
dān yì
  • single-wing
  1. 那只只能仰望天空的单翼蝴蝶。

    That only can look at the sky single-wing butterfly .

  2. 压缩荷载下岩石中的单翼滑动裂纹分析

    Analysis of single-wing sliding cracks in rock under compression

  3. 这架单翼飞机在他的摆弄下时速达到了每小时330英里,他感到很高兴。

    He was delighted to coax the monoplane to 330 m.p.h.

  4. 他因驾驶的单翼飞机失速坠地而丧生。

    He was killed when his monoplane stalled and dived into the ground .

  5. 它们与单翼飞机机身上的结构铁管相符。

    They match structural iron tubing from the single-winged plane 's fuselage .

  6. 柔性单翼末敏弹扫描运动研究

    Study on scanning motion of flexible Single-fin terminal sensing ammunition

  7. 这个单翼天使对我来说真的是一个好标题。

    This one-winged angel is really a sign for me .

  8. 他习惯于坐单翼机飞行。

    He is used to flying in a monoplane .

  9. 在这种系统中,单翼的柔性变形是客观存在的。

    In this system , the single fin is sure to be flexible .

  10. 单翼圆柱电磁散射的混合解

    Hybrid Solution for EM Scattering from a Finned Cylinder

  11. 我始终只是那是单翼蝴蝶。

    I always just that is single-wing butterfly .

  12. 结构形式:单翼、双翼、多翼或整体式;

    Structure type : single wing , dual wings , multiple wings or integrated ;

  13. 我依旧是那只单翼蝴蝶。

    I still is that single-wing butterfly .

  14. 单翼迷宫式滴灌带抗堵塞性能试验装置的技术改进

    Technical Improvement of Device for Anti-clogging Performance Test of Single Wing Labyrinth Type Drip Irrigation Hose

  15. 箱门:全开单翼型,带有双层硅橡胶密封和门锁。

    DOOR : full-opening and single wing type complete , double silicone seal hinges and lock .

  16. 单翼迷宫灌水器进口流场数值模拟与结构优化

    Numerical calculation and structural optimization for inlet flow field of single wing labyrinth drip irrigation emitter

  17. 从单翼模型的建立、运动方程的选择以及相关参数的设置等方面进行讲解。

    Building single-wing model , the selection of the motion equations and Setting the related parameters are confirmed .

  18. 单一中厚煤层单翼采区创高产高效工作面实践

    Practice on creating high production and efficient face in the single mining field of the single middle thick coal seam

  19. 配备四台国产的涡轮螺旋桨发动机,AG600飞机采用的是单船身、悬臂上单翼布局。

    With four China-made turboprop engines , the AG600 has a " ship 's body " with high mounted single-cantilever wing .

  20. 研究带有大型单翼太阳帆板的三轴稳定卫星在稳态运行期间姿态精确定向问题。

    The precise attitude control of3-axis stable satellite with huge single flexible battery array for steady state operation was studied in this paper .

  21. 随着悬臂单翼机的效率被证实,不经济的设计逐渐被淘汰,飞机呈现出一种陈规的外型。

    Gradually , as cantilever monoplanes proved their efficiency , less economical designs were discarded , and aircraft took on a more stereotyped look .

  22. 弹性波在单翼煤层的断点位置发生绕射,在煤层内部形成能量很强的槽波,顶底板多次反射波特征也较为明显。

    The channel waves with high energy appear in the coal seams . The multiple reflected waves from the coal roof and floor are obvious .

  23. 结果表明,所设计的单翼末敏弹系统在翼为刚性或弱柔性的情况下均可以很好地实现稳态扫描。

    The calculating result shows that the system designed in this paper can realize stable scanning motion well either the wing is rigid or is slightly flexible .

  24. 对单翼模型的简谐运动以及超前、对称和滞后三种模态进行相应的数值研究并主要从压力和速度矢量两方面进行空气动力学特性的分析。

    Harmonic motion and three modes including advance mode , symmetry mode and lag mode of single-wing model are studied numerically mainly from two ways of the pressure and velocity vector . 3 .

  25. 自我介绍:§传说,每个人都是一个单翼天使,我们来到这个世上就是为了寻找自己的另一半,我千辛万苦找到你,却发现我们的翅膀是顺一边的。

    It is said that , everyone is an Angle with half wing , we live in this world for find our other one . I find you hardly and danger , only to find our wings are at the same side .

  26. 野外实际测量除了满足上述要求外,裂缝单翼长度不应小于十倍的钻孔半径,否则测不到可靠的封闭压力。

    In the case of practical field experiments , it is not only necessary to satisfy the above listed requirements , but also to keep the single-wing length of the fissure within 1 / 10 of the borehole diameter if reliable closed pressure is to be measured .