
  1. 调查上海老城厢使用环境后的感想

    Thought on investigating application of old town in Shanghai

  2. 传统城市文化的共融与再生&天津老城厢地区建筑文化遗产的保护性开发与利用

    Symbiosis and Rebirth of Traditional Urban Culture

  3. 老城厢还是上海和中国天主教的发源地。

    The Old City was also the cradle of Catholicism in Shanghai and in China .

  4. 上海老城厢内的城隍庙和豫园,便是这样的一个地方。

    Railroad Town god 's temple in Shanghai and Yiyuan Shopping is such a place .

  5. 上海老城厢历史文化风貌区的保护制约与促进:上海郊区历史建筑与历史文化风貌区更新关系研究&以上海浦东高桥老街历史文化风貌区为例

    Restriction and promotion : study on the interrelationship between historic building and historic conservation area & taking Gaoqiao as an example

  6. 《老城厢的市井文化》市井文化,是我一直都喜爱的文化氛围。富有人情味儿,生气勃勃。

    Marketplace culture of the old town Marketplace culture is always my favorite cultural atmosphere , full of human interest and vitality .

  7. 从上海老城厢的功能定位和规划实施要点入手,介绍了老城厢的改造发展规划。

    This article introduces the rehabilitation and development planning for Shanghai old city area , proceeding from its function position and plan orientation .

  8. 而老城厢的城市形象,原本是江海通津,东南都会,到20世纪则成为典型的中国城市。

    In 20 century , the image of the old city changed from " river sea coherent saliva , southeast metropolis " to typical Chinese city .

  9. 《老城厢街景》人们喜欢老城厢的原因除了它的文化气息,还因为这里的营生本土化且价廉物美!

    Street scene of the old town The reason why people like the old town is the consumption level here is low in addition to its cultural .

  10. 文章从1778-1955年上海老城厢的128宗房地交易与变更的契约档案中寻找契约实践的空间话语。

    This paper explores the discourse on contract practice concerning space in 128 contracts and documents dated between 1778 to 1955 , recording estate transactions in the old city of Shanghai .

  11. 天津老城厢地区是天津城市的主要发源地,历史上曾经的政治、军事、经济、文化中心,也是当代城市生活中津味传统文化集中体现的区域。

    The Old Quarters of Tianjin , which is considered by the traditional political , military , economic and cultural center of this modern city , is the main birthplace of Tianjin .

  12. 此外,对于老城厢的官方、自治士绅来说,也需要调整自己在新的城市生活、管理中的角色。而在这种社会变革中,难以避免地出现一些群体的利益受损。

    Besides , the official and entry was also faced with how to adjust their role in new city life . In this kind of social changing , it was hand to avoid the benefit damage to some groups .

  13. 这样在租界区域的强力竞争之下,到20世纪初,原本繁荣的老城厢已成为租界城区经济上的附庸,整个城区的形象和功能都发生了极大的变化。

    Under the stiff competition of foreign settlement , until the beginning of 20 century , the formerly prosperous old city had become being dependency on the foreign settlement , and had occurred great change in its image and functions .