
  1. 鲁迅具有一个分裂的灵魂,各种矛盾对立的因素在其精神世界冲突着。

    Lu Xun has a split soul in which all kinds of contradictory elements contend with each other .

  2. 纯洁完整的灵魂与那些由于杀戮而被撕裂的灵魂的对抗正是代表着哈利那没有遭到破坏的灵魂与伏地魔分裂的灵魂的对抗。

    The juxtaposition of pure and untarnished souls versus those souls ripped apart by murderous acts has been clearly set up with Harry 's undamaged soul vs.

  3. 这些成分就是他们分别对应了记者分裂的两个灵魂,丑恶和神圣感。

    The answer is related to two issues that correspond to the two halves of the journalistic soul , the scamp and the saint .

  4. 在理性和欲望的斗争中,灵魂就开始分裂,分裂的过程也是灵魂自审的过程。

    On the rationality and desire in the struggle , the soul began to split , the splitting process is the soul of self examination process .