
  1. 西方国家近现代新闻立法指导思想的变革

    Transformation of Directive Thought of Modern Media Lawmaking in Western Countries

  2. 我国囿于相关理论及立法指导思想之桎梏,尚未确立自助行为制度。

    The self-help behavior system has not established in our country because shackles of related theory and legislation guideline .

  3. 笔者首先提出应当转变立法指导思想,从源头上改革和完善民事送达制度。

    First , change the guiding ideology in legislation , reform and consummation the civil service from the source .

  4. 要制定出适合我国的电子商务法,离不开正确的立法指导思想与基本原则。

    To make electronic commercial affairs laws adaptable to China , we must determine reasonable legislative guiding ideology and principles .

  5. 为了保障我国的国家环境安全,我们首先需要确立可持续发展的立法指导思想。

    In order to safeguard our environmental security , firstly we should confirm the sustainable development as our legal principles .

  6. 最后根据立法指导思想提出一些完善我国宗教财产立法的具体建议。

    Finally , according to the guiding ideology of legislation put forward the specific recommendations to perfect the religious property legislation .

  7. 由于大陆法系各国在间接强制执行措施的设置以及立法指导思想存在差异,致使有关这一原则的规定不尽相同。

    In civil law countries , the principles vary a great deal by state due to their different measure settings and legislative guiding ideologies .

  8. 主要有:法律体系完备化;立法指导思想科学化;监管机制高效化以及环保法制宣传加强化。

    There are complete legal system ; scientific idea legislative guidance ; efficient regulatory mechanism as well as strong consciousness of environmental protection law .

  9. 其原因主要是立法指导思想存在偏差,立法准备工作不够充分,立法人员的整体素质有待提高。

    The main reason is its guiding ideology of bias in the Legislative Council insufficient preparatory work , the overall quality of legislation needs to be raised .

  10. 首先,突破现有的立法指导思想,与市场经济体制相适应,包括加大对排污收费的诱导机制的运行力度以及在排污收费的发展模式上可逐步实施污染税;

    First break through the existing guiding legislative ideology to keep pace with the market economic system , including emphasizing the use of the leading mechanism of it .

  11. 包括中国古代历代立法指导思想、历代法典沿革、历代刑事法律制度、历代民事法律制度以及司法制度。

    The basic structures include the ancient China 's legislation purposes , the enacting process of the codes , criminal law system , civil law system and judiciary .

  12. 但立法指导思想及立法技术上的缺陷,致使自诉救济制度在理论和实践上都存在着弊端。

    However , due to the defects in guiding ideology and legislative mechanics of this law , the self-prosecuting remedial system suffers irretrievable drawbacks in both theory and practice .

  13. 总体而言,这两次修改使得条文内容更加科学、结构更加严谨、罪刑更加协调,体现了疏密有致,粗细得当的立法指导思想。

    Overall , the amendments make the article more and more scientific ; make the structure more and more rigid and the crime more and more assort with the punishment .

  14. 但是,由于我国现行立法指导思想模糊不清、立法内容粗疏和原则、司法解释有违法理,结果导致了诸多理论冲突和司法实践难题。

    Put it is the vague guiding ideology , rough legislation contend and the judicial explanation violated legal principal of our law in force that lead to some theory conflicts and judicial problems .

  15. 其次,通过更新环境立法指导思想、更新环境立法的内容、协调环境法律体系、完善环境立法程序,来完善我国的环境立法。

    Second , by updating the guidelines of environmental legislation , updates the content of environmental legislation , coordination of the environmental laws , improve the environmental legislative process , to improve our environmental legislation .

  16. 这些建议包括转变立法指导思想,完善非政府组织的相关立法;改革管理体制,创新监督机制;构建对非政府组织及其成员的法律救济制度。

    These Suggestions include changing legislation guiding ideology , NGO legislation should be perfected ; Reform the management system , innovate the supervision mechanism ; Build the legal relief system of NGOs and their members .

  17. 从立法指导思想、金融法律制度的修改和完善、混业经营的推进方式、模式的选择等几个方面入手,进行了深入探讨。

    The legal guidance , the revise and improvement of the Financial law system , the advancing mood of the Mixed Financial Operations , and the alternatives of the mood are all discussed in this part .

