
  1. 当局裁定,iPhone6和6S型号与深圳百利公司鲜为人知的100C手机相似。

    The iPhone 6 and 6S models are similar to Shenzhen Baili 's little-known 100C phone , the authority ruled .

  2. 我一直认为百利公司的垃圾邮件排序,现有只问,学到的,无论你想看到你的信用评级-我知道我没有,也不会在英国的大多数人现在。

    I had always considered Experian a sort of spam company , existing only to ask , unbidden , whether you want to see your credit rating & and I know I don 't , nor do most people in Britain right now .

  3. 希望能对百利盖公司的营销工作有所帮助。

    Hope it to be useful for working in Bericap .

  4. 它曾是皮尔斯百利食品公司的一部分,后转入英国大都会集团,继而转投饮品巨头帝亚吉欧。

    It went from being part of Pillsbury , a food company , to grand metropolitan , a British conglomerate , then to Diageo , a drinks giant .