
  1. 明代青花瓷是融合了多种文化和风格的产品,适应性广,观赏性佳。

    The Blue and white porcelain is a fusion of various cultures and styles of products , wide adaptability , finely ornamental .

  2. 明代青花瓷的外销与明代政治、经济政策尤其是对外政策的变化有着紧密的联系,并对外销地经济、文化的发展产生了深刻影响。

    The exportation of the blue and white porcelain is tightly connected with the political and economic policy of the Ming Dynasty , especially the foreign policy , and influenced the development of the local economy and culture deeply .

  3. 明代青花瓷和元代、清代的青花瓷都有所不同,且形成自己独特的风格,其中各朝的青花瓷又各有特点,质量水平也不尽相同。

    In the Ming Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty , Qing Dynasty Blue and white porcelain is different , and formed its own unique style , in which each dynasty Blue and white porcelain has a characteristic each again , the quality level is not the same .

  4. 论明代景德镇青花瓷的艺术魅力

    The artistic charm of Ming Dynasty blue-and-white porcelain in Jingdezhen

  5. 从唐代出现以来,经过元代发展,到明代,青花瓷已经成为景德镇陶瓷生产的主流。

    It has been appeared since the Tang Dynasty , developed maturely in the Yuan Dynasty , and become the mainstream of the Jingdezhen porcelain product in Ming Dynasty .

  6. 据此,本文以明代景德镇青花瓷为立足点,采用叙议结合的史论方法,对明代青花瓷的外销进行了系统分析。

    Based on these points , using a fixed method of relation and argument and taking the blue and white porcelain of Jingdezhen as a major example , the paper gives a systematic analysis of exploration of blue and white porcelain of the Ming Dynasty .

  7. 本章以明代对外政策的变化为依据,将明代青花瓷的外销相应地分为早、中、晚三期,并分别加以阐述。

    According to changes of foreign policy in the Ming Dynasty , the exportation of the blue and white porcelain is divided into three periods , and analyzed respectively .

  8. 第一章在追溯青花瓷起源的基础上,结合明代不同时期社会经济的发展,着重分期论述了明代青花瓷的发展状况。

    Chapter one firstly casts back the origin of the blue and white porcelain , and then mainly discusses its development in the Ming Dynasty together with the social and economic development in every stage .