
  • 网络CD Test;consolidated drained triaxial test
  1. 通过对比分析碎石土加筋前后高压大三轴饱和固结排水试验结果,研究碎石土加筋的抗剪强度特性。

    A research about the shear strength of gallet is carried out by comparison of the outcomes of high pressure and large scale triaxial tests of reinforced and unreinforced gallet .

  2. 用上面三种模型及邓肯EB模型和线弹性完全塑性KG1模型对具有剪缩性的白河堡击实粘性土和具有明显剪胀性的承德中密砂固结不排水试验作了预测比较。

    The undrained behaviors of a compacted clay with positive dilatancy and a medium sand with negative dilatancy wera predicted using above-mentioned three models , Duncan EB and linear elastic model with parameters determined from the CD test data .

  3. 土内孔隙水压等同线不等压固结不排水试验

    Soil lines of equal pore pressure anisotropically consolidated undrained test

  4. 不等压固结不排水试验三轴试样钻孔灌砂固结排水效果试验研究

    Consolidation and drainage effect of drilling and sand replacement samples in consolidated drained triaxial tests

  5. 不等压固结不排水试验塑料排水板水下排水固结原理与工程应用

    Anisotropically consolidated undrained test Consolidation Principle for Underwater Drainage by Plastic Drain Bar and Project Application

  6. 非饱和高压实膨润土水化的数值模拟非饱和心墙料的固结不排水试验特性

    Numerical Simulation of the Highly Compacted Unsaturated Bentonite Hydration Characteristics of unsaturated core soil in earth-rock dam under consolidated undrained test

  7. 通过室内三轴不固结不排水试验,研究了土壤含水率和土壤碱度对土壤抗剪强度的影响。

    Effects of soil water content and soil sodicity on soil shearing strength were carried out in laboratory by triaxial shearing test under unconsolidated-undrained conditions .

  8. 通过对不同配比的粘土-水泥浆液结石体的室内无侧限抗压强度试验以及三轴固结不排水试验,揭示了各因素对粘土-水泥浆液结石体性质的影响。

    Through the unconfined compression test and triaxial rigidity test without drain , the authors studied the properties and influence of different formula for the clay-cement grout .

  9. 这样,为了比较上述两种试验得出的结果,应该将固结不排水试验中的真凝聚力也校正到对应于破坏而上法向有效应力下的数值。

    As to the shear strength mobilized in drained test , both of these two components are related with the effective normal stress on the failure plane .

  10. 在固结不排水试验中,试样在固结压力下固结到一定的含水量,然后不排水剪切。

    In the consolidated-undrained test , the specimen has been consolidated to a certain water content under the consolidation pressure and then sheared with constant water content .

  11. 本文介绍了上海菜工程地基饱和粘土的无侧限试验、直剪试验及三轴不固结不排水试验的结果。

    This paper introduces the results of unconfined compression test , direct shear test and unconsolidated undrained triaxial test for saturated clay at a site in shanghai .

  12. 本文通过对小浪底土坝心墙粘土等应力比和变应力比的固结排水剪切试验,研究了不同应力路径下粘土的应力应变特性。

    A number of consolidated drainage shear tests on the core clay of Xiaolangdi Dam with a constant stress ratio and varied stress ratios are carried out .

  13. 其次,对3种不同粗料含量的非饱和砾质土心墙料做不同含水量下的不固结不排水试验,研究粗料含量和含水量对砾质土的力学性质的影响。

    Second , a series of UU tests for three kinds of unsaturated gravelly soils with different coarse material content ( P5 ) and different water content are performed .

  14. 研究中对取自北京某地区的粉质粘土进行固结排水剪切试验、非饱和土干湿循环试验、非饱和土等向固结排水试验。

    Studies has been conducted for silt clay from Beijing through consolidated drained triaxial tests of saturated soils , drying-wetting tests and isotropic consolidation tests of unsaturated soil tests .

  15. 并结合三轴固结不排水试验实例,介绍了系统的自动化全过程(包括数据实时采集、自动处理、结果输出和图表绘制),以及系统的软、硬件等。

    Through triaxial undrained consolidation test , the paper describes the whole auto proce-dure of the system ( including real time acquisition of data , auto-contral , result output and auto drawing ) and the soft and hard wares of the testing apparatus .

