
liú kǒu shuǐ
  • drool;water;slobber;saliva;run of the mouth;slaver;make one's mouth water
流口水 [liú kǒu shuǐ]
  • (1) [drool;saliva]

  • (2) 任唾液或某些其它东西从嘴里流出

  • 大多数婴儿四个月左右时开始流口水

  • (3) 因想吃东西而分泌唾液

  • 三个饥饿的人想起鲜肉块就流出口水

  • (4) [slaver;slobber]∶淌口水或滴口水

流口水[liú kǒu shuǐ]
  1. 你会认为有人早就告诉他狗总是流口水。

    You 'd think someone would have told him dogs always drool .

  2. 休息是可以在床上睡到流口水。

    Pest is sleeping in bed until you drool .

  3. 所有狗看到食物都会流口水。

    Any dog will salivate when presented with food .

  4. 他看见狗在流口水。

    He saw the dog drooling / dribbling at the mouth .

  5. 婴儿常流口水。

    Babies often dribble .

  6. 现在有各种各样的款式,包括七分牛仔裤(crop,多在夏天穿着)、紧身牛仔裤(skinny),或者让人看了都流口水的贴身牛仔裤(spray-on)。

    There 's now a whole gamut9 of styles , including crop or cropped -- cut off just below the knee ( and usually worn in the summer ) , skinny -- with very tight legs , or the eyewatering spray-on , which are even tighter .

  7. 一听到有琼浆玉液,嘴巴里就开始流口水了,所以,他很高兴地接受了邀请,待他刚一飞上去,猫头鹰就从树洞中冲出来,扑过去抓住蚂蚱,吃掉了他。

    No sooner had he got inside the hollow where the owl was sitting than she pounced8 upon him and ate him up .

  8. 别光会流口水,快买些太妃糖吧。

    Don 't just salivate , come buy some taffy now .

  9. 那个婴儿是一个流口水的人;他需要一个口水兜。

    That baby is a dribbler ; he needs a bib .

  10. 一见到那些好吃的,我就流口水了。

    The sight of all that food made my mouth water .

  11. 看到可口美味的食品,他开始流口水。

    At the sight of the delicacies , he started drooling .

  12. 那么你可以令他停止对美女流口水。

    So maybe you could have him stop drooling over the help .

  13. 斯莱德:给我餐巾,我都流口水了。

    Slade : Get me a napkin , my mouth 's watering .

  14. 我们今天就到这儿吧。我在流口水了。

    Let 's call it a day . 244.My mouth is watering .

  15. 我的狗一见到这块肉就开始流口水。

    The dogs are drooling over that new dog meat .

  16. 哦,瞧你又流口水了。

    Oh , it 's nothing a IittIe burping won 't cure .

  17. 再等下去我要流口水了。

    I 'll be watering if I wait any longer .

  18. 每次你看到小孩都会喜欢的流口水的。

    Every time you see a baby , you 're practically drooling .

  19. 常流口水的小狗,名叫欧弟,加菲尔德总是嘲弄欧弟。

    slobbering little dog named Odie , whom Garfield is always taunting .

  20. 太好了。你看,我都流口水了。

    Good . You see , my mouth is watering .

  21. 想到它,我就流口水。

    The very thought of it made my mouth water .

  22. 看上去真诱人。我几乎要流口水了。

    J : They look so attractive . My mouth almost waters .

  23. 瞧瞧是谁在说话啊!你也在流口水啊!

    A : Look who 's talking ! You 're drooling , too .

  24. 流口水:正出牙的宝宝洗自己下巴的方式。

    Drooling : How teething babies wash their chins .

  25. 酸味会有尖锐的感觉且可能导致口腔皱缩和流口水;

    Sourness feels sharp and may cause the mouth to pucker and salivate ;

  26. 每当她走过他都快流口水了。

    He was practically drooling whenever she walked by .

  27. 不久,猫的嘴巴又开始流口水了,想再去舔一舔猪油。

    The cat 's mouth soon began to water for some more licking .

  28. 看啊-你都流口水了!

    Y : Watch it & you 're drooling .

  29. 每当我想起它我就会流口水。

    Every time I think about it , it makes my mouth water .

  30. 这个婴儿正在流口水,流遍整个围嘴。

    The baby was slobbering all over her bib .