
  • 网络fractional curettage;fractional diognosticcurettage
  1. 分段诊刮中运用宫内麻醉减轻疼痛的有效性

    Effectiveness of intrauterine anesthesia for pain relief during fractional curettage

  2. 作者强调早期诊断必需采用诊断性分段诊刮,特别是对月经紊乱者。

    The authors emphasized that diagnostic fractional curettage must be performed for early diagnosis , especially for menstrual disturbance patients .

  3. 8333%经分段诊刮确诊。

    88.33 % of 12 cases were diagnosed as fractional curettage .

  4. 分段诊刮术对子宫内膜癌宫颈受累的诊断意义

    The value of fractional curettage in the diagnosis of cervical involvement in endometrial carcinoma

  5. 影响分段诊刮诊断子宫内膜癌细胞病理分级准确率的临床因素分析

    Clinical prognostic factors influencing the accuracy of dilatation and curettage in diagnosis of tumor grade of endometrial carcinoma

  6. 方法:对210例子宫内膜癌术前分段诊刮标本和术后子宫切除标本行病理检查并进行比较分析,同时B超检查子宫肌层受侵情况与术后病理对照。

    Methods : 210 cases of endometrial carcinoma were given preoperative fractional curettage and B-ultrasonography , and the results were analysed and compared with postoperative samples by histopathology .

  7. 分段诊刮的病理和宫腔镜下诊断完全一致者占7162%,有近30%漏诊。

    The consistence of pathologic diagnosis of D C and hysteroscopy was about 71 62 % , and less than 30 % of them failed to be diagnosed by D C.