
kǒu qiānɡ yī yuàn
  • stomatological hospital
  1. 方法以长沙市口腔医院收治的4865名口腔正畸病例为研究对象。按Angle分类法统计错殆类型及年龄构成。

    Methods 4865 cases attending Orthodontic Department of ChangSha stomatological hospital from Jan .

  2. 目的:对比研究口腔医院就诊的维吾尔族与汉族患者下颌第二磨牙C形根管的发现率及其根管系统的解剖形态,为临床诊断和治疗给予指导。

    Objective : The Purpose of this study was to compare the incidence of the C-shaped mandibular second molars and the anatomical features of C-shaped canal system in the Han ethnic group and the Uygur patients visited in the stomatological hospital .

  3. 目的评价四川大学华西口腔医院近年来根管治疗(RCT)的临床质量。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical quality of root canal therapy ( RCT ) in West China Dental Hospital of Sichuan University .

  4. 方法对江西医学院附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科1990年至2004年诊断为多形性低度恶性腺癌的病例进行回顾性分析,确诊了9例PLGA患者,并进行临床及病理分析。

    Methods Nine eases of PLGA diagnosed between 1990-2004 were retrieved from the files of the Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Jiangxi Medical College . Clinical and pathological features were reviewed .

  5. 材料:实验于2003-9/2004-01在武汉大学口腔医院实验中心完成。选用清洁级健康雄性Wistar大鼠3只。

    MATERIALS : The experiment was conducted in the Experiment Center of Stomatology Hospital , Wuhan University , from September 2003 to January 2004 . Three healthy male Wistar rats of clean grade were used .

  6. 方法通过分析口腔医院的各种职业暴露危险因素,包括HIV、HBV、HCV、SARS等病原体及汞污染,发现并制定有效的干预策略。

    METHODS By checking and evaluating the various risk factors , including HIV , HBV , HCV , SARS infectious antigens , and mercury contamination in our hospital , we found and formulated effective ways for preventing occupational disease .

  7. 方法:回顾性分析1963 ̄2003年间在武汉大学口腔医院住院、经病理诊断为血管肿瘤的临床资料。按照Fletcher血管肿瘤分类,常规HE观察,免疫组织化学及特殊染色证实。

    METHODS : The clinical data and pathological findings of vascular tumors were analyzed retrospectively from 1963 to 2003 according to the Fletcher 's detailed classification of vascular tumors .

  8. 方法随机选择2001年3月~2002年2月在四川大学华西口腔医院牙体牙髓科门诊完成RCT的1423颗患牙为研究对象,分析RCT的治疗质量及疗程情况。

    Methods 1 423 RCT teeth were finished from Mar. 2001 to Feb. 2002 in West China Dental Hospital . Root canal filling quality and treatment period of these teeth were evaluated .

  9. 方法对广东省口腔医院特诊中心6位护士投照2400张RVG图像失败原因进行分析。

    Methods The causes were analysed on 2 400 RVG images taken by 6 nurses working at the Department for VIP , Guangdong Provincial Stomatological Hospital .

  10. 西安交通大学口腔医院修复科;

    Department of Prosthodontics , Stomatology Hospital , Xi'an Jiaotong University ;

  11. 标准化管理在口腔医院全面质量管理中的实施与应用

    Implementation and application of standardization management in comprehensive quality management of hospital

  12. 发展创新打造口腔医院经营模式

    Develop , Innovate and Create Managerial Patterns of Dental Hospital

  13. 加强口腔医院感染管理不断提高医疗服务质量

    Strengthening Infection Management in Dental Hospital and Improving Quality of Medical Service

  14. 目的初步掌握当前口腔医院牙体牙髓病科门诊患者的特点。

    Objective To obtain the characteristics of patients in stomatological hospitals nowadays .

  15. 南京市口腔医院正畸科;

    Department of Orthodontics , The Nanjing Stomatological Hospital ;

  16. 口腔医院患者就诊影响因素调查分析

    Survey on the Factors Affecting Patient 's Visit to Dentist in Stomatological Hospital

  17. 乌鲁木齐市口腔医院医疗设备现况调查与分析

    A survey and analysis on the medical treatment instruments of Urumqi stomatological hospital

  18. 目的评价口腔医院医疗工作质量,为医院经营管理决策提供依据。

    Objective To provide quantity basis for the forecast and decision making of hospital administration .

  19. 天津医科大学口腔医院修复科门诊患者特点分析

    The analysis of patients ' feature in prosthodontic department of stomatological hospital of Tianjin medical university

  20. 以下各项实验和数据分析主要在天津市口腔医院实验研究中心进行和完成。

    The following experiments and data analysis were mainly carried out and completed in the Centre . 1 .

  21. 方法对广州市两间口腔医院进行口腔常见病知识问卷调查。

    Methods An investigation on knowledge related to oral diseases for nurses from two stomatological hospitals in Guangzhou was performed .

  22. 研究对象选自来天津医科大学口腔医院进行口腔健康检查的健康儿童。

    Select the target population from peoples who came to dental hospital of Tian Jin medical university to check health .

  23. 方法:对武汉大学口腔医院近30年下颌骨缺损修复患者467例进行随访。

    Methods : 467 patients with mandibular defects were treated with various implantation materials during last 30 years and 395 of them were followed up .

  24. 结果至2001年6月底共收到12个大学和1个省会口腔医院专家的40到回信,占发信总量的20%。

    Results At the end of June , 2001 , 40 replies from the experts of 12 universities and one metropolitan dental hospital were received .

  25. 通过分析各医院的优劣势、规模和市场行为,得出:市场领导者为吉大口腔医院,其主要优势为教学、科研、医疗一体化;

    The market leader is Stomatological School of Jilin University , which unique advantage is the integrating of the teach , scientific research and medical .

  26. 材料及方法复习自1963年以来口腔医院病理科存档的成釉细胞瘤病例322例,并选取部分病例进行细胞增殖与分化两方面的研究。

    Materials and Methods : 322 cases of ameloblastoma were collected and some of the cases were chosen to study the cell proliferation and differentiation .

  27. 所以说补牙需到正规的口腔医院进行,选择较为适用的补牙材料才能有效避免癌变的出现。

    So need to go to a regular dental dental hospital , select a more appropriate dental materials in order to avoid the appearance of cancer .

  28. 春节过节这几天可忙坏了市口腔医院等牙科诊所,抽空洗牙成了一种新时尚。

    During the Spring Festival holidays , the Municipal Stomatology Hospital and many dental clinics became extremely busy suddenly , as toothwash has become a new fashion .

  29. [方法]2004年6~7月,对南京市口腔医院526名职工进行健康体检。

    [ Methods ] 526 employees of Nanjing Stomatology Hospital were physically examined in June and July , 2004 . [ Results ] Of the 526 persons examined .

  30. 目的通过对我国不同类型医院经济效率的评价,探讨我国口腔医院低效率问题,为有关部门制定政策提供参考。

    Objective To assess the economic efficiency of different dental hospitals in order to provide reference to find the causes of inefficiency and for departments concerned to formulate policies .