
duì děnɡ ɡuān xì
  • equivalent relation
  1. 并建立起物体Jacobian与偏速度的对等关系,证明二者在数学表达上的一致性。

    The consistency in the mathematical expression of the body Jacobian matrix and the partial velocity is demonstrated .

  2. 漫谈古诗英译意义和押韵的对等关系

    A Random Discussion of Equivalence of Ancient Poetry in Meaning and Rhyme

  3. 对等关系代表两个企业都不被认定为父企业的关联。

    Peer-peer relationships represent an association where neither business is considered the parent .

  4. GB/T7616-1987二进制表示符号与两态码有意义状态之间的对等关系

    Equivalence between binary notation symbols and the significant conditions of a two condition code

  5. 提出了典型场地中剪切模量比相对变化与地震影响系数和特征周期变化间的定量关系,同时给出了典型场地中剪切模量非线性变化与剪切波速变化间的对等关系。

    The quantitative relation between relative change of shear modular ratio and characteristics period is proposed for typical sites .

  6. 实现的方法中需要改变代理间的对等关系,这增加了通讯成本及系统的复杂性。

    This usually changes the equity relation among the agents , and consequently increases communication cost and system complexity .

  7. 接下来需要做的是要在这些编号(表索引)和函数本身之间建立一种对等关系。

    All I need to do now is draw an equivalence among these numbers ( table indexes ) and the functions themselves .

  8. 制度创新和技术创新是经济增长的两大因素,两者在经济中表现的是对等关系。

    Institution innovation and technology innovation are the most important two factors in economic development , and they have a dialectic reciprocity relationship .

  9. 可随着时间的推移,建筑师和客户之间的关系亲密度变得更甚于对等关系,高端尤其如此。

    But as time progressed , the relationship between architects and clients became closer to that of equals , especially at the high end .

  10. 二十世纪六十年代,英国学者卡特福德借鉴系统功能语言学等学说对翻译中的所谓对等关系做了详细的分类和系统地描述。

    Drawing on Systemic-Functional Linguistics , Catford in the 1960s makes detailed classifications of equivalent relations in translation and describes them in a systematic way .

  11. 称呼语具有确定谈话者关系的功能,这种功能在言语交际中对使用语言有影响作用,这种影响主要表现在非对等关系中。

    Address has a function of determining talkers ' relation , which has effect and function on the use of language in speech communication , mainly represented by unequal relation .

  12. 通过汉韩法律术语的上下义关系、同义关系、反义关系等词义关系的对比,找出对等关系的术语。

    In order to find out an equivalent legal terms in two languages , lexical meaning relations such as hyponymy , synonymy , antonymy are contrastively analyzed in this paper .

  13. 两个输入空间存在着一些对等关系,使得空间内的部分要素相互映射,并在类属空间的参与下选择性地投射到整合空间。

    There are some counterpart connections between input spaces which enable elements partially map each other in the inputs and then selectively project into the blend space with the guidance of Generic Space .

  14. 放羊理论放与管之间的矛盾,体现在放与管的界限没有一个明确可参考的标准。(2)放权与自动自发不是对等关系。

    Sheep and the tube placed between the theory of contradiction is reflected in the boundaries of tube amp with no clear standards for reference . ( 2 ) decentralization and self-motivated is not a peer relationship .

  15. 本文试将英汉成语的对等关系划分为三类:基本对等关系,部分对等关系和不对等关系。

    This paper tries to classify the relations between English idioms and Chinese idioms into three categories according to their level of equivalence , which include : basically equivalent relation , partly equivalent relation and no equivalent relation .

  16. 在P2P网络中,每个节点同时作为服务器和客户端,这种对等的关系,打破了C/S模式-的束缚。

    In P2P network , each node can be either as a server or as a client at the same time that broke the bound of C / S mode .

  17. 首先,小说中的人物处理呈现出一种不对等的关系。

    Firstly , in the fiction character arrangement shows an unequal relationship .

  18. 教师权威与教育影响力之间具有近似对等的关系。

    The teacher 's authority and educational influence are nearly of the equal relationship .

  19. 这是一种非相互的关系,也是一种不对等的关系,因为两个人不能在某一行动范围内同时对对方拥有权势。

    This is not a mutual and equal relation because two people can not have power over one another at the same time in a certain area .

  20. 本文研究表明以视像传播为主的电视媒体和微视频,二者之间并非对立或对等的关系,而是相互补充、相互影响和不断融合的关系。

    The relationship between conventional TV media and the short videos are investigated in this thesis . The result shows that conventional TV media affects and complements each other .

  21. 结果表明:模型与电子电路具有较好的对等映射关系,在权值变换方面也可极大降低硬件实现的难度。

    Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed model has good mapping relations with the electronic circuit , and it can greatly reduce the difficulty of hardware implementation in the weight change .

  22. 由于西欧政治经济长期处在美国的主导和控制之下,在安全上也受到美国的保护和支配,使欧美关系一直是一种不对等的关系。

    Because the political economy of Western Europe had long been under the leadership and control of America , and its security also under American protection and administration , these had caused the Euro-American relationship to be an unequal one .

  23. 日本一直将唐朝视为其邻国,并一直想建立与唐对等的外交关系。

    Japan has always regarded Tang Dynasty as its neighbours , and wants to establish equal relations with Tang Dynasty .

  24. 在对等的情感关系中,这种卑微是相互的,是男女双方对一份情感的努力和付出。

    In such emotional relationship , this humble is mutual , both men and women a feeling of effort and pay .

  25. 论述了冷战时期,苏联与中东欧建立的既是一种战略联盟关系,也是一种极不对等的国家关系;

    During the period of cold war , the Soviet Unionbuilt a strategic alliance relation with the Central and EastEuropean countries , but it was an unfair relationship .

  26. 老年人本就是弱者,人都应心怀怜悯之心,过于严苛的法律得不到公众认同,过于不对等的诉讼关系得到的判决也必然存在着不平等。

    Older persons are weak . People should have mercy . A law that is too harsh will be lack of public recognition . Inequality is doomed be born from the judgment with a wrong litigation relationship .

  27. 是指在语义上要有两个或两个以上的主体共同参与,投射到句法上表现为两个论元之间的相互关系,这些主体之间存在着主从或对等的动作关系。

    It refers in the semantics must have two or two above main body participation , projects the performance is together two discusses a Yuan between to the syntax in the reciprocity , between these main bodies has the host from or the coordinated movement relations .

  28. 第三章讨论了读者反应论与翻译和动态对等理论之间的关系。

    Chapter three focuses on the relationship between reader-response theory and translation and dynamic equivalence .

  29. 本文试图在文本功能和翻译对等方面建立紧密关系,同时认为文本功能应该成为翻译对等实现的基础,而建立在文本功能基础上的对等则可以成为一种翻译标准。

    This dissertation intends to argue that translation equivalence is closely related to text-function and that the realization of translation equivalence shall have text-function as its basis .

  30. 从词义上分析,汉英词的词义有对等、交叉和非对等三种关系。

    For the lexical meaning , the relationship between Chinese words and English words can be summered up into three kinds : equivalence , intersection , and non-equivalence . 4 .