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lǎo tāo
  • glutton;Foody
老饕 [lǎo tāo]
  • [gluttonous person] 贪吃之人

  • 盖聚物之夭美,以养吾之老饕。--苏轼《老饕赋》

  1. 他就是个老饕,贪吃成性。

    He is just a glutton.He is addicted to excessive eating .

  2. n.贪食,贪多者有时他饿的时候,吃起东西来象个老饕。

    glutton Sometimes he gets hungry and eats like a glutton .

  3. 认真的老饕们会上楼,到高档的Vasco餐厅享用大餐。

    Serious epicures head upstairs to the adjoining fine dining restaurant , Vasco .

  4. 卢卡的英语说得很好,还是个老饕(依意大利语的说法是“unabuonaforchetta”——好叉子),因此对我这种饿狠狠的人来说是绝佳好伴。

    Luca also speaks perfect English and is a good eater ( in Italian , una buona forchetta - a good fork ) , so he 's terrific company for the hungry likes of me .

  5. 老饕或音响爱好者可能会认为K340更拉风一点,因为他有银黑色的外形与可调节音量的线控。

    Experienced reviewers and audio aficionados will recognize that K340 is slightly more classy , with its stylish , black appearance and inline volume control .

  6. 在我们周围,老饕们把五香豆一叉子一叉子地送下食道。

    About us gobblers fork spiced beans down their gullets .

  7. 老饕用牙掘墓。

    Greedy eater dig their grave with their teeth .

  8. 她真是个老饕!

    She 's a real guzzler !

  9. 我这时才知道,为什么老饕们总会不计较路程,千里迢迢地到这里,只为了一试这可口的手打卤面了。

    Now only I know why many customers come far away from other place just to enjoy their handmade Loh Mee !

  10. 宜兰不只是有名在美丽的自然景观,也是老饕们的美食天堂!

    It is known not only for the beautiful natural vistas but also for the cuisine that makes the area a favorite with gourmands !

  11. 虽然有经验的面包师傅,真实老饕会跳过这一个,这些面包寻找一个创新的方法做出的很可能发现它在这些食谱。

    While experienced bakers and true gourmands will skip this one , those looking for an innovative approach to making bread just might find it in these recipes .

  12. 我们这次约见的目的,是为了看看比特纳先生这种养生专家的观点,是否也适用于纽约一名吃货作家的生活——此人的职业风险碰巧也包括鸡翅、芝士汉堡、马丁尼和老饕菜单.

    The purpose of our rendezvous was to see whether the insights of a longevity specialist like Mr. Buettner could be applied to the life of a food-obsessed writer in New York , a man whose occupational hazards happen to include chicken wings , cheeseburgers , martinis and marathon tasting menus .