
  1. 明星制造&当代最耀眼的设计明星菲利浦·斯塔克

    Star Making & The most shining design-star Philips Stark in Contemporary France

  2. 而在如今大众传媒时代,明星制造成为媒体文化中一个较为突出的现象。

    In the era of mass media , star shaping becomes an outstanding phenomenon in media culture .

  3. 体育明星还制造了很多社会效应呢!

    Sports superstars even have a lot of social impact !

  4. 大众媒介语境下的中国电影明星机制建构&从电影《色·戒》中的明星制造谈起

    Chinese Star System within the Framework of Mass Media & A research on Star Making in the Film " Lust Caution "