
  • 网络causeway bay plaza
  1. 介绍了天津铜锣湾广场深基坑工程开挖实例。

    A test section was designated for a deep foundation pit for the Tianjin Causeway Bay Plaza .

  2. 天津市铜锣湾广场基坑工程是典型的深大基坑工程实例,无论其深度和开挖范围在本地区都是不多见的。

    Tianjin Causeway Bay Plaza foundation pit engineering is the typical case of deep / large excavation and its scale and depth is rare in district of Tianjin .

  3. 天津市铜锣湾广场工程基坑开挖过程中,选用连体啮合钢筋混凝土灌注桩作为基坑支护方案。

    Joggling reinforcement concrete caisson pile is used as the support of foundation pit in Tianjin Tongluowan Plaza project .

  4. 设计构就街区活力&厦门市中山路名汇铜锣湾广场设计创作谈

    Design to achieve the street area vitality & With the square design that remits Causeway Bay in Xiamen City

  5. 一名女子被发现在铜锣湾时代广场的纽约中死亡。

    A woman is found dead in the middle of Times Square in New York .