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  • skier;ski meister
  1. 最年轻的滑雪运动员得分最高。

    The youngest skier won the most points .

  2. 美国高山滑雪运动员蒂姆·吉特洛夫告诉《犹他新闻》说,他的一些运动员队友都找了心理培训师帮他们应对压力。

    US Alpine skier Tim Jitloff told the Deseret News that some of his fellow athletes have worked with mental trainers to help them handle the pressure .

  3. 坎贝尔是越来越多需要得到资助的滑雪运动员之一。

    Campbell is one of an ever-growing number of skiers in need of sponsorship

  4. 滑雪运动员飞快地向下滑去。

    The skiers sped down the slope .

  5. 赛前,朝韩的滑雪运动员还将在朝鲜的马息岭滑雪场(Masikryongskiresort)一起训练。

    Before the games , skiers from the two teams will also train together at the North 's Masikryong ski resort .

  6. 坐在轮椅上的运动员里克•汉森,传奇冰球运动员韦恩•格雷茨基,滑雪运动员南希•格林和NBA巨星史蒂夫•纳什都按计划继续点燃圣火,但勒梅•多恩就只能举着火炬向观众致意。

    The wheelchair athlete Rick Hansen , the legendary ice-hockey player Wayne Gretzky , the skier Nancy Greene and the NBA star Steve Nash proceeded as planned , but LeMay Doan could only salute the crowd with her torch .

  7. 出生于新加坡的英国籍古典跨界小提琴手陈美(VannessaMae)摇身变成了代表泰国的滑雪运动员VanessaVanakorn,周二她实现了参加冬奥会比赛的梦想。

    Vanessa Mae , the Singaporean-born British classical-crossover violinist turned Thai skier named Vanessa Vanakorn , fulfilled her dream of competing in the Winter Olympics on Tuesday .

  8. 这里是约翰·里恩(JohnRinn)的实验室,他今年38岁,曾是一名竞技雪板滑雪运动员,现在依然喜欢驾驭着雪板从办公室的一面墙滑到另一面墙,同时思考生物学问题。

    This is the lab of John Rinn , a 38-year-old former competitive snowboarder who likes to ponder biological questions on top of a skateboard , which he rides from one wall of his office to the other and back .

  9. 对我国越野滑雪运动员的无氧阈和最大有氧能力的研究

    The anaerobic threshold and maximal oxygen uptake of Chinese cross-country skiers

  10. 自由式滑雪运动员专项表象训练程序的实施与研究

    Study on Specialized Imagery Training Procedure of Freestyle Ski Aerials Athlete

  11. 高山滑雪运动员的生化监控和营养补充

    Research on the Biochemical Monitoring and Nutritional Supplements of Alpine Skiers

  12. 他是比赛中坠倒的第三个滑雪运动员。

    He 's the third skier to crash in this race .

  13. 面向过程协同的快速动员制造排程技术快速下降的滑雪运动员

    Production Scheduling Techniques for Process Cooperation Oriented Mobilized Collaborative Manufacturing

  14. 为了降温,滑雪运动员们正在往运动服上撒雪。

    Skiers are putting snow down their racing suits to cool down .

  15. 裁判员们对滑雪运动员惊人的空翻留下深刻印象。

    The judges were very impressed with the snowboarder 's amazing flips .

  16. 越野滑雪运动员力量训练的重要性

    Importance of the Strength Training for the Cross Country Skier

  17. 对业余少年越野滑雪运动员训练的思考

    My Thoughts on Training the Amateurish Juvenile Cross-country Skier

  18. 我国优秀高山滑雪运动员身体形态特征的研究

    The Scientific Research on Structure Characteristic of Excellent Alpine Skiing Athletes in China

  19. 高山滑雪运动员身体素质训练的研究

    The Research on Alpine Skiing Athletes Physical Training

  20. 我国高山滑雪运动员膝关节运动损伤的预防与康复治疗

    Prevention and Cure Methods of the Chinese Skiers ' Knee Injuries in Alpine Skiing

  21. 我第一任丈夫是速降滑雪运动员。

    My first husband was a downhill racer .

  22. 路径位于两竖直的杆之间的一通道,滑雪运动员在障碍滑雪赛中必须通过。

    A passage between two upright poles through which a skier must go in a slalom race .

  23. 青少年越野滑雪运动员作为我国越野滑雪运动的后备人才,必须受到重视。

    Youth cross-country skiing cross-country skiing athletes as a reserve of talent , must be taken seriously .

  24. 美国高山滑雪运动员博迪·米勒曾赢得过4次世界冠军和2次世界杯冠军。

    American alpine skier Bode Miller , 32 , is a four-time world champion and two-time overall World Cup champion .

  25. 她遇到了专业滑雪运动员查得,后来成为了她的商业伙伴以及未婚夫。

    She also met chuard , a professional snowboarder who would later become her business partner , and eventually her fianc é .

  26. 1986年冬季奥运会上,英国滑雪运动员“山鹰”艾迪·爱德华失利,全国掀起了有趣的业余滑雪热。

    In the case of Eddie the Eagle Edwards , failed British ski-jumper in the1986 Winter Olympics , laughable amateurishness was celebrated nationally .

  27. 从生物力学的角度出发,研究影响高山滑雪运动员滑行阻力的主要因素,并提出一些减少运动阻力的建议,以供参考。

    In the biomechanics , it researches the primary determinant influencing the skiing resistance and gives some suggestions to reduce the moving resistance .

  28. 作为世界上最让人激动人心的自由式滑雪运动员之一,谷爱凌在短短两年的国际比赛中就确立了自己的地位。

    As one of the most exciting freestyle skiers in the world , Gu Ailing established herself in just two years of international competition .

  29. 毕竟,在我十二岁的时候就因为癌扩散而失去了一条腿,然而后来却努力成了一名世界级的滑雪运动员。

    After all , I had lost my leg to my first go-round with cancer at age12 , then gone on to become a world-champion ski racer .

  30. 运用心理实验及实践法,重点对参加1998年冬奥会自由式滑雪运动员实施了专项表象训练程序。

    Based on mental experiment and practice , a specialized imagery training procedure is carried out for the freestyle ski aerials athletes who participated 1998 Winter Olympic Games .