
fànɡ xià wǔ qì
  • Drop your weapon;surrender;lay down (one's) arms
  1. 总统呼吁叛军放下武器停止战斗。

    The president appealed to the rebels to lay down arms .

  2. 宣誓,诺言尤指放下武器后就能得到自由的战犯的承诺。

    Word of honor , especially that of a prisoner of war who is granted freedom only after promising to lay down arms .

  3. 他们向放下武器的人发放赏金。

    They paid bounties for people to give up their weapons .

  4. 毒贩们已同意放下武器。

    The drug-traffickers have offered to lay down their arms .

  5. 我们可不准备放下武器,好让他们更轻易地干掉我们。

    We 're not ready to disarm ourselves in order to make it easier for them to kill us .

  6. 我们命令敌兵放下武器。

    We ordered that the enemy soldiers lay down their arms .

  7. 敌人被迫放下武器。

    The enemy were compelled to lay down their arms .

  8. 她希望能激励牙买加人放下武器。

    She hopes to inspire the Jamaicans to lay down their weapons .

  9. 如果你们一个一个放下武器到这里来,我就把你们送回英国依法审判。

    If you come up one by one , without weapons , I 'll take you home to a fair trial in England .

  10. FBI。放下武器,不然我们就开枪了。

    FBI.Drop your weapons or we 'll shoot .

  11. 我们从小就听过这个故事,两军士兵在圣诞节那天放下武器,不再交火,而是交换礼物,两周前威廉王子(PrinceWilliam)在英格兰为该事件树立的纪念碑的揭幕仪式上说。

    We all grew up with the story of soldiers from both sides putting down their arms on Christmas Day when gunfire gave way to gifts , Prince William said at a ceremony in England two weeks ago to unveil a memorial to the event .

  12. 去年夏天,新的旗帜在朱巴(Juba)升起,从前的士兵放下武器;民众喜极而泣;孩子们得以企盼将由他们打造的未来。

    And last summer , as a new flag went up in Juba , former soldiers laid down their arms , men and women wept with joy , and children finally knew the promise of looking to a future that they will shape .

  13. 可是现在,我要你放下武器!

    But right now I need you to drop the weapon !

  14. “放下武器,举起手来。”

    " Drop your weapons and put your hands up . "

  15. 他大声地喊叫着,要偷猎者放下武器。

    He shouted to the poachers to put down their guns .

  16. 士兵们强迫俘虏们放下武器。

    The soldiers forced their prisoners to give up their arms .

  17. 警察放下武器你们被包围了不许动

    Police , drop your weapons , you are surrounded Freeze !

  18. 放下武器,否则我们就开火了!

    Lay down your weapons , or we will open fire !

  19. 放下武器,把手放到我们能看见的地方

    Get down ! Hands where we can see ' em !

  20. 放下武器,你被捕了。

    Now put the goddamn gun down . you 're caught .

  21. 放下武器,我们来谈谈吧。

    Put down the weapon , and we 'll talk about it .

  22. 警察迫使罪犯放下武器

    The policemen force the criminal to give up their arms

  23. 放下武器,举起手出来投降

    Lay down your weapons and come out with your hands up .

  24. 许多敌军士兵放下武器,做了俘虏。

    Many enemy soldiers gave up their arms and were taken prisoners .

  25. 放下武器,放开苏利文警官。

    Drop your weapon and step away from sergeant sullivan .

  26. 对,他要令他们放下武器。

    Yeah , trying to get them to give up their weapons .

  27. 放下武器按我说的做,请了。

    Lay down your weapons and do as I say , please .

  28. 手举起来!手举起来!放下武器,美国人!

    Hande hoch ! Hande hoch ! Drop your weapon , american !

  29. 我最后说一遍,放下武器

    I 'm not gonna ask you again . Drop your weapon .

  30. 他们宣布他们绝不放下武器。

    They declared they would never lay down their arms .