
  • 网络Thrombolytics;thrombolytic drugs;thrombolytic agents
  1. 重点介绍抗血栓药,包括溶栓药、抗凝药及抗血小板药在目前临床应用的情况;

    The application of antithrombotic drugs , including thrombolytics , anticoagulants and antiplatelets , in clinical therapy are mainly evaluated .

  2. 根据临床表现判断责任罪犯血管,在罪犯血管内近心端灌注溶栓药,术后进行病情评估,采用NIHSS(美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表)评分法,之后对结果分析研究。

    We determine the criminal responsibility , according to the clinical manifestations , and infuse thrombolytic drugs in proximal area of the criminal endovascular , evaluate state of patients after operation , the use of NIHSS ( NIH Stroke Scale ) score , and analysis the results .

  3. 小剂量溶栓药静脉溶栓及补救性介入治疗对ST段抬高性心肌梗死患者的疗效及安全性研究

    Study on the safety and efficacy of rescue angioplasty following low-dose thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction

  4. 目的评价经动脉途径应用溶栓药治疗下肢深静脉血栓(DVT)形成的临床疗效。

    Objective To investigate the clinical curative effect on the lower extremity deep venous thrombosis by using artery catheterization thrombolysis .

  5. 尿激酶原是新一代特异性溶栓药。

    Prourokinase is a new generation of thrombolytic drug with fibrin-selective speciality .

  6. 经颈内动脉灌注溶栓药治疗实验性视网膜中央动脉阻塞

    Thrombolytic drug infusion via carotid artery treating experimental central retinal artery occlusion

  7. 一组纤溶活性测定方法及其在溶栓药研究中的应用

    A Set of Fibrinolytic Activity Assay and its Application in Thrombolytic Drugs Research

  8. 超声波辅助溶栓药治疗脑梗塞59例对照研究

    Ultrasound-Assisted Thrombolysis in Treatment of Cerebral Infarction : A Comparative Study of 59 Cases

  9. 因此,寻找更为特异的溶栓药是必要而且迫切的。

    Therefore , it is necessary and urgent to find more specific thrombolytic drug .

  10. 其中微生物是纤溶酶的重要来源,安全性好,价格便宜,具有开发成新一代溶栓药和相关功能食品的潜力。

    Micro organism was an important source of fibrinolytic enzyme . Due to good security and cheap price , it had the potential to become a new fibrinolytic drug .

  11. 结果:本组病例大都采用以脱水药、溶栓药、抗血小板改善脑循环、营养脑细胞、支持疗法为主的中西医结合疗法。

    The results showed that the treatment mainly covered dehydration , thrombolysis , improvement of cerebral circulation , nutritional and supporting therapies , which combined the traditional Chinese and Western medicine .

  12. 结果:本组病历中大都采用脱水药、溶栓药、抗血小板聚集,改善脑循环,改善脑代谢及支持疗法为主的综合性疗法。

    Result : The investigated cases were almost used dehydrants , thrombolytic drugs , anti-platelet-agglutination to improve cerebral circulation and cerebral metabolism , and the combined therapy mainly on supporting treatment .

  13. 除3例未治外,共施行125例次治疗,其中施行传统取栓术41例42次,溶栓药尿激酶和一般药物分别治疗36和47例次。

    92 cases were secondary to organic cardiac diseases . Embolectomy was performed in 42 limbs ( 41 patients ) . Thrombolytic drugs-urokinase and general drugs were used in 33 and 47 cases respectively .

  14. 本研究的另一目的是为下一步获得初步纯化的融合蛋白,以此作为一种新型溶栓药应用于临床上血栓性疾病的治疗。

    The other objective is to preliminary obtain purified fusion protein as a new thrombolytic agent for clinical application in thrombotic diseases . [ Materials and Methods ] The implementation plan of this research was carried out through the following methods and steps . 1 .

  15. 文章从血小板糖蛋白Ⅱb/Ⅲa受体拮抗剂与溶栓药联合应用、在颈动脉血管成形和支架置入术中的应用以及单独使用等方面探讨了其在缺血性卒中中的应用与前景。

    This article explores the application and prospect of platelet glycoprotein ⅱ b ⅲ a receptor antagonists in ischemic stroke from the aspects of its combination with thrombolytic agents , the application of carotid artery angioplasty and stenting ( CAS ), and be used alone .

  16. 文章对新型溶血栓药物及溶栓辅助药的研制进展和临床应用现状进行了综述。

    Here reviewed were recent progress in research and current events of clinical application of recombinant thrombolytic agents and thrombolytic adjuvant .

  17. 静脉溶栓序贯给药法对急性心肌梗塞冠脉再通疗效的观察

    Effect of Sequential Usage of Intravenous Thrombolysis on Coronary Patency in Acute Myocardial Infarction

  18. 局部动脉溶栓与中医药联合治疗急性颈内动脉系统脑梗死18例临床研究

    Clinical Observation on Treating 18 Cases of Acute Cerebral Infarction of Internal Carotid Artery System by Combination of Local Intraarterial Thrombolysis and TCM

  19. 方法:回顾性分析18例急性颈内动脉系统脑梗死接受局部动脉溶栓与中医药联合治疗病例的临床资料。

    Method : A retrospective study was done to evaluate 18 patients with acute cerebral infarction of internal carotid artery system who had treated by combination of local intraarterial thrombolysis and TCM .

  20. [目的]本研究的目的是提供一种具有抗凝及特异性溶栓活性的溶栓药组织型纤溶酶原激活剂-膜联蛋白A5融合蛋白基因的设计和制备方法。

    [ Objective ] The objective of this study was to provide a method of design and production of tPA-annexin A5 fusion gene whose protein have characteristics of anticoagulant activity and specific thrombolysis activity .