
  • 网络broadway musical;broadway;Broadway show
  1. NickJonas与他的兄弟一起成为流行歌星之前曾经在百老汇音乐剧中出现。

    Nick Jonas appeared in Broadway musicals before he became a pop star with his brothers .

  2. 如果你要看百老汇音乐剧或其它戏剧,直接去戏剧区就行了。

    For Broadway musicals and off-Broadway plays , head for the Theater District .

  3. 她在一部百老汇音乐剧中一炮打响。

    She shot to stardom in a Broadway musical .

  4. 1934年,当这首歌每晚在百老汇音乐剧中演唱时,希尔家的另一个姐姐杰西卡因为这首歌的版权问题而诉诸了法庭。

    In 1934 , when the song was sung every night in a Broadway Musical , another Hill sister , Jessica , went to court over the copyright problem of the song .

  5. 此外还有1956年昙花一现的百老汇音乐剧《香格里拉》(Shangri-La),由詹姆斯·希尔顿的小说《远逝的地平线》(LostHorizon)改编。

    and a short-lived 1956 Broadway musical , " Shangri-La , " based on the James Hilton novel " Lost Horizon . "

  6. 他提到自己曾在百老汇音乐剧《爱丽丝漫游仙境》(Wonderland)中扮演笑面柴郡猫(ElGato)。

    noting that he played El Gato in the Broadway musical " Wonderland . "

  7. 由专业导演、编舞带领,以百老汇音乐剧FAME《我要高飞》为蓝本,锻鍊你的声、色、艺。

    Using FAME the Broadway musical as the framework , our professional directors and choreographers will lead you to the next level of performing art skills .

  8. 上个月,由美国全国广播公司NBC打造的梦露主题的百老汇音乐剧《名声大噪》初次亮相。

    Last month , a new NBC series , Smash , about a fictional Monroe-themed Broadway musical , made its debut .

  9. 鲍伊亦参与创作了一部外百老汇音乐剧《拉撒路》(Lazarus),这是他1976年主演的影片《出卖地球的男人》(TheManWhoFelltoEarth)的续集,颇具超现实色彩。

    He had also collaborated on an Off Broadway musical , " Lazarus , " that was a surreal sequel to his definitive 1976 film role , " The Man Who Fell to Earth . "

  10. 超人也是流行音乐中一个经久不衰的偶像,比如本尼·古德曼(BennyGoodman)1940年专为超人写的一首歌。又比如1966年结构精巧的百老汇音乐剧《超人正传》(It'saBird…It'saPlane…It'sSuperman)。

    Superman has also been a persistent icon in popular music , from a dedicatory piece by Benny Goodman in 1940 to the ingenious 1966 Broadway musical ' It 's a Bird ... It 's a Plane ...

  11. 15岁时,她在由母亲主演的百老汇音乐剧《艾琳》(Irene)中首次登台,并参与母亲在拉斯维加斯的夜总会表演。

    At 15 , she played a debutante in the Broadway musical " Irene , " which starred her mother , and appeared in Reynolds " Las Vegas nightclub act .

  12. 百老汇音乐剧很受欢迎,通常制作费用十分庞大。

    Broadway musical comedies are very popular and often lavish productions .

  13. 可能是电影或百老汇音乐剧。

    It might be a movie or a Broadway musical .

  14. 他是百老汇音乐剧狮子王的一名表演者。

    He works as a performer in the Broadway musical The Lion King .

  15. 音乐剧《西区故事》是美国百老汇音乐剧中最为经典的悲剧之一,它的价值主要体现在戏剧悲剧性同音乐戏剧性的高度有机统一之上。

    Its value is mainly from perfect integration of the tragic and dramatic music .

  16. 我刚出道时我去试镜某部百老汇音乐剧中的角色

    Early on my career I auditioned for a part in a Broadway musical .

  17. 他最成功的百老汇音乐剧是1946年的《安妮,拿着你的枪》。

    His most successful Broadway musical was Annie , Get Your Gun in 1946 .

  18. 他在百老汇音乐剧中担任主角

    He starred in a Broadway musical

  19. 欧文?伯林在1960年,他最后一部百老汇音乐剧《总统先生》失败两年后退休。

    Irving Berlin retired in 1960-two years after his last Broadway musical , Mister President , failed .

  20. 一部描述某妇女与精神疾病作斗争的百老汇音乐剧《近乎正常》获得普利策戏剧奖。

    Broadway musical chronicling a woman 's struggle with mental illness has won the Pulitzer Prize for drama .

  21. 根据福克斯电视台传闻,休·杰克曼将领衔主演一部根据魔术师哈利·胡迪尼的人生经历改编的百老汇音乐剧。

    Hugh Jackman is rumored to star in a Broadway musical as magic man Harry Houdini , reports FOX .

  22. 此次改造是由美国倪德伦环球娱乐公司投资,以使剧场能够适应百老汇音乐剧的演出需要。

    Thisproposed new renovation is funded by Nederlander Worldwide Entertainment , in order to make the theater suitable for Broadway Musicals .

  23. 多年来,叶羡诗曾制作多儿童音乐剧及百老汇音乐剧选段等。

    Over the past years , sincere had produced , directed and conducted numerous children 's musical theater , and many Broadway musical excerpts .

  24. 金写了一篇杂志文章,那篇文章被改编成了百老汇音乐剧和电影《春城花满天》,电影由伯特·雷诺兹主演。

    King wrote a magazine article that became a Broadway musical and became a movie starring Burt Reynolds , the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas .

  25. 2006年,她出演了在1981年百老汇音乐剧的梦幻女郎,为此她获得了两项金球奖提名的电影改编的主导作用。

    In2006 , she starred in the lead role in the film adaptation of the1981 Broadway musical Dreamgirls , for which she earned two Golden Globe nominations .

  26. 1938年,他协助将其改编成获奖的好莱坞电影,1956年由勒纳和洛伊改编的百老汇音乐剧《窈窕淑女》也以此片为蓝本。

    Shaw helped adapt it into an award-winning Hollywood film in1938 , and it formed the basis of Lerner and Loewe's1956 Broadway musical , My Fair Lady .

  27. 首部普通话版《狮子王》上映超过220场,成为在中国大陆上映次数最多的百老汇音乐剧。

    The first-ever Mandarin production of " The Lion King " was staged over 220 times , making it the most-run Broadway musical in the Chinese mainland .

  28. 另一种是俗化趋势,即把美国百老汇音乐剧作为参照系、探索在中国发展我们自己的通俗音乐剧的途径。

    The other trend was toward a more popular style , taking its cue from america 's Broadway musicals and making explorations along the path of the popular music of China .

  29. 题图斯是这里最有天赋的年轻喜剧演员,更不用说,就是他出演了百老汇音乐剧《小美人鱼》中的塞巴斯蒂安。

    Titus is one of the most talented young comic actors out there , not to mention the fact he ORIGINATED the role of Sebastian in the Broadway production of The Little Mermaid .

  30. 米兰达是百老汇音乐剧《高地人生》的编剧和主角,他会在金秋首播的《豪斯医生》第六季有至少两集的演出。

    Miranda , best known for writing and starring in the Broadway musical In The Heights , will appear in at least two episodes beginning with the show 's sixth season premiere this fall .