
  • 网络dissolved acetylene
  1. 溶解乙炔气瓶按照GB11638进行设计、制造和验收,主要用于乙炔气体的储藏和运输。

    Dissolved acetylene cylinder is designed , manufactured and tested for acceptance in compliance with GB11638 The cylinder is widely used for storage and transportation of acetylene .

  2. 河南省溶解乙炔行业的现状与发展

    Present Status and Development of Dissolved Acetylene Industry in Henan Province

  3. 溶解乙炔气瓶丙酮损失量的测定

    Testing of Acetone Escape Quantity from Dissolved Acetylene Gas Cylinder

  4. 在用溶解乙炔气瓶的缺陷分析

    Defects Analysis and Countermeasures of Dissolved Acetylene Cylinder in Service

  5. 应用平衡法溶解乙炔气瓶内超装丙酮

    Dissolving Acetone Supercharged in Acetylene Gas Cylinder by Balanced Method

  6. 溶解乙炔生产过程中危险评价及措施

    Danger appraisement and measures in procedure of dissolved acetylene

  7. GB17266-1998溶解乙炔气瓶充装站安全技术条件

    Safety specification for filling station of dissolved acetylene cylinders

  8. 溶解乙炔站自控系统设计

    Design of Automatic Control System in Dissolving Acetylene Station

  9. 溶解乙炔站的防火、防爆设计

    Fire-proofing and explosion-proofing Design of Dissolving Acetylene Station

  10. GB/T13003-1991溶解乙炔气瓶气压试验方法

    Method for pneumatic test of dissolved acetylene cylinders

  11. GB13076-1991溶解乙炔气瓶定期检验与评定

    Periodic inspection and evaluation of dissolved acetylene cylinders

  12. 绝热压缩对溶解乙炔生产的危害及其防止对策

    The Adiabatic Compression Does Harm to the Dissolved Acetylene Production and Should Take Measures to Guard against Accidents

  13. 介绍了绝热压缩产生的过程对溶解乙炔生产的安全影响以及有关预防措施。

    This paper describes the reason of adiabatic compression produced and its harm to the dissolved acetylene production . The measures to prevent accidents are also given in this paper .

  14. 乙炔压缩机作为生产溶解乙炔站内的主要生产设备之一,其良好的可靠运行是实现乙炔安全生产的物质保证。

    The acetylene compressor conduct and actions produces the main production equipments that deliquescence acetylene stands one of the insides , its good and dependable movement is a material to realizes acetylene safety produce to guarantee .

  15. 总是在垂直地储存和使用钢瓶,以防止丙酮的损失,导致钢瓶容纳溶解的乙炔的能力下降。

    Always store and use acetylene cylinders in an upright position to prevent loss of acetone which reduces the cylinder 's ability to hold dissolved acetylene .