- runner;passageway

Optimal Design of Hot Runner Diameter in Injection Mould
Using CAE technology to optimize the design of runner system
The CAD of Inlet passage of an Axial Flow Pumping Station
Design on Meridian Passage of Impellor in Centrifugal Pump CAD
The Flow Channel Model Design of Centrifugal Pump Impeller in CAD System
Design of hot runner injection mold for PET bottle base
The three-dimensional parameterized channel model for drip emitters was designed using the method of CAD .
Flowing Analysis of the Melted Plastic Body in the T and U Shape Section Runner
The method has been applied in design of CAD for passageways of pump stations and the result is satisfying .
Optimization Research on Flow Passage of Medium Pressure Piston Pumps Based on CFD
Research progress in analysis of flow passage in irrigation emitters using Computational Fluid Dynamics techniques
The flow in a two-way suction box is computed by means of three dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using the standard k - ε model .
Measurement of the Internal Flow Field in a Torque-Converter by Two-dimensional PIV
Inspect the design way of plan hydraulic design of double channel impeller , it provides the new design way of plan hydraulic of single channel impeller .
A design method of hot runner mold for PET bottle base was proposed to extend the temperature range of PET resin for better processing .
Design for the Flow Route of Pumping Station by Using MDT and ARX
The results of dimension analysis and turbulent pipe flow theory showed that the Reynolds number Re had low effect on the flow path friction coefficient λ, which could be ignored .
The design of Francis runner in the three-dimensional rotational flow can be performed according to the V θ r distribution 、 flow channel and the blade with given thickness distribution .
Applications and characteristics of screws of distribution , barrier , separator and channel with changing sections in the extrusion of poly ( vinyl chloride ) were reviewed .
To describe extended orientation degree of polymer molecular chains in runner , effective extended strain S w is cited .
Control equations include Reynolds Navier-Stokes equation and turbulent model . The computation of near-wall flow has been conducted by wall-function .
This paper deals with PIV applied to the study of solid particles velocity in the flow passage of centrifugal pumps .
The RNG k - ε turbulent model with wall-function law is firstly applied to simulate the flow of the reversible two-way passages pumping station .
ANSYS , the software involves with finite element method , was adopted for solving the flow models and gaining results of the velocity flied , pressure filed , and viscosity field .
The measurement on the S1 stream surface was performed within the flow passage and at the outlet of the cascade at five radial positions .
The concept of Resident Time Distribution ( RTD ) studied in the reactor for mixing is introduced into the research of channel fouling study integrating mass transfer characteristic .
Trajectory images have been obtained of a colored strand in the high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) melt flowing through a converging wedge channel by a visualization technique .
The results of performance experiment show that the CFD is effective . Research show that the adjusting of the flow passage structure can rise the flux and reduce the sound level .
In order to understand the characteristics of this complicated phenomenon , a strongly separated flow in an annular compressor cascade at large incidence was investigated using Laser Doppler Velocimeter ( LDV ) and 7 hole pneumatic probe .
This paper introduces the determination of design parameters of impeller with width-variation double channel and the drawing method of axial projection and plain projection ; Also it introduces its CAD application software that can operating beyond Windows 95 system .