
  • 网络analysis signal;analytical signal;net analyte signal;NAS
  1. 考察了试液的雾化和曝光时间及载气压力等因素对分析信号的影响。

    The influence of carrier gas pressure and sample exposure time on the analytical signal was investigated .

  2. 评述了多种化学计量学方法(含统计学、参数估计、校正、模式识别、分析信号处理、模拟、试验设计与优化、分辨、人工智能与化学专家系统等)在原子发射光谱法分析元素形态中的应用。

    This review ( with 74 references ) involves application of various techniques of chemometrics ( including statistics , parametric assessment , calibration , pattern recognition , analytical signal processing , simulation , design and optimization experiments , resolution , artificial intelligence and chemical specialist system etc. )

  3. 用小波变换方法消除ICP-AES分析信号中的噪声

    Elimination of Noise in ICP-AES Signals Using Wavelet Transform

  4. 小波变换(WT)被誉为分析信号的数学显微镜。

    Wavelet transform ( WT ) is known as the mathematical microscope about signal analysis .

  5. 结果表明:EDTA的引入对元素分析信号有不同程度的增强效应,氧化物产率明显降低。

    Experimental results showed that the signal intensities of the analyzed elements were enhanced in EDTA medium .

  6. 讨论LED点阵屏显示单元板电路设计中遇到的信号完整性问题。分析信号完整性对电路稳定性的影响,提出了相应的解决方法。

    This paper mainly discusses issues on the integrality of signal in the process of designing module circuit of LED matrix screen , analyzes the impact of signal integrality on the circuit stability and present corresponding solution .

  7. 对信号转导通路中的一些关键靶点,采用化学抑制剂、RNA干扰以及表达功能阻抑性蛋白的方法,结合westernblot等方法分析信号转导通路。

    For some key points in the signal transduction pathway , chemical inhibitor , RNA interference and expression functional suppressive protein , combined with the Western Blot method , were used to analyzed the signal transduction pathway , . 4 .

  8. 分析信号与系统课程内容和教学上的特点,介绍MATLAB软件的一些特点,最后结合教例来说明如何利用MATLAB来实现提高信号与系统课程的教学质量。

    This article firstly analyses the property of signal and systems course from content and teaching and learning , then summarizes some property of matlab software and at last introduces how to improve the quality of teaching and learning on signal and sysetems course with teaching examples .

  9. 它被誉为分析信号的数学显微镜。

    It is called a mathematical microscope for analyzing signals .

  10. 分析信号处理方法的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Signal Processing Methods

  11. 连续样条小波变换解析高噪声重叠分析信号

    Resolution of High - Noisy Overlapped Analytical Signals by Means of Continuous Spline Wavelet Transform

  12. 因此,小波变换被誉为分析信号的显微镜,傅立叶分析发展史上的一个新的里程碑。

    Therefore Wavelet analysis is called a microscope of signal analysis and a milestone of Fourier analysis .

  13. 通过分析信号干扰比的变化,比较两种算法的跟踪性能。

    It also compares the performance of two tracking algorithms against the variation of signal-to-interference ratio ( SIR ) .

  14. 通过分析信号输入、电源、接地等对便携采集器造成干扰的因素,采取相应的消除措施提高系统的可靠性。

    Through analyze the factor that signal input , power supply , grounding interfere to portable picker , we 'll take the corresponding elimination measure to enhances system 's reliability .

  15. 本论文从分析信号对称点处的局部相位的特点出发,研究并提出一种基于局部相位信息的图像对称性检测方法;

    In this paper , from the characteristics of local phase in the symmetry points of signals , a new method of image symmetry detection is purposed which uses phase information of original image .

  16. 提出了一种新的脉间伪随机二相码和线性调频复合脉冲串雷达信号,分析信号复合形式、信号频谱、模糊函数以及距离自相关函数特性。

    A new combined signal & inter-pulse pseudo-random binary-phase code and LFM combined pulse train signal was proposed , and the frequency spectrum function , the ambiguity function and the range self-correlation function were deduced .

  17. 根据分析信号与随机噪声的质量色谱峰宽度不同,通过滤除质谱中的随机噪声,较为准确地得到化合物分子离子或准分子离子的信息,可显著地改善定性分析的准确性。

    It is based on the assumption that analytical signals differ from random noise in the chromatographic peak width . The information of the molecular ion or pseudo-molecular ion about the analytes can be obtained .

  18. 该方法首先对原始数据进行三线性分解,然后提取背景组分的信息,并将其从原始数据中减掉,使得分析信号处于一平稳的基线上。

    The method involves performing trilinear decomposition on the raw data , then extracting the background component and subtracting this background data from the raw data , leaving the analytes ' signal on a flat baseline .

