
shén dào
  • Shinto;gods;tomb passage;path leading to a tomb;one's manner isn't normal;sayings about spirits and deities and fortune and disaster;legend of ghosts
神道 [shén dào]
  • (1) [legend of ghosts]∶民间指鬼神祸福的迷信说法

  • (2) [gods] [口]∶指神灵

  • (3) [tomb passage;path leading to a tomb]∶又称墓道

  • (4) [one's manner isn't normal] 〈方〉∶形容言谈举止不太正常

  • 这个人有点儿神道,托他办事大概靠不住

神道[shén dào]
  1. 这是最古老、最神圣的神道教仪式。

    This is the most ancient , and holiest of the Shinto rituals

  2. 粗针神道穴透刺治疗慢性荨麻疹对血清IgE的影响及疗效分析

    Analysis of the Clinical Effect and the Changes of Sera IgE of Bodkin Shendao Point Penetration Needling in Treating Chronic Urticaria

  3. 粗针皮下透刺神道穴对慢性荨麻疹患者症状积分及血清IgE的影响

    Influence of Penetrative Needling of Shendao ( GV 11 ) on the Symptom Score and Serum IgE Content in Chronic Urticaria Patients

  4. 针刺配合隔姜灸神道穴治疗能够改善颅内动脉ICA、VA、BA平均血流速度,与普通针刺对照组比较(P0.05),差异具有统计学意义。

    Acupuncture and acupoint shendao Ginger-partitioned Moxibustion treatment can improve velocities of blood flow of intracranial arteries : ICA . VA 、 BA , compare with control group ( P0.05 ), with significant differences .

  5. 综上,如果在神道穴存在压痛,在灵台、至阳穴存在强烈压痛可以考虑是GERD的可能。

    In summary , if there is tenderness in the Shinto temple acupuncture point , the existence of a strong tenderness in Ling-tai and Zhiyang acupuncture points may be used to consider the possibility of GERD .

  6. 目的:本课题从经穴与脏腑相关角度,通过电针灵台、神道穴,观察对冠心病心电图下壁和前侧壁心电图ST-T影响的即时效应差异,为临床优选腧穴提供客观依据。

    Objective : This study , based on theory of acupoint and viscera correlation , is to observe the immediate effect of the ST-T segment on EKG in the inferior and lateral heart wall of the coronary heart disease and to provide objective evidence for optimization of clinical acupoints selection .

  7. 神道教是一种生活方式,而不是一种宗教。

    Shinto is a way of living , not a religion .

  8. 国家神道是近代日本创造的国家宗教。

    The modern Japan created State Shinto as the state religion .

  9. 她痴爱那微弱无知的小东西,当他神道似的崇拜他。

    She enveloped the feeble and unconscious creature with love and worship .

  10. 去年四名部长在8月15日前往神道教神社。

    Last year four ministers visited the Shinto shrine on August 15 .

  11. 在当今现代化生活之中,到处都蕴含了日本神道教的文化元素。

    Nowadays Japanese Shinto cultural elements are found everywhere in modern life .

  12. 日治时期日本神道在台湾的传播与局限

    Shinto : Its Spread and Limitation in Taiwan under the Japanese Occupation

  13. 国家神道成为军国主义的精神支柱;

    State Shinto became the spiritual support of the militarism .

  14. 由此可以看出神道仪式是一个系统化、多元化的构成体系。

    We can see that it is a diversified system .

  15. 日本被作为官方信仰的神道教的分枝。

    The branch of Shinto recognized as the official state religion of Japan .

  16. 神道是,崇拜自然神的宗教。

    Shinto is a local religion of the nature .

  17. 论中国道教、日本神道对古代天皇制的影响

    On the Influence of China Taoism and Japan Shinto upon Ancient Mikado System

  18. 日本神道教的信仰者。

    Shinto is the natural indigenous religion of Japan .

  19. 本文的研究重点是神道的初期阶段&原始神道。

    This study focuses on the early stages of Shinto & the Original Shinto .

  20. 那个石拱门标志着通往陵墓的神道的开始。

    The Stone Arch marks the beginning of the Sacred Way to the Tombs .

  21. 阿城金源郡王神道残碑的初步研究

    Tentative Research on the Stone Tablet of Jin Yuan Prefectual Governer in A'Cheng City

  22. 神道是日本唯一的本土宗教,在日本的历史悠久。

    Shinto is the only indigenous religion of Japan , it has a long history .

  23. 这些思想文化资源包括:神道教,它是日本传统侵略意识的根源;

    These resources include : Shinto , which is the root of Japanese aggression consciousness ;

  24. 关于神道教的或具有其特征的。

    Relating to or characteristic of Shintoism .

  25. 不管如何,你是从哪知道神道教起源资料的?

    However , where do you get the information from about the origins of Shintoism ?

  26. 日本之神道教是日本本土的自然教。

    Clear drops of natural spring water Shinto is the natural indigenous religion of Japan .

  27. 属于或关于日本国教神道教分支的。

    Of or pertaining to the branch of Shinto recognized as the state religion of japan .

  28. 主要信奉神道和佛教,少数人信奉基督教和道教等。

    Shintoism and Buddhism are the major religions , with minority of Christians and Daoist , etc.

  29. 论日本传统文化中神道与皇道的结合

    On the Integration of " Shinto " and " Tenno 's Doctrine " in Traditional Japanese Culture

  30. 通过嫁接一个插枝到存活的树根上对树进行克隆并不是什么现代科技。但是在日本的神道教信仰之中,克隆有一些精神上的麻烦。

    The cloning of trees by grafting a cutting onto a living root is hardly modern science .