  18. 我国民事再审制度中立法指导思想、再审事由、再审程序的提起主体及发动再审的期限存在缺陷,应该有所改良。民事程序立法中的国家本位主义批判&对我国民事诉讼立法指导思想的反思

    We should have the betterment in lawmaking guidance thought of the civil retrial system of our country . Criticism on State Standards of Civil Procedure Legislation ── Reflection on Basic Ideas of Civil Procedure Legislation in China

  19. 初步提出了构建我国股东代表诉讼制度的立法指导思想和基本轮廓,对股东代表诉讼案件的审理提供法理上的支持,填补法律漏洞,使小股东的权利能够得到有效的保障。

    Hopefully this Paper will provide support of jurisprudence for practical cases of shareholders representative action , and remedy the gap in law stipulation , in that way the interests of small shareholders would be protected effectively .

  20. 在明确竞业禁止的正当性与合理性,统一立法指导思想和原则的前提下,就《劳动合同法》关于竞业禁止规定提出一些完善的建议。

    Clear the legitimacy and rationality of Prohibition , the harmonization of legislation of the guidelines and principles , as well as the new " Labor Contract Law " to make some improvement on the non-competition provisions of the proposal .

  21. 礼教思想主要体现在《唐律》中的立法指导思想、同罪因身份而异罚、依礼教原则解释律条、修律以礼为蓝本等方面。

    Ritual thoughts were mainly embodied as the follows : the tutorial thoughts of legislation , convicting the same guilt varying to status , interpreting law according to ritual principle , modifying law in view of the prototype of ritual thoughts etc.

  22. 再审程序的立法指导思想、制度设计对整个民事诉讼程序的运行产生着直接或间接的影响,其基本价值取向以及在此基础上的规范选择必须符合民事诉讼本身质的规定性。

    The guiding thought and the system design of the retrial procedure legislation has direct or indirect influence on the entire civil action procedure movement . Its basic value orientation and the foundation standard choice must conform to civil action itself characteristic .

  23. 外部因素包括国家权力行使的方式的限制、立法指导思想的制约、司法功能特性与实践做法的局限、经济诉讼历史变迁造成误区、诉讼理论和学术偏好的影响等。

    The external factors include restriction and limitation of administrative enforcement , restriction of guiding principle of legislation , restraints of jurisdiction and the judicial practice , gray area caused by variation of economic litigation , influence of litigant theory and academic preference .

  24. 然而,由于我国的民事再审程序立法指导思想偏颇,民事再审程序具体制度也存在不合理因素等等,民事再审程序并没有充分实现其功能。

    However , owing to deficiencies of our country 's civil retrial legislative guiding principle , unreasonable factors in the concrete systems of the civil retrial procedure and so on , the legislative aim of the civil retrial procedure is realized fully yet .

  25. 文章第三、四章分析了控制消耗臭氧层物质的立法指导思想和原则以及主要法律制度,立法原则包括目标明确原则、协调统一原则、公平原则、可行性原则和综合战略原则。

    The third and fourth chapters analyze the legislation principles and main legal systems of ODS control . The legislation principles include visionary and aspirational , consistent and synergistic , fair , equitable and balanced , enforceable and measurable , and comprehensive and flexible .

  26. 但是,由于我国在该制度的设计上遵循的是刑优于民的立法指导思想,因此,所附带的民事诉讼缺乏应有的独立地位,不能给予被害人应有的程序保障和实体保障。

    But , as our country in this system design follow is " punishment than people " legislative guidance , therefore , incidental civil lawsuit by the lack of the independent status , cannot give the victim of procedure guarantee and entities should guarantee .

  27. 我国现行民事再审制度在法理上和实务中存在的诸多弊端已广为学者和司法人员所诟病,究其原因,现行民事再审程序的立法指导思想和制度设计存在根本缺陷。

    The diseases of our country present civil retrial system in the law and the practice have already been denounced by the scholars and the judicial personnel widely . Investigating its reason , guiding ideology and system design of present civil retrial procedure legislation exist basic flaw .

  28. 分析当前我国行政补偿程序,主要存在以下问题:立法指导思想存在问题:无法可依现象突出;对公共利益缺乏明确界定和专门审查;缺乏对行政机关的监督机制。

    Analyzing the present administrative compensation procedure , we can find these main problems : There are problems in legislative guiding ideology ; No legal basis phenomenon is prominent ; Lack of clearly definition and dedicated review about " public interest "; Lack of supervising mechanism to administrative organ .

  29. 发达国家职业教育立法的指导思想研究

    Research on Guilding Ideology of Vocational Education Legislation in Developed Countries

  30. 首先介绍了我国知识产权反垄断立法的指导思想及现状。

    At first I introduced the guiding ideology and the status quo of the legal system against intellectual property abuse .