
  • 网络New plastics;Starlite
  1. 新型塑料能承受很高和很低的温度。

    Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures .

  2. 基于Web的新型塑料性能数据库的研制与开发

    Research and Development of New Plastics Property Database Based on Web

  3. 芯层发泡复合PVC管材是一种新型塑料管材。

    The sandwich foamed pipe is a new kind of piping material .

  4. 新型塑料润滑剂YI的合成与应用

    Synthesis of a new plastic lubricating agent Yi and its application

  5. 简述一种新型塑料AAS树脂的发展及其合成方法。

    Evolution process and preparation method of a new kind of engineering plastic-AAS resin are stated in brief .

  6. SH季铵盐型阳离子表面活性剂是一种抗静电效果显著的新型塑料抗静电剂。

    Quaternary ammonium salts type Cationic surface-active agent SH is a new plastics antistatic agent which has good antistatic-functions .

  7. S-P新型塑料生物降解性能的研究

    Study on Biodegradability of S - P Plastics

  8. 双环戊二烯(简称DCPD)是一种具有很大应用潜力的新型塑料材料,在汽车制造、家用电器、建筑等行业有典型应用。

    A new process for manufacturing thermally polymerized aromatic petroleum resins using crack C9 fraction which are rich of DCPD has been developed .

  9. 介绍了一种新型塑料注塑成型工艺&薄壳成型(TWM)的制品设计、模具设计、专用注射机、计算机辅助工程分析等关键技术的特点和应用前景。

    This paper introduced a new type of molding process of plastics-thin wall molding ( TWM ) technology and compared it with the traditional injection molding technologies .

  10. 结果表明,新型塑料大棚规模化养猪舍内冬季空气温度为11.3℃,相对湿度为72.3%,气流速度为0.19m/s,二氧化碳浓度1000ppm;

    The results showed that the air environmental situation in shed was followed : In winter , the air temperature was 11.3 ℃, relative humidity was 72.3 % , speed of air movement was 0.19 m / s , concentration of CO 2 was 1000 ppm in shed ;

  11. 新型塑料包装袋热封机械手的研制

    The Development of A New Plastic Bag Thermo - Sealing Robot

  12. 新型塑料增强材料&钛酸钾晶须

    A New Reinforcing Agent of Plastics & potassium Titanate Whisker

  13. 一种新型塑料管材持久耐压测试系统

    A New Type of Long Duration Pressure-Resistant Test System for Plastic Pipes

  14. 一种新型塑料发泡调节助剂SCR-400的研究

    A study of Foam Conditioner SCR - 400 for Plastics

  15. 新型塑料管的发展前景

    Discussion on the Developing Prospect of New-type Plastic Pipe

  16. 由于使用了新型塑料,因此重量轻。

    Lightweight thanks to the use of new plastics .

  17. 断路器导电系统新型塑料基座的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of New Plastic Base for Circuit Breaker Conductive System

  18. 新型塑料&金属杂混汽车部件

    For cars , a new style of plastic-metal hybrid

  19. 新型塑料合金的摩擦学特性研究

    Research of the Tribological Performances of New Plastic Alloy

  20. 新型塑料套管在大模板施工中的应用

    Application of a new type plastic sleeve pipe in the large formwork construction

  21. 一种新型塑料增韧剂&核壳结构聚合物

    A New Plastic Toughening Agent : Core-shell Latex Polymer

  22. 系统实验及其在新型塑料电磁动态塑化挤出机的实际应用结果令人满意。

    The results of the experiment and the application of the extruder are satisfactory .

  23. 新型塑料包装材料产品方向探讨

    On the Development of New Plastic Packaging Materials

  24. 照明装饰用新型塑料光纤

    New type plastic optical fiber for lighting decoration

  25. 新型塑料钞票的触感光滑,有些许蜡质感。

    The bills feel smooth and slightly waxy .

  26. 聚乙烯系新型塑料给水管的发展

    Development of New PE Series Pipes for Water-supply

  27. 新型塑料合成沙物理和运动特性试验研究

    Experimental Research on Physical and Kinetic Characteristics of the New Compound Sand Made from Plastic

  28. 新型塑料电热板的研制

    Preparation of new pattern plastic galvanothermy board

  29. 本文对这种新型塑料大棚的特性进了分析。

    Analysis on properties of the new type plastic shed is developed in this paper .

  30. 新型塑料在汽车上的应用新编辑手记

    The Application of New Plastics in Automobile