
  • 网络Thrombus Organization;organization of thrombus
  1. 造模后随机分组观察血栓机化的病理改变,实验末测定血浆tPA、PAI活性,并与未造模的正常组做对照观察。

    After operation , rats were divided into 6 period groups , the pathologic character of thrombus organization in each period was observed . At the end of the experiment , Activity of t PA and PAI were detected with normal contral group .

  2. 不同时相应用Fogarty球囊导管取栓后,静脉血管壁上残留的血栓量随着时间推移有增加趋势,在静脉血栓机化前后残留的血栓量有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The trend of quantity of thrombus residue is increase when time passing after thrombus was removed by Fogarty balloon catheter in different times , which are significantly different ( P < 0.05 ) between the time before and after thrombus organization .

  3. 血栓机化后进行Fogarty球囊导管取栓,静脉血管壁的血栓残留量会增加。

    The quantity of thrombus residue is increase after vein thrombus is organized .

  4. 放射外科治疗后海绵状血管畸形的主要病理改变为凝固性坏死,不断的血栓机化使畸形管腔逐渐闭锁。

    The main pathological changes of cavernoma were coagulation necrosis and the vessels obliterated gradually after radiosurgery .

  5. 静脉血栓早期机化阶段动物模型的建立

    Study on the Animal Model of Deep Venous Thrombosis at the Early Stage of Thrombus Organization

  6. 目的:建立静脉血栓早期机化阶段大鼠模型。

    Objectives : To establish deep venous thrombosis ( DVT ) model in rats at the early stage of thrombus organization .

  7. 实验组肺动脉解剖及病理均可发现实验兔肺动脉血栓形成机化及慢性炎症等。

    Pulmonary anatomy and pathology studies can find pulmonary artery thrombosis and chronic inflammation such as machine-oriented in all rabbits of experimental group .

  8. 9例有附壁血栓,血栓呈机化表现。

    Nine cases of mural thrombus could be found .

  9. 右边的曾有血栓形成,血栓机化后再通,可以看到有三个内腔。

    The coronary at the right is even worse with evidence for previous thrombosis with organization of the thrombus and recanalization such that there are three small lumens remaining .

  10. 本实验应用超声能(ultrasonicenergy)对兔的急性血栓模型、大的血栓机化模型进行了超声血管成形术(ultrasonicangioplasty,简称UAP)的研究。

    Abstract An experimental study of potential application of ultrasonic energy for ablation of acute thrombus and organization thrombus in rabbits and dogs was performed . An ultrasonic .

  11. 新生肉芽组织长入血栓并取代血栓的过程即是血栓的机化过程。

    Growing into thrombi and replacing it of new granulation tissue is process of organization of thrombi .

  12. 不同时间段取出血栓段下腔静脉及血栓,应用HE染色及vWF免疫组化染色观察血栓机化、血管再通情况,高倍显微镜下计数血栓中再通毛细血管密度。

    Harvest the thrombus section vena cava inferior and the thrombus at different time . HE staining and vWF immunohistochemical staining were performed to detect the recanalization of thrombus , and the neovascularization was observed by scanning electron microscopy .

  13. 结果急性PTE后1h有血栓形成倾向,24h有新鲜血栓形成,5d出现栓子全部或部分溶解,10、14d有血栓机化。

    Results Thrombotic propensity was found at 1h , and fresh thrombosis started to form at 24 h following clots infusion . Emboli were completely or partly dissolved at 5 d and organized at 10 and 14 d after clots infused .