
  • 网络Classification Language;classification retrieval language
  1. 讨论分类语言的功能、论文分类标引的意义和选择分类语言的原则。

    The functions of classification language , the significance of indexing and classification of papers , and the selection principles of classification languages are discussed .

  2. 讨论图书馆集成管理系统的文献检索方法,提出将分类语言与主题语言一体化综合应用于文献信息的检索。

    This article presents the document retrieval methods of integrated library management system , which mainly deal with the combined application of Classification Language and Subject Language in document information retrieval .

  3. 这是其他两个主要的方式分类语言。

    This is the other of the two main ways of classifying languages .

  4. 分类语言、主题语言与自然语言一体化检索系统与《中国财经报刊数据库》的实践

    Retrieval System for Combination of Classification , Subject and Natural Languages and Practice of Database of Chinese Financial and Economic Publications

  5. 语音学是将人类语言的声音进行描述与分类的语言科学(Johnson,1999:235)。

    Phonetics is the linguistic science which describes and classifies the sounds of human languages ( Johnson & Johnson , 1999:235 ) .

  6. 基于trigram语体特征分类的语言模型自适应方法

    Language Model Adaptation Based on the Classification of a Trigram 's Language Style Feature

  7. 根据O'MalleyChamot对语言学习策略的分类,语言学习策略可分为三类:元认知策略,认知策略及社交/情感策略。

    In O'Malley and Chamot 's classification , meta - cognitive strategies , cognitive strategies and social / affective strategies constituted the framework .

  8. 近年来我国分类检索语言研究热点综述

    Summarization on Chinese Research Hotspots of Classification Retrieval Language in Recent Years

  9. 分类检索语言的断言与非断言性&从标引中的两个实例谈起

    Assertion and Non-Assertion of Classified Retrieval Language - from Two Cases in Indexes

  10. 试析英语分类广告语言的简洁性

    An Analysis of the linguistic Simplicity of Classified Advertising

  11. 为此,本文较为详细地论述了中文科技期刊学术论文所附英文题名和英文摘要的结构分类、语言特点和译写原则;

    Of the English title and abstract attached to Chinese sci tech papers .

  12. 2008年中国区域经济学研究热点综述近年来我国分类检索语言研究热点综述

    The Hot Point of Regional Economics in 2008 Summarization on Chinese Research Hotspots of Classification Retrieval Language in Recent Years

  13. 显而易见的是,我们同意了分类外在语言这一叫法。

    I think this is just obvious , an inflection given that we 've agreed to use the categorical dispositional language at all .

  14. 第二部分是网络环境下分类检索语言的应用,包括传统分类法电子化及在网络上的应用,网络信息检索工具中的应用;

    The second part introduces the achievements in electronic traditional Classification and the using of traditional Classification in network and in information retrieval tool ;

  15. 引言部分从意义着手,简单介绍了意义的分类,语言的功能,并指出了语域理论的起源和标志问题。

    Besides the brief classifications of meaning and language functions , the origin of register theory and the register markers are also referred to in this part .

  16. 第二章描述了文化的定义和分类以及语言、文化、思维之间的关系,并在此基础上论述了语言学习的内涵与文化学习的关系。

    Chapter 2 describes the definition and classification of culture , the relationship among language , culture and thought , and the relationship between connotation of language learning and culture studying .

  17. 本论文分析了网络语言的来源、分类以及语言特点,论述了网络语言应用于对外汉语教学的依据、选取原则以及教学的对策,并提出了自己的一些看法,希望可以促进对外汉语教学。

    It also discusses the basis , selection principles and specific measures of applying in teaching Chinese as a foreign language . And provide some points , hope to promote the teaching Chinese as a foreign language .

  18. 国际专利分类累积和语言先进检索系统;

    International Patent Classification cumulative and linguistic advanced search system ;

  19. 概念隐喻的分类及其在语言教学中的认知力

    The categories of conceptual metaphors and its cognitive force in language teaching

  20. 分类是人类语言的基本特性之一。

    Classification is one of the basic characteristics of the human language .

  21. 主要包括文本分类、自然语言处理、文本结构本体的建立和文摘生成方法几个方面。

    Mainly includes the text classification , NLP , the ontology of text structure and abstract generation method .

  22. 分类主题一体化语言在网络信息资源检索中的应用

    Application of the Integrated Language of the Classification Method and the Key Word Method in Retrieval of Network Information resources

  23. 可以从已分类消息的语言资料库中自动生成过滤器,而不需要人花费精力来制订规则。

    It can generate a filter automatically from corpora of categorized messages rather than requiring human effort in rule development .

  24. 传统的语言类型学按语言的词法特点给语言分类,当代语言类型学按语言的各种句法特点给语言分类。

    While traditional linguistic typology divides languages according to one or two morphological characteristics , contemporary linguistic typology divides languages according to various syntactic characteristics .

  25. 文本分类将自然语言文本按内容归入一个或多个预定义类别中,在许多信息组织和管理中都是一项重要的内容。

    Text categorization-assignment of natural language texts to one or more predefined categories based on their content-is an important component in many information organization and management tasks .

  26. 本文研究了学习动机的定义、分类,儿童语言的生理、心理优势及不足,探索了一些培养学习动机的具体措施。

    This paper not only studies the definition and the sorts of learning motivation but also studies children 's physiology and psychology superiority and deficient in learning language .

  27. 颜色词汇的研究在认知语言学的范畴理论中有着重要的地位,人们借由研究颜色词汇的分类来研究语言中的范畴化问题。颜色的认知研究能够有效帮助人们理解和认识范畴这一概念。

    The studies of color terms , which are very important in learning of the cognitive categories , can help people know and understand the concept of categorization .

  28. 例如,用来描述“客户是什么”和“客户如何分类”的语言常常是与业务相关的,在公司的各个部门之间可能有差异。

    For example , the language used to describe what a customer is and how to categorize a customer is often business-specific , and it might differ between company divisions .

  29. 文本分类是自然语言处理的一个重要研究方向,它可以有效的解决信息杂乱的现象,并有助于用户发现所需的信息。

    Text categorization is an important research task of natural language processing , which can efficiently resolve the issue of information chaos and help users to find the required information .

  30. 近年来,国内外学者从语言学,哲学和心理学的角度对其概念,分类及其在语言中的具体运用做了大量的研究。

    In recent years , scholars at home and abroad have taken great efforts to expound its definition , classification and specific uses from the perspective of linguistics , philosophy and psychology .