
  • 网络public school;common school
  1. 非正规的学校使用公共学校中教的课程。

    Informal schools use the national curriculum taught in public schools .

  2. 公共学校一定要停止向学生销售那么多非健康食品。

    Public schools should stop selling students so much unhealthy food .

  3. 他之所以能够迈向成功,多少要归功于当年一份当地公共学校的奖学金,以及在商品零售业体验的机会:虽是在乐购的货架间铺展开职业生涯,14年后却能以CEO的身份离开。

    A scholarship to a local public school and a taste for the grocery business provided him with a ladder up : he started his career stacking shelves at Tesco and ended up as CEO for 14 years .

  4. Gatto宣称,公共学校体制由专家设计,培养依赖性很强的人,无法独立思考,无法照顾自己。

    Gatto asserts that the public school system is expertly designed to produce dependent human beings who cannot think for themselves or take care of themselves .

  5. 州长马克·戴顿下令所有的公共学校于周一停课。

    Governor Mark Dayton has ordered all public schools closed Monday .

  6. 将会给我们的公共学校带来重大的改观。

    Can make a major difference in our public schools .

  7. 他帮助创建了全国范围内的“公共学校”系统,

    He helped to create a statewide system of " common schools , "

  8. 更多的钱会用来改善公共学校里孩子们的教学设备。

    C.More money will be spent on educational materials for children in public schools .

  9. 随后公共学校运动大受欢迎。

    The common-school movement began to catch on .

  10. 波士顿宣布由于暴雪来袭,公共学校周五将停课。

    The city of Boston declared a snow emergence and public schools will be closed Friday .

  11. 就一般而言,各国的私立学校都普遍早于公共学校系统。

    On generally speaking , private schools are earlier than the public school in the various countries .

  12. 他不像他在公共学校上学的最要好的朋友那样有着做不完的作业。

    He doesn 't have hours of homework like his best friend , who attends public school .

  13. 附近的高速公路和公共学校暂时关闭,华盛顿国民队的棒球比赛被迫推迟。

    Nearby highways and public schools were temporarily closed , and Washington Nationals baseball game has been postponed .

  14. 探讨澳门特区政府对私立学校管理的新政策&「公共学校网学校收费指引」之述评

    A Discussion about Macau Government New Management Policy of Private Schools & The School Fee Instruction of Private Schools

  15. 同时,公共学校应运而生,成为公共教育在加拿大的早期萌芽之一。

    Meanwhile , common school arose as the occasion demanded , which represented the first sprout of public education in Canada .

  16. 必须依照《残疾人教育法》所阐述的标准由公共学校对(残疾)孩子的资格进行评估。

    The child must be evaluated by the public school and found to meet the eligibility criteria as set forth in the Act .

  17. 教育部门说,100多万学生参加特许学校,几乎相当于传统公共学校50000000人。

    The Department of Education says more than one million students attend charter schools that compares to almost fifty million in traditional public schools .

  18. 教育对她来说很重要,所以她和马克已经捐献了一亿两千万美元来改建旧金山湾区的公共学校。

    Education is very important to her and she and Mark have announced that they are donated $ 120 million to improve Bay Area public schools .

  19. 从某种意义上说,国家建立公共学校系统的过程,就是不断处理、协调与私立学校关系的过程。

    In a sense , the process that a country builds the public school system is the same as it deals and collaborates with the relation of the private school constantly .

  20. 官员们许诺会为孩子们安排新的学校,但罗先生表示在政府办的公共学校里,没有足够容纳农民工子女的空间。

    Officials promised that the children would be found new places , but Mr Luo says there is no way that the local government-run school would have enough room for them .

  21. 除了少数孤立的英才中心外,经过适当培训的师资普遍匮乏,学校不能让学生掌握就业技能,公共学校的管理薄弱。

    Barring some islands of excellence , there was a shortage of properly trained teachers , schools did not equip children with employable skills , and management of public schools was poor .

  22. 从曾祖父那儿,我认识到不应该经常到公共学校去接受教育,而应该在家里聘请好的教师,人应该在自由的状态下接受教育。

    From my great-grandfather , not to have frequented public schools , and to have had good teachers at home , and to know that on such things a man should spend liberally .

  23. 人们甚至奇怪若没有公共学校孩子们该怎样受到教育,就仿佛自由市场本身没有在18世纪和19世纪的美国造就出全世界最光辉灿烂的文化社会一样。

    People even wonder how anyone would be educated in the absence of public schools , as if markets themselves didn 't create in America the world 's most literate society in the18th and19th centuries .

  24. 正是公共学校的这些内在优点,使我们国家在一个体制不完善,管理制度不健全的环境中,创造了一个个惊人的成果。

    It is these inherent advantages of the common school , which , in our own State , have produced results so striking , from a system so imperfect , and an administration so feeble .

  25. Moskowitz是加利福尼亚大学家庭和社区保健中心、Berkeley公共卫生学校的领导。

    Moskowitz is director of the Center for Family and Community Health at the University of California , Berkeley School of Public Health .

  26. 欧洲地区公共卫生学校协会

    Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region

  27. 中美洲高级公共行政学校

    Advanced School of Public Administration for Central America

  28. 约一百所高等院校作为公共农业学校开设并且继续讲授农业学。

    About one hundred colleges and universities began as public agricultural schools and continue to teach agriculture .

  29. 该研究团队的领导者是波士顿大学公共健康学校的阿尼塔·拉杰。印度于1929年实施反童婚法,并界定法定结婚年龄为12岁。

    India introduced laws against child marriage in 1929 and set the legal age for marriage at 12 years .

  30. 她同来自福蒙特大学以及哈佛大学公共卫生学校的研究人员一同展开了这项研究。

    She worked on the study with researchers from the University of Vermont and Harvard University School of Public Health .