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jǐ zhuī bìnɡ
  • spondylopathy;spondylodynia;spinal disease
  1. 脊椎病形成生物力学机制及其生命系统的熵增原理

    Biological mechanics mechanism of spondylodynia formation and the " entropy increase principle "

  2. 目的判断退行性脊椎病对老年人骨矿密度(BMD)及骨质疏松诊断的影响,选出较适宜的BMD测量部位。

    Objective To determine the effect of degenerative spondylosis on the bone mineral density ( BMD ) and the diagnosis of osteoporosis in aged people , and to select proper anatomic sites suitable for BMD measurement .

  3. 方法:对114例颈椎退行性脊椎病患者实施为期3个月的运动康复治疗。

    METHODS : 3-month rehabilitative exercise was carried out for the 114 patients with cervical spondylosis .

  4. 目的探讨脊椎病和脊椎相关疾病的发病原因及脊椎错位的解剖学因素。

    Objective : To study the etiology and the anatomical factors of the diseases correlated to spinal vertebra .

  5. 医学上针对腰椎间盘突出症等腰脊椎病,通常采取物理牵引的保守治疗方法。

    Medicine for lumbar disc herniation , lumbar spine disease , which generally take the physical traction of conservative treatment .

  6. 目前,脊椎病已经成为我国的常见病和高发病,且已出现低龄化的趋势。

    Spondylopathy , which happens with the tendency of law age , has become the common and high incidence diseases in our country .

  7. 吴政的妻子常年饱受脊椎病的折磨,而吴政在城关信用社的收入仅仅能够支撑整个家庭食品和药品的基本支出。

    His wife suffered from backbone problems for years and Wu ` s salary at the rural credit cooperative could only cover the basic expenses of food and medicine for the whole family .

  8. “站得直直的,丫头,”他说,不然你会害上脊椎弯曲病的。

    Stand up straight , girl , he said . You 'll get curvature of the spine .

  9. Ⅰ度退变性腰椎滑脱1例,腰椎管狭窄症6例,腰椎间盘突出症或伴节段性不稳3例,退变性脊椎关节病3例。

    The pathologies treated were degenerative spondylolisthesis in 1 case , spinal stenosis in 6 cases , disc herniation or accompanied by segmental instability in 3 cases , osteochondrosis and facet joint osteoarthritis in 3 cases .

  10. 结论在已有损伤、退变的脊椎运动时可引起错位,错位是引起脊椎病发病的主要原因之一,这为临床治疗脊椎相关疾病提供了解剖学基础。

    This provides an basis for clinical treatment of diseases correlated to spine .