
fēn shǒu
  • break up;break up with;parting;separate;split up;part company;say good-bye
分手 [fēn shǒu]
  • (1) [say good-bye]∶道别

  • (2) [part company]∶分别,分开

  • 就此分手

  • (3) 常指情人各奔东西

分手[fēn shǒu]
  1. 我们不得不分手,真令人伤心。

    It 's sad that we have to part company .

  2. 我和比尔已决定分手。

    Bill and I have decided to part company .

  3. 她刚刚和男朋友分手。

    She 's just broken up with her boyfriend .

  4. 那歌手去年六月和妻子分手了。

    The singer split with his wife last June .

  5. 他们在一起生活了十年之后分手了。

    They split up after ten years together .

  6. 她和男朋友分手了。

    She 's split up with her boyfriend .

  7. 他们分手几年以后在巴黎又偶然相遇。

    Several years after they 'd split up they met again by chance in Paris .

  8. 我们在飞机场分手了。

    We parted at the airport .

  9. 我真的冒犯了埃拉——我不知道她和汤姆分手了。

    I really put my foot in it with Ella ─ I didn 't know she 'd split up with Tom .

  10. 我以为他要为了另一个女孩而和我分手。

    I thought he was going to dump me for another girl

  11. 她分手时说的话让他感觉空虚孤独。

    Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone .

  12. 他承认要与他的瑞典妻子伊娃分手。

    He has confirmed he is parting from his Swedish-born wife Eva .

  13. 我去年和男友分手了。

    I split up with my boyfriend last year .

  14. 他们分手时他表现得很坦然。

    He had been stoical at their parting .

  15. 男友威胁说要和我分手。

    My boyfriend was threatening to finish with me

  16. 我的女朋友已跟我分手了。

    My girlfriend had broken up with me

  17. 打进制胜一球的得分手

    The scorer of the winning goal .

  18. 我的心情一下子很沮丧,以为他要为了另一个女孩和我分手。

    My heart sank because I thought he was going to dump me for another girl

  19. 你不在的时候我们相处得很不愉快,确切地说这次我们差点就分手了。

    We 've had a pretty bad time while you were away . In fact , we very nearly split up this time

  20. 旅行结束时他和我们分手了。

    He parted with us at the end of the trip .

  21. 我们是在车站分手的。

    We said good-bye to each other at the station .

  22. 我们分手时,我怎么能抑制住眼泪?

    How shall I refrain from tears when we part ?

  23. 他夸他是最高的得分手。

    He bragged that he was the highest scorer .

  24. 我们在叉路口分手。

    We parted at the fork of a road .

  25. 我们一直谈到深夜,然后才分手。

    We talked until midnight and then separated .

  26. 我们友好地分手。

    We parted ( as ) friends .

  27. 他们依依不舍地分手了。

    They parted with reluctance .

  28. 可惜的是好景不常,几个星期以后战争爆发,他们又分手了。

    The pity is that their happy days were soon over . A few weeks later the war broke out and they separated again .

  29. 男孩们从公园出来就分手了。

    The boys parted company as they came from the park .

  30. 他们因意见分歧而分手。

    They parted company due to a difference of opinion .