
  • 网络Corner;bend;bend angle;bending angle
  1. 总冠军还留在最后一场比赛最后一圈的最后一个弯角决出,这就是历史上最伟大的F1赛季之一所应该具备元素。

    The chances are the fight will go down to the last corner of the last lap of the last race , which is exactly the way it should be after one of the greatest F1 seasons there has ever been .

  2. 特里突然在弯角处出现了。

    Suddenly Terry appeared around the corner .

  3. 针对U形件中多角对回弹的影响,设计了一组带翻边、不同弯角数的U形件进行实际冲压成形试验。

    A series of flanged and multi-angle U shaped parts were designed in allusion to influences on springback by multi-angle to conduct punching experiments .

  4. 如果这一方法无效,船员们还将向设备的各个弯角和缝隙发射高尔夫球和结绳以阻塞它,Wells说。

    If that doesn 't work , crews also can shoot golf balls and knotted rope into the nooks and crannies of the device to plug it , Wells said .

  5. 而在第一个弯角取得领先之后,事情就变得容易一些了,尽管我仍然无法和我的技师ChrisDyer取得联系。

    Once ahead of the pack after the first turn , things became slightly easier , although I could not communicate with my engineer Chris Dyer .

  6. 运用有限元方法对纯铝的等径弯角挤压(ECAE)过程进行了模拟计算,探讨了挤压通道外接圆弧角ψ对挤压载荷及试样变形均匀度的影响。

    The equal channel angular extrusion ( ECAE ) process of pure aluminum was simulated with finite element method . The influence of the curvature angle ψ of the outside corner on the extrusion load and the deformation uniformity was discussed .

  7. 细长脖子、后弯角的非洲东部纤细的羚羊。

    Slender east African antelope with slim neck and backward-curving horns .

  8. 各种弯角很充分的考察了车手的驾驶技艺。

    Some corners are really difficult which can watch out the drivers'skill .

  9. 从车架的轨道拆卸弯角器折曲软管支架。

    Remove caliper flex hose brackets from the frame rails .

  10. 等通道弯角多道次挤压工艺累积变形均匀性研究

    Study of material accumulated deformation uniformity of equal channel angular multi-pass pressing process

  11. 对于这里的新增加的减速弯角你怎么看?

    How do you find the new chicane here ?

  12. 圆形挤压件等通道弯角挤压过程三维数值模拟与参数分析

    Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation and Parametric Analysis of Equal Channel Angular Pressing for Round-workpieces

  13. 我觉得这里有很棒的弯角。

    I think it has great types of corners .

  14. 矩形波导任意弯角的对称切角的矩量解

    Moment Solution for Rectangular Waveguide Arbitrary Angle Bends with a Corner Cut Symmetrically

  15. 为何此隐肩支台系统将会减少弯角支台的使用?

    Why will this Stealth Shouldered Abutment system decrease the use of angled abutments ?

  16. 多弯角宽板弯曲成形板厚变化特性研究

    Research on thickness variation of Multi-Bending metal sheet

  17. 他溜过了长廊的几处弯角,又停下来听。

    When he had turned many angles in this corridor , he still listened .

  18. 多弯角钢板弯制件展开长度计算的新方法

    Spread Length Calculation of Sheet Metal with Multi-Bends

  19. 一种12个弯角零件两次压弯成形设计

    A Design of Forming for Manufacturing Bend Parts with 12 Angles by Two-time Bending

  20. 但是这里的弯角更慢,侧面只有很小的力。

    But the corners are slower here and there are only small lateral forces .

  21. 后弯角变化对涡轮叶栅能量损失系数的影响

    The Effect of the Different Backward Curved Angles on Energy Losses Coefficient in Turbine Cascade

  22. 腰椎侧弯角对老年腰椎管狭窄症的诊断意义

    The importance of lumbar scoliosis angle for the diagnosis of senile lumbar vertebral canal stenosis

  23. 多弯角板料弯曲成形金属流动规律研究

    Study on the Law of Metal Flow of Bend Forming Process of Sheet Metal with Multi-Bends

  24. 带预弯角胶接件接点的理论分析和实验研究

    A Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study of Contact Point of the Bonded Parts with Preformed Angle

  25. 摩擦阻力对纯铝在等径弯角挤压过程中变形的影响

    Influence of Friction Resistance on the Deformation of Pure Aluminum during Equal Channel Angular Extrusion Processing

  26. 快速弯角,长直道,美好的高度和天气总是扮演它的一部分。

    Fast corners , long straights , nice elevation and the weather always plays it 's part .

  27. 凹底平车的弓型凹底架,其弯角部的结构设计,是凹底平车设计中的关键技术问题。

    The structure design of bending portion of depressed center flatcar underframe is a key technological problem .

  28. 有些连接路或许弯角过急,你须要减速,才可安全驶过。

    Some slip roads may have sharp bends which can only be taken safely by reducing speed .

  29. 而迈克拉伦则有点让人吃不准&因为他们在高速弯角应该会有点麻烦。

    About McLaren I am not so sure-because of the high-speed corners they might suffer a bit more .

  30. 当你进入弯角,你不能看见坡路另一面的情况。

    When you go in to the corner , you can 't see what 's on the other side .