
bǎi bù
  • radix stemonae;the tuber of stemona
百部[bǎi bù]
  1. 方法用柱色谱法从蔓生百部中分离原百部碱,对原百部碱HPLC含量测定色谱条件进行优选。

    HPLC was used to determine protostemonine content in Radix Stemonae and the optimum condition was chosen .

  2. 响应面法优化百部多糖提取条件研究

    Optimization of Extraction Technology of Radix stemonae Polysaccharides by Response Surface Methodology

  3. 该部分未完成的工作,加深了我们对Schmidt反应和百部生物碱氮杂并环反应性质的认识。

    This unfinished work deepened our understanding of the intramolecular Schmidt reaction and reaction properties of the stemona alkaloids ' skeleton .

  4. 研究蔓生百部中微量生物碱的结构。

    Objective To study the alkaloid structures of stemona japonica Miq .

  5. 《中国药典》3种百部的止咳作用比较

    Antitussive activity comparison of three kinds of Stemonae Radix in Chinese Pharmacopoeia

  6. 中药百部酊治疗阴虱病50例

    Treatment of Pediculosis Pubis by Stemonae Tincture in 50 Cases

  7. 百部提取物对番茄陈种子的化感作用

    Allelopathy of Extract from Radix stemona on Old Tomato Seeds

  8. 复方百部酊治疗手足癣的实验研究与疗效观察

    Experimental Research and Effect of Compound Stemona Tincture on Tinea Manus and Tinea Pedis

  9. 虽然我看过上百部电影,但我却对《阿凡达》着迷不已。

    I have seen hundreds of movies , but I deeply love this one .

  10. 它只是好莱坞每年上映的上百部电影中的一部。

    It was just one of hundreds of pictures produced by Hollywood every year .

  11. 网咖是其实是个大统舱,一排排的电脑,每排上百部。

    The " caf é" was an undivided room holding rows of one hundred computers .

  12. 圣·桑一生所创作作品数量超过百部,几乎涉及音乐的各个领域。

    His works are more than 100 , and involve almost all fields of music .

  13. 另外,本研究观察到对叶百部茎的中柱维管束为周木型。

    Moreover , the vascular bundles in the stem of S. tuberosa were amphivasal . 4 .

  14. 1981年以来,超过过百部的电影在国际大赛中获奖。

    Since 1981 , more than one hundred movies have been awarded prizes in international competitions .

  15. 此方法简单、快捷,专属性较强,为对叶百部药材的质量评价提供了实验依据。

    This method was simple and rapid and had a relatively high specificity for Stemona Tuberosae Radix .

  16. 光裸方格星虫和直立百部中化学成分的分离及结构鉴定光裸星虫对盐度和温度的耐受性研究

    The Chemical Component Study on the Sipunculus Nudus and the Stemona Sessilifolia ; Tolerance of Sipunculus nudus to Salinity and Temperature

  17. 百部·楝·烟乳油防治桃蚜及其在莴苣上的残留试验

    The Controlling Effects of Emulsion of Stemona , Chinaberry alkali and Tobacco alkali on Myzus persicae and Their Residual Test in Lettuce

  18. 经他编著的自然科学方面的教科书不下百部,称他为科学启蒙者实不为过。

    The number of natural sciences textbooks compiled by him is no less than 100 . Calling him a scientific enlightenment , is no exaggeration .

  19. 本论文系统的开展了五个百部生物碱的全合成工作,主要包括以下四个方面的内容:一,介绍了百部生物碱从大自然界中的分离历程以及它们的种类。

    The following four parts are mainly included : 1 . The isolation of Stemona alkaloids from nature and the structural types of them were introduced .

  20. 通过体外杀虫试验观察了百部等19种植物甲醇粗提物对兔痒螨的杀灭活性。

    Methanol crude extracts from 19 different species of plants were subjected to an in vitro bioassay to kill psoroptic mange acquired from naturally infected rabbits .

  21. 出版学术丛书、论文集、学术专著近百部,发表学术论文近千篇;

    Nearly 100 of a series of academic books , collections of papers and special books have been published and nearly 1000 academic papers have been published .

  22. 黄芩百部配伍过程中主要活性成分的变化研究

    Chemical and Bioactive Variation of Processing and Compatibility of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei ; Study on main effective component changes in compatibility of Radix Scutellariae with Radix Stemonae

  23. 方法对我院五种蜜炙中药(冬花、紫苑、麻黄、百部、甘草)和市场采购蜜炙炮制品的效益-成本比和净现值进行分析。

    Methods On calculating methods of Net Present Value ( NPV ) for cost-benefit analysis between the market and hospital processing products from five kinds of honey-fried Chinese Herbs .

  24. 以百部、巴豆、苦参、雷公藤等多种植物为原料,采用微波破壁、超声波浸提制备了PAD-Ⅰ植物源杀虫剂。

    Pesticide PAD-I derived from foliage was prepared with many plants such as stemona , Croton Seed , radix sophorae flavescentis and Tripterygium wilfordii , by adopting the techniques of microwave shell-breakdown and ultrasonic digestion .

  25. 本文通过对我国近十余年来上百部有关网络和电子商务的法律、法规、法律修正案及司法解释进行的全面而非单一的研究,分析和发现出其存在的严重偏差。

    In this article , hundreds of the laws of electronic commerce and legal amendments and judicial explanations at ten years have been analyzed , not in single research and find that its serious deviation existing appears .

  26. 研究和比较了止咳枇杷冲剂中桑白皮、白前和百部中特征化学成分的提取和薄层色谱鉴别的条件。

    Objective : To study a specific TLC identification of the Mulberry Bark ( MB ) and the Swallowwort Rhizome ( SRh ) and the Stemona Root ( SR ) in the cough infusion of loquat leaf .

  27. 如果我能看到仅仅一部戏剧,我就会知道怎样在我脑海中描绘出我用盲文读过的或通过手势字母的媒介了解到的近百部戏剧的情节。

    If I could see only one play , I should know how to picture in my mind the action of a hundred plays which I have read or had transferred to me through the medium of the manual alphabet .

  28. 方法:采用小鼠浓氨水法、酚红法及豚鼠喷雾法观察百部荆芥合剂在止咳、祛痰及平喘方面的作用同时,分别选用磷酸可待因和氨茶碱作为阳性药物对照比较。

    Method : The antitussive , antiasthmatic and expectorant effects of the mixture were observed by concentrated ammonia water method and phenol red method in mice and spray method in cavies . Meanwhile codeine phosphate and ethylenediamine were chosen as control group of positive drug .

  29. 亦与法律变迁相伴而生,仅地方自治的国家立法,就有近百部之多,涵泳了法律与社会、法律与秩序、法律与传统、法的移植与本土化等诸多关系。

    It also coexists with legal change , and there are nearly 100 sites only national legislation for the local autonomy , and contains so on many relations of law and society , law and order , legal and tradition , the transplanting of the law and the localization .

  30. 影片中的台词有:“妈妈总是说生活就像是一盒巧克力。你永远不知道接下来会面对什么”。这句台词排在了好莱坞百年百部经典电影台词中的第40位。

    The line : " Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates . You never know what you 're gonna get , " was ranked 40th on the " 100 Years ... " list of the greatest 100 Movie Quotes .