
  • 网络The Travelling Players;minstrels;Gaine;O thiasos
  1. 由流浪艺人携带的形状像以前的小手鼓的一种小手鼓。

    Small hand drum similar to a tambourine formerly carried by itinerant jugglers .

  2. 流浪艺人我喜欢那套

    El Mariachi . I like that one !

  3. 表示个体,谓词,个体量化,和命题关系的一种形式逻辑。“热巴”:“热巴”一词,意为“流浪艺人”、也是人们对其表演形式的称谓。

    A system of symbolic logic that represents individuals and predicates and quantification over individuals ( as well as the relations between propositions ) . The term " Raba " means " roaming artist " .