
  • 网络formation water;new;Stratigraphic water
  1. 地层水的Ca2+/HCO-3(单位均为meq)比值大多在0.5~1000之间,也处于高腐蚀速率区。

    The Ca2 + / HCO3 - ratio of formation water ( unit : meg ) mostly ranges from 0 . 5 to 1000 and the intervals are in high corrosion rate areas as well .

  2. CSWI既可以反映泥质岩盖层本身特征对水溶相天然气封闭能力的影响,又可以反映地层水特征对水溶相天然气封闭能力的影响。

    CSWI can reflect not only the influence of the characteristics of mudstone caprock itself on its seal ability to gas in water-dissolving phase , but also the influence from the characteristics of the formation water to the seal ability of mudstone caprock to gas in water-dissolving phase .

  3. P2w+c含水层,受上覆地层水和向斜东翼层间水入渗的影响明显;

    The P2w + c aquifer is influenced by water from upper stratum and west wing of the syncline ;

  4. CO2和地层水、储层配伍性实验研究

    Compatibility study of co_2 with formation water and reservoir

  5. 鄂北HA地区上古生界气藏地层水的地球化学特征

    Geochemistry Characteristics of Formation water of Upper Paleozoic Gas Pool in HA Area of North Ordos

  6. 分析结果表明:在发生腐蚀的阶段没有发现地层水参与腐蚀的证据,CO2是导致气田内部集输碳钢管道腐蚀失效的主要腐蚀介质;

    Analysis results show that no corrosion results from formation water and CO2 is the main corrosive medium in gas field carbon steel pipelines .

  7. 采用高压界面张力装置测定了某油田在油藏温度下,原油中不同CO2注入量时油藏流体/地层水的界面张力,并考察了压力的影响。drop,第1天。

    The interfacial tension of the reservoir fluid and formation water at reservoir conditions was measured using pendant drop method at different CO_2 injected concentration . The influence of pressure on interfacial tension was also obtained .

  8. 实验表明MD膜与油层的适应性较好,与地层水、聚合物和大庆原油的配伍性良好。

    Experiment indicates that MD membrane is well adaptive to the reservoir , and compatible to water in place polymer and crude oil in Daqing oil field .

  9. 同时用HSA和HPB处理后的采出水配制HPAM溶液,粘损小于5%,并且与地层水有较好的配伍性。

    Meanwhile , the viscosity loss of HPAM solution made up by treated water is no more than 5 % , showing better compatibility with ground water .

  10. 2由于TSR产生的大量淡水的加入,使气藏的原生地层水被稀释,造成地层水盐度降低;

    A great deal of water produced by TSR makes the original formation water in the gas reservoir diluted , so that the salinity of formation water is reduced correspondingly ;

  11. 我国大部分油田地层水属弱碱性,HPAM溶液在这类污水中的水解反应速度很快,稳定性变差,因此在选择聚合物和水质时,应充分考虑高温水解作用的影响。

    The most formation waters in our country belong to weak alkaline , HPAM will hydrolyze rapidly in this type of water , and the thermal stability and viscosity of HPAM solution will decrease obviously .

  12. 5口井的应用表明,使用ZSC-201固相化学清洁剂,平均井径扩大率为10.18%,解决了上部地层水化膨胀、缩径问题,保证了起下钻的畅通;

    ZSC-201 has been used in five wells and the results displayed that hydration swelling and shrinking of upper formation was prevented with average borehole enlargement rate of 10.18 % ;

  13. 实验结果表明:模拟临盘地区所用的MMH、MMH-纳米乳液钻井液体系具有组成简单,性能容易调控,滤失量易于控制等特点,但是部分处理剂会与地层水会产生沉淀。

    Experimental results showed that MMH , MMH-nanostructure system had the characteristics of composition was simple , performance easy to control , filtration easy to control and so on . But part of the additives could react with formation water and produce precipitation .

  14. 本文主要对东海W凹陷Y-1井地层水化学资料进行整理和研究分析,研究其水文地球化学特征及其成因类型,进而提出运用水化学资料进行地层划分和油气预测。

    In this paper , the chemical data from formation water of the Y-1 well in W-depression have been systematized in order to study the hydrogeochemical characteristics and genetic types . Furthermore , the stratigraphic division and oil-gas prediction are proposed on the basis of hydrogeochemical analysis .

  15. 凹陷断裂位置与MgCl2和CaCl2型地层水的分布关系说明,可能存在古老地层中的流体沿断裂缝隙向上运移的现象。

    The relationship between the location of faults and the distibution of both MgCl_2 and CaCl_2 type ground water indicates that the fluids ( including oil , gas and water ) generated in older formations would have migrated upward a - long fault fractures .

  16. 但是,在天然气净化工艺过程中,TEG会受到天然气所携带高矿化度地层水、凝析油、气井井下污染物质等污染,往往会造成TEG溶液起泡、产生盐结晶以及高温降解。

    But TEG will be contaminated by the high-salinity formation water and condensate carried by natural gas and the contaminant in gas well in the process of the purification of natural gas , which often causes the TEG solution to blister and produce salt crystallization and high-temperature degradation .

  17. 验证了处理后水与地层水的配伍性;

    The compatibility of treated wat-er and stratum water is verified .

  18. 海拉尔盆地地层水特征及成因分析

    Analysis on features and origin of stratum water in Hailar Basin

  19. 地层水含盐量对岩心孔隙度和渗透率的影响

    The influence of formation water salinity on core porosity and permeability

  20. 水敏性泥页岩地层水化对测井响应的影响

    The effect of water sensitive hydrated shale formation on log response

  21. 气田产出地层水回注水质指标实验研究

    Experimental study of reinjection formation water quality index in gas field

  22. 油气藏地层水蒸发产生盐析的研究新进展

    Research on salting out during formation water evaporation in oil-gas reservoirs

  23. 基于地层水浸泡条件下的支撑剂评价实验

    Experimental study on proppant based on condition of formation water immersion

  24. 川东石炭系气藏产出地层水特征初探

    Characteristics of yielded formation water from Carboniferous gas pools in eastern Sichuan

  25. 地层水在天然气保存中的积极作用

    Positive Effect of Formation Water on Conservation of Natural Gas

  26. 地层水主要为充填孔洞及裂缝。

    The main effect of formation water is filling holes and cracks .

  27. 驱替液有地层水;

    STRATUM The flooding fluids used are : formation water ;

  28. 复杂地层水剖面测井精细解释方法研究

    Study on fine logging interpretation of complex formation water profile

  29. 不同温度、矿化度条件下地层水的密度

    Study on the Density of the Formation Water Under Different Temperature and Salinity

  30. 该期地层水溶解气量基本达到饱和。

    The formation water was basically saturated with dissolved gas at that time .