
qǐ wàng
  • hope for;look forward to;yearn for
企望 [qǐ wàng]
  • [look forward to] 盼望

  • 并不企望住在壮观的大楼里

企望[qǐ wàng]
  1. 我们都企望持久的和平。

    We all hope for an enduring peace .

  2. 感谢以往的惠顾,并企望能继续获得您的支持和信赖。

    We thank you for your past favours , and hope for a continuance of your support and confidence .

  3. 他在门口转悠了一整天,企望有机会同局长谈谈。

    He hung about the entrance all day , hoping for a chance to speak to the director .

  4. 这是我们多年所企望的。

    This is what we have been looking forward to for years .

  5. 相反地,她却对生活充满了企望。

    Instead , she aspired towards life .

  6. 山上那所大房子是我所企望得到的。

    The big house on the hill is my ambition .

  7. 出版商和作家都明白,不能企望超过这个数目许多。

    Publishers and authors know not to expect much better than that .

  8. 他们企望别人替他们安排时间。

    They look to others to structure time for them .

  9. 我只带着空空的手和企望的心。

    I start on my journey with empty hands and expectant heart .

  10. 邻里工作中,凡当企望实行社会行动时,则常常同政治力量产生关联。

    Neighborhood work is concerned with political forces whenever social action is desired .

  11. 多年企望的平静,秋天般的平静和老年的睿智,这一切又将有什么价值?

    Long hoped for calm , the autumnal serenity and the wisdom of age ?

  12. 平等心是不企望不好的感受赶快消失,也不企望好的感受持续下去。

    Equanimity means not wanting unpleasant sensations to cease and not wanting pleasant sensations to continue .

  13. 美国企望借助美加关税的统一实现两国政治上的接近。

    America tried to accomplish two countries ' approach in politics through the unification of their tariffs .

  14. 通过本文的论述,企望为广大语文教师适应现代语文教育趋势,提高自身素质结构进一臂之力。

    The thesis expects Chinese teachers will improve the quality structure adapting to the modem Chinese educational trend .

  15. 清代诗人执着的探索与追求体现了他们企望超越前人的一种可贵的创新精神。

    The persevering exploration and pursuit of the Qing Dynasty poets embody a valuable innovation spirit to surpass forefathers .

  16. 对革命成功与女子解放之间显示于表层的直线联系,抱着过于简单的企望。

    And their pursuits were limited by their superficial understanding of the linear connection between revolutionary success and women 's liberation .

  17. 我们一生需要不断地学习、修正,努力使自己能够达到心中企望的标准。

    We need to keep a lifetime to learn that , to make their own minds hope to achieve the standard .

  18. 在企鹅的心中永远充满着希望,所以它们总是昂首挺胸,企望远方。

    To them , there are always hopes . That 's why the penguins always erect themselves upright and look afar .

  19. 我国金属矿山通风系统技术改造状况与2000年发展企望

    The situation of technical remoulding of ventilation system at domestic metal mines and the expectation of its development after the year 2000

  20. 大师和经典是造型艺术所企望的高峰,但这座高峰并不存在于子虚乌有之处。

    A master or a classic is not only the expected peak of plastic arts , which does not exist in nothing .

  21. 作者企望把自己在与国外联合设计中碰到的问题与相关的专业人员作一交流。

    In the paper the author analyzed the questions and problems he found in his joint design work for consideration and opinion .

  22. 同时,根据一些股份制试点企业的经验教训,提出组建石油企业集团的几点意见,旨在企望建立一个规范化的四川油气田企业集团。

    According to the experiences of trying share system enterprises , some ideas of setting up petroleum enterprise group are proposed out .

  23. 这大树远远高于心灵的企望,也远远超出想象的空间。这是造化的奇迹,足以使繁星分隔两地。

    Which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide and this is the wonder that 's keeping the stars apart .

  24. 不要问我带些什么到那边去.我只带著空空的手和企望的心。

    Ask not what I have with me to take there . I start on my journey with empty hands and expectant heart .

  25. 铜镜上的工艺美术,反映了唐人企望吉祥和瑞的生活追求、多样统一的审美理想和精湛的工艺水平。

    Bronze mirrors art reflect peoples pursuit of happy life , diversifying and unified aesthetic ideal , and polished technique in Tang dynasty .

  26. 如果你没什么好事可写,旧事重提永远可行,并且企望没有人会注意到。

    If you haven 't got anything nice to say , bang on forever about any old thing and hope no one will notice .

  27. 她对她丈夫、母亲和别人一样,都是这副样子,因此不能企望她会亲密一些。她除了重复前一天说过的话之外,别无他言。

    Towards her husband and mother she was the same as to them ; and intimacy was therefore neither to be looked for nor desired .

  28. 企望这一论述对舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲的版本学习方面,以及对该作品及舒伯特其它钢琴作品的演奏实践方面有所帮助。

    The author hopes this research to be helpful for edition study and interpretation of this work and the other piano pieces of Franz Schubert .

  29. 因而极渴求参与其时代的政治与知识界生活,惟愿给同时代人赋予勇气、信念、企望与勃勃生机。

    Eager to participate in the political and intellectual life of his times , he wished to bring courage , faith , hope , and vigor to his contemporaries .

  30. 吉利企望借助沃尔沃的品牌影响力提升自身的品牌形象,这就意味着吉利并非仅仅是经济型轿车。

    Therefore , Geely attempts to take the advantage of Volvo 's brand impact to promote its own brand image , which suggests that Geely is not just an economy car .