
  • 网络Die
  1. B与口模长径比之间大致上成反比关系,而与壁面剪切应力之间基本上成幂律关系;

    The relationship between B and the die length-diameter ratio was proximately inverse proportion .

  2. 口模温度提高,晶粒沿a,b,c轴的尺寸均增大,有序性和结晶度提高。

    And with the increase of the die temperature , the size and ordering degree of crystal increase along , a , b , c axle and the crystallinity increase .

  3. 橡塑异型材挤出口模CAD的前处理

    Pretreatment Technology of CAD in Rubber and Plastics Profile Extrusion Mold

  4. PVC管滑块胀口模设计

    Design of bulging die with sliding block for PVC pipe

  5. 分析了在不同口模压力(P)下入口区速度分布、延伸应变速率、剪切应变速率以及流体自然收敛角的变化。

    The velocity distributing , variation of extension rate , shear rate and the natural convergence angle of the fluid were analyzed under different initial entry pressure .

  6. LDPE熔体在不同角度圆锥口模的挤出流变分析

    Theology Study on LDPE Melt Extrusion at Conical Die with Different Angles

  7. LDPE熔体在挤出口模流动时入口区流型的观测

    Observation of flow pattern of LDPE melt in entry region during die extrusion

  8. LDPE熔体在圆锥型短口模挤出过程的粘弹行为研究

    Study on Viscoelastic Behavior of LDPE Melt Flowing through Cone Entrance and Short Die Land during Extrusion

  9. X衍射结果说明提高专用口模螺杆转速对含1%Ti仇PET晶体沿靠近表面平面上的取向度影响不明显;

    WAXD results showed that the increase of screw rotating speed had a little effect on improvement of the crystal orientation along the surface of PET sheet containing !

  10. 只有口模温度设置恰当,才能得到理想的发泡体,较低的发泡口模温度更有利于实现交联PP的常压自由发泡。

    Only under the reasonable die temperature , the ideal foam can be got , and lower die temperature is more advantageous to reach the foaming .

  11. 入口压力降(ΔPen)、入口弹性贮能(e)和口模膨胀比(B)均随着剪切应力的增加而呈线性函数形式增大。

    The entry pressure drop ( Δ P en ), entry elastic stored energy ( e ) and die swell ration ( B ) increased nonlinearly with increasing shear stress .

  12. 设计制造了一套可控剪切场熔体取向专用口模和片材成型口模,用于研究剪切场对PET片材聚集态结构和性能的影响。

    The controllable mould and sheet forming die were designed and manufactured for researching the influences of the shearing field on the polymer structure and properties of PET sheet .

  13. 本文介绍PS日光灯罩挤出模具结构,口模参数经验计算公式,定型设计和轧花装置。

    This paper deals with the mould structure and empirical formulas for calculating die parameters , finalized design and pattern & rolling devices of PS fluorescent lamp-shade .

  14. 采用MATLAB软件编程模拟了口模中塑料熔体的流动状态,展示了塑料熔体在口模中的速度分布,分析了芯棒偏中对口模中塑料熔体速度分布的影响。

    Flowing state of plastics melt in die is simulated by programming based on MATLAB software . Velocity distribution of plastics melt in die is displayed . Influences of core eccentricity on velocity distribution are analyzed .

  15. 口模拉伸成型法生产双轴取向管的研究进展PVC-U管材双轴取向自增强原理及生产装置研究

    ADVANCES IN BIAXIAL ORIENTED POLYMER TUBES BY DIE DRAWING Studying on Self-reinforcement Mechanism and Processing Equipment of Biaxial Stretching PVC-U Pipes

  16. 考虑了聚合物在口模内流动时产生的剪切热,运用Arrhenius模型计算了温度对黏度的影响。

    With taking into account of the heat transformed from mechanical energy , the viscosity dependence with temperature is analyzed by Arrhenius model .

  17. 结果表明PS的挤出胀大现象较显著,而且实验结果对PS在挤出成型中工艺参数的确定和口模设计有一定的指导意义。

    Results show that the extrusion swell phenomenon of PS is quite evident , This experiment surely has some guiding significance for determining the technical parameters of PS and for die designing in extrusion molding .

  18. 通过合理地控制加工工艺条件,在UHMWPE专用挤出实验机上对UHMWPE的挤出加工过程(物料的固体输送、熔融和熔体输送过程以及机头口模段)进行了系统的分析和总结。

    The process of UHMW-PE ( solid conveying , melting and melt conveying ) was scientifically analyzed and summarized based on experiments with UHMW-PE single screw extruder .

