
yān dì
  • butt;cigarette end;snipe;fag end;stompie
烟蒂 [yān dì]
  • [cigarette end] 纸烟吸到最后剩下的部分

烟蒂[yān dì]
  1. 一根烟蒂引起了这场森林大火。

    The big fire was started by a cigarette end .

  2. 小轿车内底板上满是烟蒂。

    The floor of the car was covered in cigarette ends .

  3. 我把烟蒂弹出车窗外继续开车。

    I flipped a butt out of the window and drove on .

  4. 进去之后,我们发现其实这就是一所废弃了的农舍,空空的屋子(除了那些机器和甘草),踩上去咯吱咯吱的地板,一堆一堆潮湿的墙皮脱落下来,满地的啤酒瓶、烟蒂,还有墙上的涂鸦。

    What we found there was the typical old falling-apart farmhouse . Empty rooms ( except for the equipment and such ) , creaky floorboards , and piles of wet shattered plaster , beer bottles , graffiti , and cigarette butts10 .

  5. 目的研究烟蒂中DNA提取及其检验。

    Objective To study the DNA extraction and its typing in cigarette butts .

  6. 烟蒂DNA分型的研究

    Study on DNA extracted from cigarette butts

  7. 结论烟蒂能进行DNA分型,在法医检案中具有应用价值。

    Conclusion Cigarette butt can be typed by DNA analysis , which is useful in forensic identification .

  8. sanchez,你说这些烟蒂离碎玻璃很近。

    Sanchez , you said you found these cigarettes close to the glass .

  9. 方法用Chelex-100法提取170枚烟蒂样本的DNA,进行PCR扩增及STR检验。

    Method Chelex 100 extraction method was used to extract DNA of 170 cigarette butts , STR loci were typed after PCR amplification by Profiler Plus kit .

  10. 方法:用香烟烟蒂生理盐水浸泡液为实验材料进行小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞(PCE)微核试验和睾丸初级精母细胞染色体畸变试验。

    Methods : Micronucleus test in bone marrow PCE and chromosome aberration assay in primary spermatocyte were undertaken in mice exposed to the immersion .

  11. 摆脱了黏地毯和烟蒂

    By getting rid of the sticky carpets and the cigarette butts

  12. 我管那方法叫雪茄烟蒂投资法。

    I call it the " cigar butt " approach to investing .

  13. 刚才看见你丢掉烟蒂,然后用脚踩熄。

    I just saw you throw a cigarette butt and step on it .

  14. 那是一个烟蒂,一缕烟还在冉冉上升。

    It is a cigarette-end from it gently rises a thread of smoke .

  15. 烟灰缸里的一段烟蒂;

    Ashtrays , with the stub of a cigarette ;

  16. 有些,就像我,有裂缝,有香蕉皮,有烟蒂。

    Others , like mine , have cracks , banana skins and cigarette butts .

  17. 他一边抽烟,一边瞧着脚下这黑乎乎、水淋淋、烟蒂狼籍的地。

    As he smokes he looks at the black wet floor littered with butts .

  18. 烟蒂被分为三类:合法的、走私的或不知名的。

    Cigarette butts were classified into three categories : legal , contraband or unknown .

  19. 我四处查看,不久就找到弃置于树叶中的雪茄烟蒂。

    I looked around and soon found the cigar end lying among the leaves .

  20. 你满地找雪茄烟蒂,

    You walk down the street , you look around for a cigar butt someplace .

  21. 则在烟蒂的两端都有焦油污迹。

    Has tar stains on both ends .

  22. 但是对于鸟儿们来说,一天一个烟蒂,螨虫就会远离我。

    But for the birds , a butt a day might just keep mites away .

  23. 因为鸟类会用被丢弃的烟蒂来装饰鸟巢,而且它们受寄生虫的困扰较少。

    Because birds that decorate their digs with discarded cigarette butts are less bothered by parasites .

  24. 他把还冒着烟的烟蒂丢入壁炉,回到了厨房。

    He left the butt still smoking in the fireplace and went back to the kitchen .

  25. 因此把烟蒂乱扔在地上的人将会被罚款。

    So they should be fined if they throw them on the floor on the ground .

  26. 人行道上几乎看不到垃圾或烟蒂。

    You can hardly find a piece of garbage or a cigarette butt on the sidewalk .

  27. 你想来根烟吗?大火是由一个烟蒂造成的。

    Would you like a cigarette ? The big fire was started by a cigarette end .

  28. 科学家们想弄清楚鸟类用烟蒂装饰巢穴除了收获舒适外,是否还有其它的福利。

    Scientists got to wondering whether this habit might provide the birds benefits other than comfy bedding .

  29. 烟抽完了,不要把烟蒂扔到街上,否则你会被重重的罚款的。

    After smoking do not throw away the butt on the street , or you will be heavily fined .

  30. 长着扁脸和断鼻梁的人在桌上揿灭了烟蒂。

    The man with the flat face and the broken nose crushed the end of the cigarette on the table .