
lù kǎo
  • road test
  1. 学生们在新路考方面也有麻烦。

    Students were also having trouble with the new road test .

  2. 现在,你接下来要做的就是路考。

    Now , all you have to do next is your road test .

  3. 经过几个月的练习,她总算通过了路考。

    She managed to pass her driving test after months of practice .

  4. 放松不过是路考而已

    You need to relax . It 's just a driver 's test .

  5. 以下是我如何通过美国驾照的路考的。

    How did I pass my US driving road test ? Step by step .

  6. 我通过路考了。很快就要拿到驾照喽。

    I passed my road test . I'II get my driver 's license soon !

  7. 是我的第三次路考如果再考不过

    It 's my third driver 's test , and if I fail again ,

  8. 在他们通过笔试之后考生们只允许一次路考机会。

    Students are only allowed to take one road test after they pass the written test .

  9. 在TRE-2000机动车驾驶员道路考试系统中,路考科目完全覆盖《中华人民共和国机动车驾驶员考试办法》。

    Road examination subjects cover completely < automotive vehicle driver in china > > in the chapter .

  10. 实验表明:该路考仪功能齐全、性能稳定,可以市场推广。

    Experiment shows that the instrument with reliable and steady performance can be generalized in the market .

  11. 我的克隆能替我去路考,并能在那里排上八个小时的队。

    My clone could go to my driver 's test and stand in line for eight hours .

  12. 徐先生说他已在荣州市的一所驾驶学校学习,为路考做准备。

    Mr Seo said he was already preparing for his road test at a driving school in Yeongju City .

  13. 要想考取中国驾照,申请人在路考时得成功避开激光探测器并停好车。

    The road test for a Chinese driver 's license requires the applicant to park while avoiding laser motion detectors .

  14. 要等我通过路考和拿到驾照,父亲才让我买车。

    Father won 't let me drive a car until I pass my road test and get a driving license .

  15. 表现得这就像是在驾照的路考,除非考官叫你转向或停车,否则一直向前开。

    Behave as if it was a driving test – keep going straight until told to turn right , left or park .

  16. 如果你路考的记分卡上记录一下严重错误或超过5个小错误,这次考试你就通不过了。

    If you have one serious mistake , or 5 small mistakes on your scorecard , you will fail the driving test .

  17. 美国的年轻人通常在16岁左右就会通过笔试和路考,取得驾照。

    Young people in America often get their driver 's license around age 16 by passing a written test and a driving test .

  18. 数据还显示,即使通过了理论考试,一些人还在为通过路考苦苦挣扎。

    They also showed that even when learners managed to pass the theory test , some still struggled to master the practical exam .

  19. 但是,尽管有通过考试的决心,她至今仍未通过理论考试,更别谈之后的路考了。

    But despite her determination to pass the test , she is yet to do so - and still has her practical driving test to overcome .

  20. 举例来说,一名中年男子就创下了36次路考挂科的纪录。谢天谢地,第37次他终于过了。

    One such example was a middle-aged man who failed the practical driving test a record 36 times - thankfully , passing on his 37th attempt .

  21. 主要介绍了虚拟仪器和信息融合技术在汽车驾驶路考计算机辅助监考评分系统(YCAES)中的应用。

    This paper mainly describes the application of virtual instrument and information fusion in the invigilate comment computer system applied to the road test of driving licence .

  22. 在中国生活的外国人不能申请临时驾照,要取得普通驾照则需要参加书面考试和路考。

    Foreigners living in China aren 't eligible for the short-term license ; to get a regular license they must pass a written exam and a physical .

  23. 我已经是第三次参加路考了,他们曾让我开过车辆拥挤的马路,我做得很成功。

    I was taking the road test for a driving licence for the third time , I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully .

  24. 机器不仅能胜任驾驶,还开得极为标准,其驾驶表现毫无悬念到令人厌烦的地步——总能观察到限速标志,在每一个障碍物前都会减速,就像总在参加路考一样。

    The machine not only drives competently but with tedious predictability , always observing the speed limit and slowing at every obstacle , as if constantly trying to pass a driving test .

  25. 路考时间大约为40分钟,工作日的考试费用为62英镑,在晚上、周末或银行休假日考试,费用则为75英镑。

    The practical driving test , lasting about 40 minutes , costs # 163 ; 62 to take on a weekday or # 163 ; 75 on an evening , weekend or bank holiday .