
kǒnɡ què kāi pínɡ
  • 熟语peacock fanning out its tail in a splash of colours
  1. 这种树挺有意思,跟孔雀开屏似的,当然我也在树下学了下孔雀。

    This kind of tree is interesting . It 's like a peacock spreads its tail feathers .

  2. 这些特征包括鲜艳的面部颜色、浓毛、银色的背部等,这些都是灵长类动物中类似孔雀开屏那样用来吸引雌性的特征。(孔雀是典型的“一夫多妻”动物。)

    These features-flamboyant facial coloration , big capes of hair , silver backs-are the primate equivalents of the peacockery of peacocks ( a classic polygamous species ) .

  3. 9-艺术:人类展示绘画、舞蹈、雕塑和音乐技能相当于孔雀开屏,以表明此人是个多么美好的未来伴侣。

    - Art : painting , dance , sculpture and music could all be the human equivalent of a peacock ` s tail in showing what a good potential mate someone is .

  4. 而且孔雀还会开屏呢!

    Peacock can also spread its wings !

  5. 孔雀翘起尾巴开屏了。

    The peacock raised his tail and spread it .