
  • 网络love plus
  1. 由于《爱上爱》这款游戏有声音识别软件,所以SAL9000可以和妻子交谈,甚至可以和她玩石头、剪子、布等简单的游戏。

    As the game " Love Plus " has voice recognition software , SAL9000 says it 's possible to have a sort of conversation with Nene or even play simple games such as rock , paper , scissors .

  2. 我希望你们也会爱上我爱的东西。

    I hope you love what I love .

  3. 所以,爱上不爱自己的人,必竟是比较少数的。

    So , it 's minority that we love a person who don 't love us .

  4. 彼后一7在敬虔上供应弟兄相爱,在弟兄相爱上供应爱。

    Pet . 1:7 And in godliness , brotherly love ; and in brotherly love , love .

  5. 喜欢和爱,也是反射作用。所以,爱上不爱自己的人,必竟是比较少数的。

    Like and love are also reflections , so it 's very rare for someone to love someone who hates him .

  6. 3.:爱上春天是爱的最佳时分,爱上生命,爱上大自然,爱上自己和分享自己生活的人们。

    eg. Spring is a perfect time to fall in love with life , with nature , with ourselves and with those who share our lives .

  7. 我爱上Summer了我爱她的笑

    I 'm in love with Summer . I love her smile .

  8. 我爱上了一个爱的我女人

    I 'm in love with a woman who loves me .

  9. 爱上一个不爱你的人是很难受的,但最让人痛苦的是

    Love a person and that person does not love you is very

  10. 她唯一的过错就是爱上了不该爱的人。

    Her only crime was to be in love with the wrong man .

  11. 爱上一个人和爱一个人是有区别的。

    And there 's a difference between being in love with someone and loving someone .

  12. 你需要爱,但当你爱上某人时,爱注定要让你痛苦。

    You need it but when you love , it 's like destining yourself for pain .

  13. 严酷的是现在没有房子,但是钱德拉爱上了恶劣的爱,他们结婚了。

    Harsh is now out of the house , however Chandra falls in love with Harsh and they get married .

  14. 爱上一个不爱自己的人是痛苦的,但最痛苦的莫过于你所爱的那个人并不知道你爱他,而你却没有勇气让。

    It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return , but what is the most painful is to love .

  15. 爱上一个不爱你的人,无论你如何呵护,却仍然不是对方需要的东西。

    Fell in love with a person who does not love you , no matter how you care , but it is still not each other 's need .

  16. 这三枚在许愿池里的硬币代表了三个年轻女孩的心;每一个女孩都渴望能得到她们同时爱上的男子的爱。

    The three coins in the fountain are symbolic of the hearts of three girls ; each girl is longing for the love of a young man that they all love .

  17. 我单恋的这些日子是最黑暗的日子&因为我无可救药地爱上一个不会爱我的男人。

    These years that I 've been in love have been the darkest days of my life , all because I 've been cursed by being in love with a man who does not and will not love me back .

  18. 谁见到她就会爱上她,谁爱上她就会永远爱她。&罗伯特彭斯

    " But to see her was to love her , love but her , and love her forever " - Robert Burns

  19. 我用了三天,漫长的、时常感到困惑和沮丧的三天,才爱上AppleWatch。但一旦爱上了,就爱得颇为深沉。

    It took three days - three long , often confusing and frustrating days - for me to fall for the Apple Watch . But once I fell , I fell hard .

  20. 这种观点认为上帝在灵魂上是完美的,因此便爱上了自己,或者说爱自己而非爱上,爱与爱上是不同的概念,我前面分析过了。

    The idea God is spiritually perfect , and consequently are falling in love with himself , or being in love than falling in love , because that 's a separate concepts , you remember in my analysis .