
  • 网络Scene matching guidance;SMGS
  1. 一种有效增强景象匹配制导图适配性的方法

    An Efficient Method Improving the Suitability of Scene Matching Guidance Images

  2. 面向景象匹配制导的图像灰度校正问题研究

    Study of Scene Matching Guidance Oriented Image Grayscale Correction Problems

  3. 在景象匹配制导系统中,实时性是匹配系统的一个重要性能指标。

    In scene matching guidance systems , speediness is an important issue .

  4. 景象匹配制导基准图选定准则研究

    Study on Reference Image Selection Roles for Scene Matching Guidance

  5. 数据压缩问题是景象匹配制导图像预处理技术中的重要研究内容之一。

    The problem of image data compression is an important part of the scene matching guidance image pre-processing technique .

  6. 在景象匹配制导系统中,匹配算法对系统的实时性和准确性起着至关重要的作用。

    In the scene matching terminal guidance system , the matching algorithm plays a vital role in the real time performance and accuracy of the system .

  7. 高精度制导武器在现代军事上的应用日益广泛,景象匹配制导是提高制导武器精度的一个重要手段。

    The high precision guidance weapons has been widely used in modern military affairs and using scene matching in guidance is a considerable means in improving the precision of the weapons .

  8. 基于对特定匹配算法的性能参数进行分析,提出了一种面向景象匹配制导的基准图可匹配性检测方法,为匹配区基准图的选定提供了新的度量参数。

    Based on the performance parameters analysis of selected matching algorithm , a scene matching navigation oriented reference image matching quality detection approach is proposed . The approach provides new measurement parameters for the reference image selection .

  9. 合成孔径雷达导引头作为一种导引头末制导的成像方式,因其与经典的雷达导引头不同,它以高分辨为基础,通过距离向和方位向两维高分辨处理,实现景象匹配制导。

    As one imaging type of seekers , missile-borne synthetic aperture radar seekers are not similar to classical seekers ; SAR seekers realize vision match terminal guidance with two dimensional high resolution processing of range direction and azimuth direction .

  10. 景象匹配末制导是提高制导武器精度的一个重要的手段。

    One significant improvement is using scene matching Techniques as a way of terminal guidance .