  19. 同时,对交联PP/AC分解气体混合熔体在机头口模流道中的流变过程进行了初步的数学推导,得出了描述口模流道中PP混合熔体表观粘度的微分方程。

    Also , the rheology of the mixture of crosslinked PP and decomposed gas of AC was analyzed , and the evolving equation which describes the apparent viscosity of the PP melt mixture in the foaming die was gained .

  20. 考察了超声波功率、口模温度和马来酸酐(MAH)用量对接枝率、接枝效率和降解的影响,并提出超声引发熔融接枝机理。

    The effects of ultrasonic intensity , die temperature and maleic anhydride content on grafting degree and efficiency and degradation were studied and their mechanisms were also proposed .

  21. 应用熔体流动速率仪考察了口模半径、载荷及温度对聚全氟乙丙烯(FEP)流动性能的影响。

    The influences of die radius , load and temperature on the flow properties of FEP melt were investigated by using a melt flow indexer .

  22. 综合分析认为,PP-R熔体挤出过程中的流动应力集中效应和扰动源主要发生在口模入口区;熔体/管壁间的界面作用对熔体的不稳定流动性也有一定影响,但影响不大。

    It is concluded that the head stream of the instable flow and flow stress concentration effect during the melt extrusion process mainly occurred at the die inlet .

  23. PET聚集态结构和性能分析试样是将共混粒料加入单螺杆挤出机塑化,而后熔体经专用口模和片材成型口模成型为片材,最后从片材上切取而得。

    The samples used for analyzing and testing polymer structure and properties of PET were cut form PET sheet which has been processed with PET blend pellet successively through plasticizing in single-screw extruder , melt orientation in the controllable mould and forming in the sheet die .

  24. 采用射线法和比例间隔法相结合的方法,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS的参数化设计语言APDL,建立了挤出口模流道的三维模型。

    With the combination of the ray tracing method and proportional spacing method , and by using the parameterized design language APDL of the finite element analysis software ANSYS , a 3D model for the extrusion die runner was established .

  25. IUPAC-LDPE熔体的单轴拉伸特性和长口模挤出胀大

    The uniaxial elongational property and the extrusion swell through a long die for the IUPAC-LDPE melt

  26. 通过实验研究进一步发现,不同的口模入口角对实验材料表现出不同的Bagley校正因子和可回复弹性应变。

    More results were found by experiment that the entrance angle of die has different Bagley end correction and recoverable elastic strain on different experimental materials .

  27. 结果表明,口模温度250℃、包辊时间15s、中辊温度55℃为生产高透明PP片材的最佳工艺参数,所得片材的雾度只有13.2%,属高透明产品。

    Results showed that high - transparent PP sheets can be achieved with haze of only 13 . 2 % . The best technical parameters were as follows : die temperature was 250 ℃ , middle roller temperature was 55 ℃, roll banding time was 15s .

  28. 介绍了UHMWPE复合板材强制润滑挤出口模的设计思路、结构特点和口模设计部分重要尺寸的计算,该机头经采用强制润滑挤出高粘度的UHMWPE板材,挤出速率高,质量好。

    The design and structure characteristics of the co-extrusion tool for UHMWPE plates are introduced and the calculation of the key dimensions of the tool is stated . The tool can extrude high-viscosity UHMWPE plates with forcible lubrication . The yield is high and the product quality is good .

  29. 同时,不同的圆锥入口角,表现出不同的Bagley校正因子对应不同的挤出胀大值,反映了聚合物熔体在不同圆锥入口角短口模挤出过程拉伸弹性形变特性的差异。

    And meanwhile , different conical entrance angles exhibited different Bagley correction factors and corresponding die swell . This phenomenon expressed the differences of the characteristic of tensile elastic deformation of LDPE melt which flows through cone entrance and short die land with different entrance angles during extrusion process .

  30. 超高压交联聚乙烯管材挤出工艺是利用柱塞对物料施加200~500MPa的超高压,使物料在温度240~260℃的加长口模中发生交联的一种直接挤出技术。

    The production process of ultra-high pressure extruding PE-X pipe adopts the direct extrusion technology that materials are forced at the pressure of 200 ~ 500 MPa by the ram-extruder , and cross linked in the lengthened die whose temperature is between 240 ~ 260 ℃ .