
shén shènɡ zhí zé
  • sacred duty
  1. 医生的神圣职责就是治愈病人。

    A physician 's sacred duty is to heal the sick .

  2. 确保高压灭菌器的正常使用是设备维修人员的神圣职责。

    Guaranteeing the normal use of the autoclave is the sacred duty of equipment serviceman .

  3. 解放异教徒的神圣职责。

    The spiritual duty of liberating the infidels .

  4. 国会有对美国军队的任何任务进行投票的神圣职责。

    Congress has a solemn obligation to vote on any commitment of us troops .

  5. 惟其如此,才能出色地履行政治理论课教师的神圣职责。

    Only in this way can the holy responsibility of political teachers be well fulfilled .

  6. 维护职工安全健康合法权益是工会的神圣职责

    Safeguarding Workers ' Legitimate Rights and Interests of Safety and Health : Holy Responsibility of Trade Unions

  7. 维护国家的海洋权益是国家赋予海洋局的神圣职责。

    To protect the national sea and ocean is the duty of Ocean Office by the government .

  8. 爱祖国,为祖国的前途而奋斗,是我们时代赋予我们的神圣职责。

    Loving our country and working hard for its future is the sacred responsibility that today assigns us .

  9. 作为公共危机管理主体的政府,应履行自身的神圣职责。

    As the main body in the management of public crisis , government should fulfill its sacred responsibility .

  10. 按打计算的变形者各自履行自己的神圣职责。

    Among the dozens of species of shapeshifters , each of the Fera attended to its sacred tasks .

  11. 救死扶伤,实行人道主义是医院的神圣职责。

    It is a hospital 's sacred duty to heal the wounded , rescue the dying and implement humanitarian-ism .

  12. 给她写年信的习惯如今成为了我作为父亲的神圣职责之一。

    That tradition of writing her Annual Letters is now one of my most sacred duties as a dad .

  13. 传记作者的神圣职责在于敢于秉笔直书,以撰写一代史事为己任;

    The sacred duty of the writers was to write the truth without fear and to write the historical affairs .

  14. 如何进一步搞好民族事务管理是我们每一位民族工作者肩负的神圣职责。

    How to further better our national affairs management is the holy obligation for each of the national affairs managers .

  15. 这是我们对服役人员的神圣职责,他们的付出不息,我们的职责不断。

    That is our sacred trust with all who serve and it doesnt end when their tour of duty does .

  16. 我的职责,这个屋子里每一个选举官员的神圣职责是捍卫美国人民,

    My duty , and the sacred duty of every elected official in this chamber , is to defend Americans ,

  17. 因为人民警察是武装性质的国家专政机器,担负着打击犯罪,保护人民的神圣职责。

    Because police is an armed dictatorship machine , charged with the sacred duty of striking crime and protecting the people ;

  18. 编辑者是文化传播的中介,而传播先进的文化,则是编辑者的神圣职责,编辑者理应做先进文化的优秀传播者。

    It is the sacred duty of editors , who serves as the intermedium of spreading culture , to spread advanced culture .

  19. 各阶层的许多杰出有为之士都把为国家献身视为崇高的神圣职责。

    Many distinguished and able men from all sections had felt it an honour as well as a duty to serve their country .

  20. 他们放弃了守护三颗灵魂之石的神圣职责,不同的法师宗派开始为了细微的分歧而相互争吵。

    Abandoning their sacred charge to safeguard the three Soulstones , the disparate Mage Clans began to squabble amongst each other over petty differences .

  21. 战斗精神是军事人才必备的素质,军队院校要把培养学员战斗精神作为自己的神圣职责。

    The fighting spirit is the essential quality of military personnel , and military academies must put students fighting spirit as their sacred duty .

  22. 因此,单位负责人必须认真学好《会计法》,切实履行《会计法》所赋予的神圣职责,规避因违反《会计法》所可能引发的法律责任风险。

    Thus , the persons in charge of the entity should learn the accounting law well to avoid the risk of violations of the law .

  23. 为我军应对多种安全威胁、完成多样化军事任务提供强有力的军交运输保障,是时代赋予军交运输部门的神圣职责与使命。

    Providing powerful military transportation support for kinds of safe threatens and multi-military operations , which is the responsibility and mission of military transportation department .

  24. 第五十五条保卫祖国、抵抗侵略是中华人民共和国每一个公民的神圣职责。

    Article 55 It is the sacred duty of every citizen of the People 's Republic of China to defend the motherland and resist aggression .

  25. 完成统一祖国的大业是包括台湾同胞在内的全中国人民的神圣职责。

    It is the inviolable duty of all Chinese people , including our compatriots in Taiwan , to accomplish the great task of reunifying the motherland .

  26. 我的美国同胞们,联邦政府承担着保护国民、维护宪法和防护边界的神圣职责。

    My fellow Americans , the federal government is charged with the sacred duties of protecting our nation , supporting our Constitution and defending our borders .

  27. 以及所有各州都大力支持中央政府行使其公正的权力,以此来维护其联合的神圣职责。

    and the sacred duty of all to contribute to its preservation by a liberal support of the General Government in the exercise of its just powers .

  28. 海关担负着为国家把守经济大门的神圣职责,在国家参与国际经济竞争中发挥着十分重要的作用。

    China Customs is shouldering the holy task of guarding our country 's economic door , it also plays an important role in our country 's participation in global economic competition .

  29. 在语文教学中渗透生命教育,是语文教育应自觉承担的神圣职责,也是建设开放而有活力的语文课程的重要举措。

    During Chinese teaching , penetrate life education , which is a sacred duty born in Chinese education , and which is an important act to build open and vigorous Chinese lessons .

  30. 教书育人永远是教师的神圣职责因此,大学生政治素质教育既是高等学校一项极其重要的任务,也是一项神圣的历史使命。

    Instructing the Youth is Always the Teacher 's Sacred Duty So , college students ' quality education is not only an important task , but also a historical mission for the university .