  19. 利用2个周期函数相乘得到小波信号链,与待分析信号经过乘法器相乘,再经过低通滤波器处理,得到信号的时频分解,也就是得到待分析信号的局部放大信号。

    The proposed approach consists of generating a chain of wavelets by multiplying two periodic functions . Each wavelet is then multiplied by the signal to be analyzed , and integrated and time-frequency decomposition of signal , i.

  20. 具体内容包括:1.开发了一种新型的基于间接竞争模式的超灵敏的电化学免疫传感器。该传感器结合了酶的生物催化银沉积反应及银增强连续放大分析信号用于赭曲霉毒素A的检测。

    Combination of enzyme-catalyzed silver deposition and the nanoparticles enlarged further , a novel ultrasensitive , successive signal amplification electrochemical immunosensor based on an indirect competitive assay was developed for the determination of ochratoxin A ( OTA ) .

  21. 在分析信号自相关函数的基础上,引用了自相关相似距离的概念,讨论了自相关相似距离对噪声和有噪信号的描述,并据此总结出基于自相关函数的地震信号端点检测方法。

    Based on the analysis of auto correlation function , the notion of the distance between auto correlation function was quoted , and the characterization of the noise and the signal with noise were discussed by using the distance .

  22. 铁路信号微机监测系统是保证行车安全、监测信号设备状态、发现信号设备隐患、分析信号设备故障原因、指导现场维修、反映设备运用质量和提高电务部门维护水平和维护效率的重要行车设备。

    Railway signal microcomputer monitoring system is the guarantee safety , monitoring signal equipment state , found that the signal equipment hidden trouble , analysis signal equipment fault reason , instruct on-site maintenance , reflected by quality and improve communication equipment maintenance level and the maintenance department .

  23. 提出了一种相位核时频分布,将自主项与交叉项在时频平面上分离,并且保持了高度的时-频分辨率,便于分析信号的时频结构特征;

    A kind of phase kernel time frequency distribution is proposed , which separates auto terms from cross terms in the time frequency plane , preserves a high time frequency resolution , and is adaptable to the analysis of time frequency features of a multi component signal .

  24. 如今的框架已经广泛应用于小波分析、信号分析、图象处理、数值计算、Banach空间理论、Besov空间理论等理论和应用领域的研究。

    Today frames theory have been widely used in wavelet analysis , signal analysis , image processing , numerical analysis , Banach spaces theory , etc.

  25. 在分析功耗信号的噪声特点以后,提出了一个信噪比(SNR)的建模方法和相应理论的证明。

    Based on the analysis of noise characteristics of the power signals , an approach to modeling the signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) is proposed and corresponding theory is demonstrated .

  26. 文中首先系统研究了无线宽带信道的去极化效应,解析并构建了包含PMD的双极化宽带信道模型及检测模型。通过分析宽带信号极化特性在频域的稳健性,提出频域VoPD检测法。

    By analyzing the polarization characteristics of broadband signals in frequency domain , the dual-polarized broadband channel model and broadband polarization detection model are constructed .

  27. 接着对超宽带LFM信号检测进行了讨论,最后分析了信号接收系统I、Q通道幅相误差校正和LFM信号匹配滤波技术。

    In this paper , offers a signal reception system , analyzes the detection of LFM signal , discusses the influence of imbalance of amplitude and phase of I 、 Q channel and match filtering of LFM signal .

  28. 针对直线电机驱动的高性能XY工作台的结构及运动特点,提出基于小波多分辨率分析与信号时域分析相融合的高性能XY工作台故障诊断方法;

    Directing to the structure and dynamic characteristics of a high performance XY-stage driven by linear motors , this paper presented the fault diagnosis method based on wavelet multi-resolution combined with time-domain analysis for the stage .

  29. 通过分析MPSK信号在Haar小波基下的小波变换系数同其相位参数之间的关系,把MPSK信号的小波变换系数用广义高斯概率分布进行建模来得到MPSK信号的最大似然分类函数。

    The relationship between the Haar wavelet transform coefficients of the MPSK signals and its phase parameters is discussed , with the ML classification function obtained by modeling the wavelet coefficients as a generalized Gaussian distribution .

  30. 通过分析对比信号奇异性检测的各种方法的优点和不足,指出复数Hermitian小波具备准确识别信号瞬时相位的能力。

    It is indicated that Hermitian wavelet has the ability to sensitively recognize the transient phase of signal through comparing the advantage and shortcoming of many kinds of methods used for singularity detection of signal .