  16. 最后,通过两种结构性土Lacustrineclay和Louisclay的固结不排水强度试验进行了验证,验证表明所建议的准则具有较好的适用性。

    By making comparisons between the data predicted by the criterion and the experimental data from two structured soils , Lacustrine clay and Louis clay , it is demonstrated that the new strength criterion provides satisfactory qualitative and quantitative modeling of the shear strength features of structured soils .

  17. 对京九线路基粉土用GDS三轴仪进行固结不排水剪试验,研究不同围压、含水量、压实度下压实粉土样的应力-应变关系。

    Based on the CU triaxial tests on compacted silt from the Beijing to Kowloon railway subgrade , the stress-strain relationship analysis is made on the silt under different cell pressures , water contents and degrees of compaction .

  18. 对多级加荷三轴固结不排水剪切试验应用的探讨

    Discussion for Application of Consolidation-undrained Triaxial Shear Test

  19. 通过普通三轴固结不排水剪切试验获取修正剑桥模型的参数,用MSC。

    Soil parameters for Modified Cambridge Model are obtained with stress-strain behavior under conventional triaxial undrained conditions .

  20. 介绍了稳态强度理论的基本概念、稳态强度的固结不排水剪切试验方法及试验结果;

    The steady state strength concepts , the consolidated-undrained triaxial shear test method and the test results are introduced .

  21. 对兰州原状黄土不同剪切方位、不同含水量试样进行了一系列常规三轴不固结不排水剪切试验研究。

    Based on the tri-axial test results , the influence of water content and shearing bearings on Lanzhou s loess shear strength parameters .

  22. 应用大型平面应变仪,进行了灰岩及细砂岩两种堆石的风干料及饱和固结排水平面应变试验。

    The rockfill materials of limestone and fine sandstone were tested by large scale plane strain apparatus in air dry and saturated state respectively .

  23. 在固结不排水压缩试验中应力差最大值出现在应力比最大值之前、之后或在同一应变处。

    But the maximum deviator stress in consolidated undrained test or undrained test occurred before or after maximum stess ratio or at the same strain .

  24. 固结排水三轴试验在相同偏应力条件下,试验初始阶段减压三轴压缩试验的应变小于常规三轴压缩试验,且破坏时减压三轴压缩试验的应变较小。

    In consolidated drained triaxial tests , strain in reduced triaxial compression tests is more than conventional triaxial compression tests under the same deviator stress , and reduced triaxial compression tests have less strain when the sample destroyed .

  25. 通过对兰州黄土不同含水量试样进行一系列三轴不固结不排水剪切试验,探讨了含水量对兰州黄土剪切强度参数的影响,并从黄土结构性上做出了合理的解释。

    Based on a series of unconsolidated-undrained triaxial experiments of different water contents in Lanzhou loess , the influence of water content on Lanzhou loess shear parameters is discussed and reasonably explained on the basis of loess structure .

  26. 在各向等压固结不排水三轴试验和K0团结不排水三轴试验的基础上,探讨上海软土的归一化性状,得出一些结论可供进一步研究参考。

    Based on CIU-tests and CKo U-tests , the normalized behavior of soft clay in Shanghai is explored and also some conclusions are acquired , which may be used as reference or for further research .

  27. 该文主要进行了不固结不排水三轴试验(uu试验)和K0固结预处理的不固结不排水三轴试验(K0uu试验)的试验研究。

    The paper mainly tests and studies on three axles test of non consolidation and non drainage ( uu test ) and three axles test of non consolidation and non drainage of K 0 consolidation pre treatment ( K 0 uu test ) .

  28. 砂土的稳态强度固结不排水三轴试验研究

    Consolidated-undrained triaxial test study on steady state strength of sand

  29. 固结排水三轴压缩试验

    Consolidated drained triaxial compression test

  30. 通过应力控制固结不排水三轴试验,研究了饱和黄土的稳态强度特性及超固结对其不排水性状的影响。

    Steady state strength and undrained behavior of saturated loess are studied under stress-controlled undrained triaxial consolidation experiments .