
  1. 五大连池老黑山、火烧山的火山喷发特征黑土区土壤侵蚀与土地利用关系分析&以黑龙江省克山县为例

    Relationship Between Land Use Change and Soil Erosion in Black Soil & Taking the County of Keshan , Heilongjiang Province As an Example

  2. 两次喷发活动的确认为研究老黑山火山喷发历史、喷发过程、喷发危险性评价和灾害预测等提供了新依据。

    The confirmation of two-stage eruptions is helpful to learn the history and process of Laoheishan Volcano eruption and the assessment and mitigation of volcanic hazard in the future .

  3. 根据老黑山火山弹的分布情况,计算出了老黑山新期喷发时火山弹达到的高度范围。

    According to the scale of the Laoheishan volcano and the distribution of bombs around it , t he range of height , at which bombs ascend , has been calculated .