
  • 网络solid state lighting;LED;ssl;solid state lighting SSL
  1. 发展节能环保固态照明光源研究

    Developing the Energy-saving and Environment-protective Solid State Lighting Source

  2. 固态照明是高亮度LED(发光二极管)在应用方面拓展的一个全新领域。

    Solid state lighting is a high brightness LED ( light emitting diode ) in the application to expand a new field .

  3. 大功率LED是一种电致发光的半导体器件,在固态照明和显示领域有着广泛的应用前景。

    High-power LED is an electro-luminescent semiconductor devices , popularly applied in solid-state lighting and display areas .

  4. 功率型LED是一种极具市场开发价值和社会效益的新型固态照明光源。

    Power type LED is a new solid-state lighting source , which has great market value and social benefits .

  5. OLED(即有机发光二极管)是继LED之后的下一代固态照明技术。

    OLED ( Organic Light-Emitting Diode ) is the next generation of solidstate lighting technology .

  6. GaN半导体材料为直接带隙材料,在信息显示和固态照明等领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    GaN based semiconductors manifest a wide direct band gap , and have been demonstrated a large potential for applications in Opto-electronic devices .

  7. 高效、大功率氮化镓(GaN)基发光二极管(LED)是目前固态照明领域的研究焦点。

    Efficient , high-power gallium nitride ( GaN ) - based light emitting diode ( LED ) is currently the focus of research in the field of solid state lighting .

  8. 欧洲委员会(EC)所需的建议书将包括有关创新性的固态照明(SSL)系统的特定目标。

    A Call for Proposals by the European Commission ( EC ) will include a specific objective related to innovative solid-state lighting ( SSL ) systems .

  9. 有机电致发光器件(OLED)在平板显示器和固态照明领域具有非常好的应用前景,是目前非常热门的研究方向之一。

    Currently , organic light-emitting diode ( OLED ) is a very popular research direction owing to potential applications in flat panel display and solid-state lighting .

  10. 二十多年的发展证明,有机发光二极管(OLED)在平板显示和固态照明方面有着巨大的应用潜力。

    Over twenty years ' development , organic light-emitting diodes ( OLED ) show a great potential for application in flat panel displays and solid state lighting .

  11. 聚合物电致白光器件(Polymer-basedWhiteLight-emittingDevices,PWLEDs)由于其在全彩平板显示、液晶显示器背光源和新一代固态照明等领域的潜在应用,已经受到科学和工业界的广泛关注。

    Polymer-based White Light-Emitting Devices ( PWLEDs ) have drawn intense attention in both scientific and industrial communities as a result of their potential applications in full-color flat-panel displays , back-lighting sources for liquid-crystal displays and next-generation solid-state lighting sources .

  12. 有机发光二极管(OLED)具有传统照明方式所不具有的固态照明的特点,同时由于自身制作特点还具有LED所不具备的特点,OLED照明将赋予照明光源一些新的功能和涵义。

    Organic light-emitting diode ( OLED ) is possessed of the basic characteristics of solid state lighting and some performances different from those of light emitting diodes . Some new functions would be endowed with the illumination when OLED were used for illumination due to these special performances .

  13. GaN-LED固态照明的研究发展至今,如何提高其发光效率是一个迫在眉睫的课题。

    Since GaN-LED has been studied on the application of solid-state lighting , it is still an important problem that how to enhance the light extraction efficiency of GaN-LED chips .

  14. 白色有机电致发光器件(WOLED)不但可以应用于平板显示器领域中,实现低功耗和全彩显示,而且还可以应用于其他固态照明领域,广泛的应用前景引起了人们极大的兴趣。

    White organic light-emitting device ( WOLED ) not only can be used in the field of flat panel displays , carried out low power consumption and full-color display , but also can be applied to other solid-state lighting , extensive application prospect has aroused great interest .

  15. 固态照明系统和技术联盟旨在于找出和减少目前固态照明面临的重大技术难题。

    ASSIST aims to identify and reduce the major technical hurdles currently facing solid-state lighting .

  16. 随着节能环保理念的深入人心,固态照明正在逐渐替代传统含汞灯具照明。

    With continuous demands on energy saving and environment protection , solid-state lighting replaces conventional mercury based lamps gradually .

  17. 除了交通号志及户外看板外,高功率发光二极体也逐渐在背光模组及固态照明等应用中占有一席之地。

    In addition to traffic signs and outdoor-boards , high-power LEDs have gained ground in applications to back-lighting systems and solid-state illumination .

  18. 以化合物半导体材料为发光元件的半导体固态照明正引发人类照明史上的又一次伟大革命。

    Solid-state lighting based on light emitting diodes made of compound semiconductor materials has created another revolution in the history of the lighting industry .

  19. 近些年来,白色有机电致发光器件因其在平板显示和固态照明上的应用,引起了人们广泛的关注。

    White organic light-emitting devices ( WOLEDs ) are currently attracting considerable attention for use in flat panel displays and as solid state lighting sources .

  20. 大功率GaN基LED在全固态白光照明方面具有广阔的应用前景,被认为是最有希望取代白炽灯与日光灯的第三代固态照明光源。

    High-power GaN-based LED has an expansive application prospect in all-solid-state white lighting illumination , which is considered to be the most promising to replace incandescent and fluorescent lamps , as the third generation of solid-state illumination source .

  21. 发光二极管(LED)是一种广泛应用于光电子领域的低成本长寿命固态光源发展半导体照明,节能长效,保护环境,其意义重大而深远。

    Light-emitting diode ( LED ) is a widely used light source . It got the advantage of low-cost , long-life , environmental protection in the development of the semiconductor solid-state lighting .