
  • 网络pyroclastic rocks
  1. 火山碎屑岩类包括正常火山碎屑岩类、向熔岩过渡的火山碎屑熔岩类以及向沉积岩过渡的火山碎屑岩类。

    The pyroclastic rocks mainly include nomal pyroclastic rocks , pyroclastic rocks which transit to lava , pyroclastic rocks which transit to sedimentary rocks .

  2. 其中,火山碎屑岩类、火山-沉积岩类成岩作用受火山碎屑物质控制作用明显。

    Diagenesis is mainly controlled by volcanic clastic materials in pyroclastic rocks , volcanic-sedimentary rocks .

  3. 研究表明目的层火成岩中发育有熔岩和火山碎屑岩两大类火成岩。

    Studies have shown that the purpose of the group of igneous rocks in the layer of business development with lava and pyroclastic igneous rock two categories .

  4. 火山岩储层岩石类型主要包括熔岩类、火山碎屑岩类。

    Rock types of volcanic reservoirs include mainly lava and pyroclastic rock .

  5. 该区火山岩岩石类型有熔岩(以粗面岩为主)、火山碎屑岩两大类,其成因主要是大陆环境,以岩浆分异结晶占主导地位,部分熔融占次要地位;

    Lava ( mainly trachyte ) and igneous clastic rock are the two main types which are of continental environment with magma iso crystalization taking the domination role and melting as the secondary .