
  • 网络Rate
  1. 冬小麦不同生育期吸收硒的分配特点是:叶片分配比率在拔节前都高于同期其他地上器官;

    At different growing stages of winter Se element distribution rate of leaf before jointing stage is higher than that of other above-ground organs .

  2. 通过MonteCarlo模拟得到的离子选择系数与交换时间的关系,可以计算出离子在表面的覆盖度(即是在表面的分配比率)随时间而变化。

    Through the relationship between ion selectivity and exchange time obtained from Monte Carlo simulation , the change of ion coverage to time can be calculated .

  3. 生殖器官内32P矿质分配比率,从蕾期一直到吐絮期也不同程度的相对降低。

    The 32 P mineral distribution percentage in reproducing organ decreased from square to open boll stage as well .

  4. 小麦生育后期(抽穗后)特别是在灌浆后期群体根系活力明显降低,穗内32P矿质分配比率减少,茎叶的代谢活力下降;

    The population root activity , 32 P mineral distribution percentage of spike and metabolic activity of stem and leaf of interplanting wheat decreased significantly than that of CK .

  5. 不同季节能量在各器官中的分配比率为,5月份为叶>茎;6月份为茎>叶;

    The distribution ratio of energy were leaf > stem in May ;

  6. 选择系数越大的离子,在表面的分配比率也越大。

    The larger the selectivity coefficient is , the bigger the coverage percentage will be .

  7. 控制生育期的增效、减效等位基因在不育系和恢复系的分配比率,有极显著差异;

    The ratio of distribution of the allele that control growing period is significantly different between sterile line and restoring line .

  8. 平衡施肥可提高药用部分(鳞茎和根状茎)的磷、钾和锌养分的分配比率。

    The distribution ratio of phosphorus , potassium and zinc nutrients of medical parts ( buld and rhizome ) was improved by balanced fertilization .

  9. 第二、三种类型,资本与劳动之间常形成某些比较固定的利润分配比率。

    With the second and the third forms of partnership there was usually a fixed ratio between capital and labor with regard to profit distribution .

  10. 不同时期内,能量在同一器官构件中的分配比率存在一定差异;

    In different periods , the distribution ratio of the energy in the same organ vary , and the same with the distribution ratio in different organs .

  11. 夜间不同时段低温影响光合产物的运输及向根、茎和叶中的分配比率,并导致叶片中糖和淀粉的积累。

    The transportation of photosynthetic production and distribution ratio to root , stem and leaves were affected by low night temperature at different period of time , and the accumulation of sugar and starch were also affected .

  12. 氮磷钾在膜荚黄芪不同器官的含量、吸收积累量及分配比率随着生育时期发生着变化。

    With the passing of growth period , the content of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium of different organs , absorption of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium , distribution ratio of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium was changing .

  13. 喜树幼苗生物量在各器官中的分配比率和喜树碱产量构成受栽培密度的影响较小,但地上部分所占比率显著高于地下部分(大于80%)。

    The biomass and CPT yield allocation of C. acuminata seedlings was little affected by planting density . Compared with the ratio of underground parts , the ratio of overground parts was much higher ( more than 80 % ) .

  14. 利用模型预测出行量在各种交通方式中分配的比率,分析不同服务属性对出行者选择交通方式的影响。

    By this model , one can predict a ratio of different kinds of transportation method assigned , and analyze what influence different properties of the services have on the executor .

  15. 施肥可以增大叶片在干物质分配中的比率,降低木质根的比率。

    The N and organic materials could affect the dry matter distribution in different organs with the increase in leaf and a decrease in ligneous roots .

  16. 企业的违约概率与代表流动性的现金资产比率、与代表盈利性的未分配利润资产比率、与代表资产使用效率的总资产周转率显著负相关。

    The probability of default is positive relevant to cash assets rate which represents liquidity , retained earning rate which represents profitability and total assets turnover rate which represents service efficiency of assets .

  17. 试验结果表明,其高产机理在于光合面积大,光合能力强、T/R值进展合理,同化物分配到块根的比率高。

    The result showed that it had great photosynthesis area and intensity , rational T / R ratio and more assimilated materials move to roots .

  18. 他们认为,企业购并中,购并方的收益率只受两个因素的影响,即企业已分配股息的纳税比率和资本利得税率。

    They think that two factors affect the earning rate of purchaser in M & A : the tax rate on paid dividends and capital gains tax rate .

  19. 小枝生物量和总针叶生物量之间存在显著的正相关关系,其权度关系明显小于1,表明较大的枝具有较低的叶生物量分配比例和较高的枝生物量分配比率。

    The size scale between internode biomass and needle biomass is less than 1 which means that biomass allocation rate is higher for internode biomass than for needle biomass .

  20. 主茎不同节位叶同化的~(14)C都能运转分配至稻株的各器官,其分配的比率不相同,分配到主穗的比率较高,分蘖穗的比率较少。

    The distribution ratio of ~ ( 14 ) C from different node leaves wes higher in the main stem than that in tellers .

  21. 对比两种功率分配方法,即OPA的方法和EPA的方法,由于总功率分配比率与中继位置的不同表现出不同的性能。

    Two power allocation methods are deducted , the OPA method and the EPA methods ; each one performs better than the other according to the total power and the relay position .

  22. 在分配现金之前,出售企业的损益必须在合伙人之间以协议的损益分配比率进行分配。

    The gain or loss from the sale of the business must be divided among the partners in the agreed profit and loss sharing ratio before any cash is distributed to them .