
zhèn fēng
  • gust (of wind);gust;gust of wind;fitful wind;blast of wind;thud
阵风 [zhèn fēng]
  • [gust (of wind); fitful wind] 阵发性风力短时增大、不久又恢复原速的风

  • 今天白天风力二、三级,阵风五级

阵风[zhèn fēng]
  1. 一阵风把我的帽子刮掉了。

    A gust of wind blew my hat off .

  2. 一阵风吹动了帐篷。

    A gust of wind flapped the tents .

  3. 她一阵风似的走了。

    She moved away like a ship in full sail .

  4. 她一阵风似的飘然进来,要求我帮她。

    She just breezed in and asked me to help .

  5. 一阵风突然吹来,她眯起了眼睛。

    She was screwing up her eyes against the onrush of air .

  6. 一阵风将降落伞吹远。

    A gust of wind caught the parachute .

  7. 见到你真高兴,哪阵风把你吹来了?

    It 's so good to see you . What brings you to this neck of the woods ?

  8. 有一阵风朝岸上吹来,风向变化不定,但风力很强。

    There was a bit of a wind and it was blowing onshore , variable , but quite strong .

  9. 突然一阵风把树叶卷起。

    The leaves were caught up by a sudden gust of wind .

  10. 一阵风把刨花吹得到处乱飞。

    A gust of wind fluttered the shavings wood .

  11. 一阵风吹来,翻动着摊开的书页。

    A gust of wind blows in , ruffling through the leaves of the book .

  12. 看,一阵风把谁吹来了!

    Look who 's just breezed in !

  13. 我领先了半英里,一阵风似的向前疾驰。

    I was half a mile in the lead , burning the earth like a gust of wind .

  14. 终于又来了一阵风,大船向我靠近了一些,于是我割断了最后几股绳索。

    At last the wind turned the ship towards me and now I cut all the way through the rope .

  15. 先是一阵风,施施然袭来,像一幅硕大无朋的裙裾,不由分说就把我从头到脚挤了一遍,挤牙膏似的,立马我的心情就畅快无比。

    First comes the wind , slowly , like a huge fluttering skirt , caressing , thorough relief in my heart .

  16. 这时,我就感觉到他更加脆弱。应该保护灯焰:一阵风就可能把它吹灭……

    I felt the need of protecting him , as if he himself were a flame that might be extinguished by a little puff of wind ...

  17. 建筑设计界新近刮起一阵风,叫做“不友好建筑”,在选择某个特定建筑的形式和材料的时候,美学已不是唯一的决定因素。

    In a new wave of design , dubbed2 hostile architecture , aesthetics3 are not the only motivating factor when making choices about the form and fabric4 of particular constructions .

  18. 求出的阵风缓和因子K,精度能满足实用要求。

    The exactitude can meet the requirements of practical appli - cation .

  19. 针对民用飞机阵风缓和控制系统的设计,采用了H∞控制理论的方法,研究了多变量控制理论在阵风缓和控制系统中的应用。

    The design of gust load alleviation controller for civil airplanes using H_ ∞ control theory is researched .

  20. 通过设计H∞状态反馈控制器,来抑制阵风干扰,并解决控制输入过大等问题。

    This paper studied and discussed the method of H ∞ state feedback controller to restrain that disturbance of gust .

  21. 由于H∞控制理论自身的优点使其在阵风着陆控制中效果良好。

    Because of the advantage of H ∞ controlling method , it performs a satisfying results in the landing control with gust .

  22. n.渔业;渔场港口的居民们主要从事渔业。n.阵风;

    fishery The inhabitants of the port are occupied mainly with fishery .

  23. 应用输出反馈H∞标准控制算法设计了阵风缓和系统的控制器,仿真结果表明,其抑制阵风干扰的性能、稳定鲁棒性、抑制测量噪声的能力都较强。

    Simulation results show that good robust stability and the capability of restraining gust turbulence and measurement noises can be obtained by using H_ ∞ method .

  24. 仿真结果表明,所设计的飞机H∞状态反馈控制器能满足自动着陆要求,并且能有效地抑制阵风干扰和避免控制输入过大等问题。

    The simulation results indicate that the new design can satisfy the design specifications , and it restrains that disturbance of gust and prevent the emergence of input extremity .

  25. 阵风扰动和故障扰动下的风电场电压变化。利用PSASP自带的WSCC9(WesternSystemsCoordinatingCouncil9)节点系统,分析了风力发电容量在电力系统中所占比例过大对电力系统的稳定运行带来的影响。

    Using the example-WSCC 9 power system ( Western Systems Coordinating Council 9 ) , the effect of proportion of wind power is studied .

  26. 最后本文还运用基于线性矩阵不等式的鲁棒H∞控制方法来抑制阵风对飞机的影响,该方法得到的综合抑制效果较理想。

    Finally , this paper uses the robust control method to restrain the gust load . Robust control method is on the basis of the Linear Matrix Inequality , which gets an ideal integral alleviation effect .

  27. 针对Dryden频谱函数,采用有理谱建模理论,得到了成型滤波器并建立了阵风的线性状态空间模型。

    For Dryden power spectral density function , the rational spectral theory is used to set up the linear state-space model of the vertical gust .

  28. 美日两国规范和ISO标准都是将阵风影响系数取为一个恒量,中国规范中的风振系数却是随高度变化的量。

    In the ISO standard and the wind load codes of America and Japan , the wind-induced vibration coefficient is called gust effect factor and is a constant , whereas it is a parameter changing with the elevation of the structure in the China ' code .

  29. 与美国及中国的飞机不同,dassault公司制造的这种阵风战斗机,可从航空母舰上起飞。

    Unlike the American and Chinese planes , the Rafale , built by Dassault , can fly from aircraft carriers .

  30. 布拉特表示,他不知道萨科齐为什么要出手干预。在赢得世界杯主办权一个月后,卡塔尔表示,它正在评估是否购买法国的阵风(Rafale)战斗机,以升级本国的战斗机群。

    One month after Qatar won the World Cup , it said it was evaluating the purchase of French Rafale jet fighters to upgrade its fleet .