
  • 网络Garlic oil;Ali-oli;F-GO
  1. 研究采用天然蒜油和维生素E对卵磷脂进行抗氧化试验。

    The antioxidant effect of natural garlic oil and vitamin E on lecithin was-studied .

  2. 一种含有维生素C、维生素E、叶酸、锌、番茄红素和蒜油的片剂已经被证实能够保护男性精子免受吸烟及其他感染引起的损伤。

    A tablet containing vitamins C and E , folate , zinc , lycopene and garlic oil has been found to help protect a man 's sperm from damage caused by smoking and other infections .

  3. 结果:蒜油提高了大鼠急进高原模型动脉血氧分压(PaO2)、血氧饱和度(SaO2),P0.05;降低了肺动脉压(PAP),P0.01;

    Result : The arterial oxygen partial pressure ( PaO2 ), oxygen saturation ( SaO2 ) , and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) content in garlic - oil group were higher than those in hypoxic group ( p 0.05 - 0.001 ) .

  4. 云南蒜油化学成分的研究

    Study on the chemical constituents of garlic oil in Yunnan

  5. 法测定蒜油中大蒜素含量的方法。

    To establish an HPLC method for determination of allicin in garlic oil .

  6. 目的:探讨蒜油对急进模拟高原大鼠的抗缺氧效应。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of acute anti - hypoxia of garlic - oil at high altitude in rats .

  7. 蒜系列:干蒜头、脱水蒜片、蒜粒、蒜粉、盐渍蒜米、蒜油等。

    Series Products of Garlic mainly are : Garlic in Flakes , Garlic powder , Grains of Garlic , Salted Garlic Granules , Garlic Oil .

  8. 测定了废弃蒜渣的成分,结果表明:蒜渣的主要成分和原大蒜相似,其蒜油含量为0.12%。

    The compositions of garlic residues were determined . The results obtained show that the main composition of garlic residue is similar to that of the garlic , and the content of garlic oil in garlic residues is 0.12 % .