
  1. 要建立和完善绿色食品认证体系;

    Establish and perfect the certificating system of green food ;

  2. 中国建立了绿色食品认证标准和认证体系,日本建立了特别栽培农产品认证标准和认证制度。

    China set Green Food certification standards and systems and Japan set Specially Grown Agricultural products certification standards and systems .

  3. 绿色食品认证企业和产品的数量增长迅速,总体规模日益扩大。

    There is a huge increase of companies and green food products that has certified , overall scale of green food industry grows day by day .

  4. 开展无公害栽培、实行绿色食品认证和市场准入制度,对水果产地、品种结构、栽培管理技术、采后商品化处理及市场流通等各个环节进行调整和优化是广东果树产业发展的出路。

    It will be the available way to develop the fruits industry in adjusting and optimizing fruit producing area , varieties , cultivation techniques by non-pollution planting and green-food certificated .

  5. 绿色食品的认证属于官方认证;特别栽培农产品的认证属于第三方认证。

    The certification of Green Food belongs to official verified , and the certification of Specially Grown Agricultural Products belongs to third party authentication . 2 .

  6. 二源绿色稻米基地为浙江省首个获得绿色食品认证的绿色大米基地,绿色稻米产业已成为山区农民增收的新亮点,并提高了粮食综合生产能力。

    Eryuan green-rice base is the first base that procures the Green Food Certification in ZheJiang province , green-rice industry had became the new bright spot for farmer increasing earning and enhancing unified production ability .