
fàng kōng pào
  • talk big;spout hot air;indulge in idle boasting;fire blank shots
放空炮 [fàng kōng pào]
  • (1) [fire blank shots]∶发射出去的炮弹未击中目标

  • (2) [talk big;spout hot air]∶比喻说话未达到目标

放空炮[fàng kōng pào]
  1. 不要放空炮,拿出行动来。

    Now , none of your empty talk . Let 's see how you act .

  2. 我不明白。他刚才说“放空炮”是什么意思?

    I am sorry , what did he mean shooting blanks ?

  3. 他改变了前辈哲学家那种放空炮的做法。

    He changed the blank practice of the elder philosophers .

  4. 我也不想放空炮。

    I wouldn 't want to beshooting blanks either .

  5. 例:我们现在要实际的行动,不能光说大话,放空炮。

    Ex. : Now what we need is pragmatic action but none of your empty talk .

  6. 要说到,就一定要做到不放空炮,做不到就宁可不说。

    Must speak of , certainlymust achieve does not blow off the artillery , cannot achieve ratherdid not say .

  7. 但是,它既不是在放空炮,也不像一些批评人士所声称的那样,是在不计后果地削弱美国安全。

    But it is neither a non-event , nor , as some critics allege , a reckless weakening of US security .