择、牵伸温度和网络压空等方面入手,剖析了涤纶牵伸复合丝织物染色疵点的成因及其布面表现形式。

    Starting with the comparison of fiber number and hole number of the components , draft temperature and network pressure air , the paper analyses the reasons for the formation of dyeing flaws of the draft compound silk fabrics of polyester fiber and the forms on the cloth .

  27. 通过对比不同电压、温度和时间条件下天然方解石晶体电注入吸收谱,得到方解石晶体电注入着色最有效条件为温度480℃、1200V电压和注入时间270min。

    The most effective condition , at temperature 480 oC , voltage 1200 V and electrolysis time 270 min , of the electrolytic coloration of the natural calcite crystal is gained by contrasting to the absorption spectra of the electrolytically colored calcite crystals at different voltage , temperature and time .

  28. 算法验证方面,将拉曼激光雷达温度反演结果与南京上空的探空数据和大气模式数据进行对比,证明了温度反演算法的可靠性。

    To verify the temperature invertion algorithm , Raman lidar temperature inversion results were compared with both the sounding data above Nanjing and the atmospheric model .

  29. 对西番莲进行酶解取汁、成分调整后,分别进行了固定化发酵和游离发酵对比试验,不同温度下固定化发酵对比试验以及采用复合酵母菌种固定化发酵方式进行酒质优化试验。

    It was tested by using immobilized cell fermentation in comparison with free cell method , brewing in different temperature and using mulriple yeasts fermentation to optimize vinosity .

  30. 通过对比炉壁热电偶温度信息及应用双色法提取的炉壁温度场分布可知本文采用的计算方法所提取的温度场能够准确的反映灰渣表面温度信息。

    By comparing the thermocouple temperature of furnace wall and ash temperature distribution information it show that the temperature field extracted from the image can accurately reflect the ash surface temperature information .