
  • 网络Yuhong District
  1. 因此目前于洪区耕地资源管理迫切需要解决的课题之一就是怎么样才能够使有限的耕地资源在经济发展中的各个产业、各个部门之间的合理分配,最终能够达到耕地资源的可持续利用。

    Currently in Yuhong district , one of the urgent problems to be solved is how to make the limited cultivated lands in the economic development of various industries , reasonably distribute among the various departments , and ultimately to achieve the sustainable use of cultivated lands .

  2. 本文以于洪区综合数据库系统的需求为背景,在对政府部门大量政务和数据转换方法的研究基础上,提出了基于统一映射规则的数据转换方法。

    After the analysis of a large number of government affair and the methods of data conversion , it introduces a method of data conversion base on unified mapping rules .

  3. 最后,将本文中提出的基于统一映射规则的数据转换框架应用在于洪区综合数据库系统中,基本满足了于洪区的政务需求,较好的驱动了数据在不同的数据界面之间的流动。

    Finally , this thesis applies the data conversion framework to the Yuhong integrated database system . This application basically meets the needs of government affair in Yuhong and commendably drives the data flowing among the different data interfaces .

  4. 因此需要探讨适合于蓄滞洪区的经济发展模式,即使开启运用,造成的洪灾相对损失较小,且有利于灾后经济的恢复。

    Thus , sustainable economic development pattern should be studied for the detention areas , by which the relative damage could be smaller and economy could be prone to recovery after flooding .